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Kodály Complete Works: Choral Works for Male Voices Zoltán Kodály

Release: 21 Dec 2010 Europe, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD + CD, Tracks: 45, Length: 1:44:28, Barcode: 5991813264121
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Stabat mater 1:50
2 Esti dal (Evening song) 2:51
3 Jelenti magat Jezus (The Voice of Jesus) 2:59
4 Bocsasd meg, Uristen (God, forgive) 2:56
5 Semmit ne bankodjal (Cease your bitter weeping) 5:23
6 Enek Szent Istvan kiralyhoz (Hymn to St. Stephen) 3:22
7 A nandori toronyor (The Tower Watchman of Nandor) 0:45
8 Cantio Optima 3:50
9 Czinka Panna: Parasztkorus (Peasants' choir) 2:09
10 Czinka Panna: Verd meg, Uramisten! (A curse) 1:40
11 Czinka Panna: Csinom Palko (Handsome Tommy) 1:24
12 Czinka Panna: Nosza, hajdu (Come on, haiduk) 1:17
13 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 46. Ket esztendeje vagy harom (For two or three years) 1:10
14 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 43. Erik a szolo (The grapes are growing ripe) 0:29
15 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 81. Annyi nekem az irigyem (There are so many people who envy me) 0:35
16 Kit kene elvenni (The Bachelor) 3:13
17 A csiko (The Filly) 1:22
18 Karadi notak (Songs from Karad) 6:29
19 Hejh, Bungozsdi Bandi (Hey, Bandi Bungozsdi) 3:16
20 Bordal 4:05
21 Mulato gajd (Tavern song) by Istvan Horvath 2:22
CD #2
1 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 70. Nem messze van Zsombolyatol Tomosvar (Tomosvar is not far away from Zsombolya) 0:41
2 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 37. Nem hitted, hogy katona leszek en (You did not believe I would become a soldier) 0:58
3 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 68. Hej, onkentesen iratkoztam huszarnak (Hey! I became a Hussar voluntarily) 0:47
4 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 73. Sej, huszargyerek szereti a tancot (Hey, the Hussar boy likes to dance) 0:55
5 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 91. Mikor engem a foorvos vizital (When the chief medical officer examines me) 0:59
6 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 95. Sej, haj, magos a kaszarnya teteje (Hey, ho, the roof of the army barracks is high) 0:59
7 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 33. Esik eso, azik a heveder (It is raining, the girth is getting wet) 0:42
8 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 103. Oroszorszag hatarszelen (At the Russian border an acacia is blooming) 2:00
9 Katonadal (Soldier's song) 3:38
10 Justum et tenacem (Resolutely) 2:32
11 Emleksorok Fay Andrasnak (In Andras Fay's Album) 1:22
12 Huszt (The Ruins) 2:41
13 A magyarokhoz (Song of Faith) 3:01
14 Felszallott a pava (The Peacock) 3:20
15 Jelige (Epigraph) 1:34
16 A szabadsag himnusza (La marseillaise) 3:04
17 A franciaorszagi valtozasokra (To the Changes in France) 1:18
18 Rabhazanak fia (The Son of an Enslaved Country) 2:49
19 Nemzeti dal (National Song) 5:01
20 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 93. Kis pej lovann megerdemli a zabot (My little bay horse deserves its oat) 0:57
21 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 36. Garibaldi csardas kis kalapja (Garibaldi's little jaunty hat) 1:16
22 Bicinia Hungarica: No. 96. Ki van tuzve Magyarorszag zaszloja (The Hungarian flag is hoisted) 0:49
23 Elet vagy halal (Life or Death) 4:16
24 Isten csodaja (God's Mercy) 5:22

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