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Belshazzar Handel; Auger, Rolphe Johnson, Bowman, The English Concert & Choir, Pinnock

Release: 02 May 2004 Germany, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 59, Length: 2:51:27, Barcode: 028947703723
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Belshazzar: Overture 4:38
2 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 1, Accompagnato ed Arioso "Vain, fluctuating state of human empire!" (Nitocris) 5:05
3 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 1, Air "Thou, God most high, and Thou alone" (Nitocris) 3:58
4 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 1, Recitativo "The fate of Babylon, I fear, is nigh" (Nitocris, Daniel) 1:14
5 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 1, Air "Lament not thus, oh Queen, in vain!" (Daniel) 4:55
6 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Chorus "Behold, by Persia's hero made" (Babylonians) 2:48
7 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Recitativo "Well may they laugh" (Gobrias, Cyrus); Accompagnato "Oh memory! Still bitter to my soul" (Gobrias) 1:18
8 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Air "Opprest with never-ceasing grief" (Gobrias) 3:33
9 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Air "Dry thoes unavailing tears" (Cyrus) 2:12
10 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Resitativo "Be comforted: safe though the tyrant seem"; Accompagnato "Methought, as on the bank of deep Euphrates" (Cyrus) 2:35
11 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Recitativo "Now, tell me, Gobrias" (Cyrus, Gobrias) 1:14
12 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Air "Behold the monstrous human beast" (Gobrias) 3:16
13 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Recitativo "Can you then think it strange" (Cyrus) 0:15
14 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Air "Great God! who, yet but darkly known" (Cyrus) 3:49
15 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Recitativo "My friends, be confident" (Cyrus) 0:41
16 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 2, Chorus "All empires upon God depend" 3:15
17 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 3, Air "Oh sacred oracles of Truth!" (Daniel) 5:13
18 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 3, Accompagnato "Rejoice, my countrymen"; Air "Thus saith the Lord to Cyrus" (Daniel) 2:59
19 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 3, Chorus, "Sing, oh ye heav'ns!" 4:10
CD #2
1 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Air "Let festal joy triumphant reign!" (Belshazzar) 5:02
2 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Recitativo "For you, my friends" (Belshazzar, Nitocris) 0:53
3 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Air "The leafy honours of the field" (Nitocris) 7:33
4 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Recitativo "It is the custom, I may say, the law" (Belshazzar, Nitocris) 1:22
5 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Chorus "Recall, oh king! thy rash command" (Jews) 3:53
6 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Recitativo "They tell you true" (Nitocris, Belshazzar) 1:22
7 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Duet "Oh dearer than my life, forbear!" (Nitocris, Belshazzar) 7:15
8 Belshazzar: Act 1, Scene 4, Chorus "By slow degrees the wrath of God" (Jews) 4:24
9 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 1, Chorus "See, from his post Euphrates flies!" 6:26
10 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 1, Recitativo "You see, my friends, a path" (Cyrus) 0:45
11 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 1, Air "Amaz'd to find the foe so near" (Cyrus) 4:23
12 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 1, Chorus "To arms, to arms! no more delay!" (Persians) 0:35
13 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Chorus "Ye tutelar gods of our empire" 2:58
14 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Air "Let the deep bowl thy praise confess" (Belshazzar) 2:38
15 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Accompagnato "Where is the God of Judah's boasted pow'r?" (Belshazzar, Chorus) 2:41
16 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Recitativo "Call all my Wise Men" (Belshazzar) 0:21
CD #3
1 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, A Sinfony (Allegro Postillions) 1:42
2 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Recitativo "Ye sages! welcome always to your king" (Belshazzar); Recitativo "Alas! too hard a task the king imposes" (Wise Men) 1:05
3 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Chorus "Oh misery! - oh terror! - hopeless grief!" 1:50
4 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Recitativo "Oh king! live for ever!" (Nitocris, Belshazzar) 1:39
5 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Air "No! to thyself thy trifles be" (Daniel) 1:30
6 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Accompagnato "Yet, to obey his dread command" (Daniel) 3:13
7 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 2, Recitativo "Oh sentence too severe!" (Nitocris); Air "Regard, oh son, my flowing tears" (Nitocris) 7:00
8 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 3, Air "Oh God of Truth! oh faithful guide!" (Cyrus) 4:38
9 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 3, Recitativo "You, Gobrias, lead directry to the palace" (Cyrus) 1:01
10 Belshazzar: Act 2, Scene 3, Chorus "Oh glorious prince!" 4:54
11 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 1, Air "Alternate hopes and fears" (Nitocris) 4:27
12 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 1, Recitativo "Fain would I hope" (Nitocris, Daniel) 0:22
13 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 1, Air "Can the black Aethiop change his skin?" (Daniel) 2:26
14 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 1, Recitativo "My hopes revive" (Nitocris, Arioch, Messenger) 1:51
15 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 1, Chorus "Bel boweth down" (Jews) 1:31
16 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 2, Air "I thank thee, Sesach" (Belshazzar) 1:37
17 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 2, A Martial Symphony 0:39
18 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Air "To pow'r immortal my first thanks" (Gobrias) 2:44
19 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Recitativo "Be it thy care, good Gobrias" (Cyrus); Air "Destructive War, thy limits know" (Cyrus) 2:55
20 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Duet "Great victor, at your feet I bow" (Nitocris, Cyrus) 3:58
21 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Recitativo "Say, venerable prophet" (Cyrus, Daniel) 0:55
22 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Soli & Chorus "Tell it out among the heathen" 1:37
23 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Accompagnato "Yes, I will build thy city" (Cyrus) 2:22
24 Belshazzar: Act 3, Scene 3, Soli & Chorus "I will magnify thee" (Daniel, Nitocris, Chorus) 5:26

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Belshazzar, Germany (1990), CD + CD + CD ([Multiple languages])

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