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Suomi – Finland 100 Various Artists

Release: Nov 2016 Europe, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 62, Length: 5:39:37, Barcode: 0761195130025
Release type: Album - Compilation

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CD #1
1 Andante festivo 3:53
2 Overtura sinfonica 9:19
3 Sunday Morning (Sunnuntaiaamu) from Rural Pictures (Maallaiskuvia), op. 77 4:29
4 Chantecler 7:42
5 Fantasia poetica, op. 25 10:09
6 Karelian Rhapsody (Karjalainen rapsodia), op. 15 14:33
7 The Blue Pearl (Sininen helmi), op. 160: II. Entrée avec pantomime 4:00
8 The Blue Pearl (Sininen helmi), op. 160: VIII. Scène (Tempête) 2:32
9 The Blue Pearl (Sininen helmi), op. 160: XIV. Pas de deux 3:16
10 Intrada 5:49
11 The Forging of the Sampo (Sammon taonta) from the Kalevala Suite 7:33
12 The Reindeer Ride (Poroajot) from The White Reindeer (Valkoinen Peura) 1:24
CD #2
1 Wedding Waltz of Akseli and Elina (Akselin ja Elinan häävalssi) from Under the North Star (Täällä Pohjantähden alla) 4:02
2 The Iron Age Suite (Rauta-aika), op. 55: The Wedding Procession of Ilmari and the Golden Woman 2:07
3 Cronaca, op. 79: Duo 5:39
4 Sisyphus Dreams, op. 47 10:45
5 Laterna magica 23:46
6 Era 20:19
CD #3
1 Piano Concerto no. 2: I. Tranquillo 11:07
2 Piano Concerto no. 2: II. Lento assai 6:21
3 Piano Concerto no. 2: III. Allegro assai 5:56
4 Cello Concerto: I. Moderato mosso - Allegro 7:23
5 Cello Concerto: II. Allegretto 3:12
6 Cello Concerto: III. Adagio 6:06
7 Cello Concerto: IV. Cadenza (Adagio) 3:27
8 Cello Concerto: V. Allegro vivace 2:16
9 Cantus Arcticus, Concerto for Birds and Orchestra: I. The Bag (Suo) 6:54
10 Cantus Arcticus, Concerto for Birds and Orchestra: II. Melancholy (Melankolia) 4:18
11 Cantus Arcticus, Concerto for Birds and Orchestra: III. Swans Migrating (Joutsenet muuttavat) 8:13
12 Frogs Dancing on Water Lilies for Cello and String Orchestra 3:08
CD #4
1 Demanten på marssön (The Diamond on the March Snow), op. 36/6 2:42
2 Under strandens granar (Under the Fir Trees on the Shore), op. 13/1 5:14
3 Men min fågel märks dock icke (But My Bird Is Nowhere to Be Seen), Op. 36/2 2:51
4 Den första kyssen (The First Kiss), op. 37/1 2:02
5 Var det en dröm? (Did I Just Dream?), op. 37/4 2:26
6 Kaiutar (The Echo-Nymph), op. 72/4 3:12
7 Kesäyö (Summer Night), op. 23/3 2:21
8 Vanha kirkko (The Old Church), op. 54/1 3:13
9 Rannalta I (On the Shore I), op. 23/1 3:40
10 Sunnuntai (Sunday) 3:32
11 Tuuli se taivutti koivun larvan (The Wind Bent Down) 2:53
12 Niin kauan minä tramppaan (I’ll Walk Around This Here Village) 1:17
13 Syksy, op. 68: Luulit mä katselin sua (You Thought I Was Watching You) 2:53
14 Syksy (Autumn), op. 68: Lintu sininen (Bluebird) 2:17
15 Minä laulan sun iltasi tähtihin (I Sing for You Evening the Starlight) 1:40
16 Lähdettyäs (After You Went Away), op. 26/3 2:22
17 Pirtissäni pimenee (My Room Is Growing Darker), op. 33 2:55
18 Aleksis Kivi: Ikävyys (Melancholy) 3:47
19 Aleksis Kivi: Sydämeni laulu (Song of My Heart) 3:41
20 Leino Songs: Sua katselen (Looking at You) 2:58
CD #5
1 Chamber Music II, op. 41 for Alto Flute and String Orchestra 15:06
2 Sonata for Violin and Piano: I. Preambulum 5:50
3 Sonata for Violin and Piano: II. Intermezzo 4:08
4 Sonata for Violin and Piano: III. Elegia 6:08
5 Sonata for Violin and Piano: IV. Finale 4:27
6 Plus II for Clarinet and Cello 9:22
7 Nonet no. 2: I. Inquieto 1:41
8 Nonet no. 2: II. Allegro impetuoso 3:20
9 Nonet no. 2: III. Adagio 6:59
10 Nonet no. 2: IV. Vivacissimo 2:42
11 Summer Thoughts for Violin and Piano 4:42
12 Tocar for Violin and Piano 7:09

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  1. Ondine Oy (2016)