Endlager Pigeon Cadaver

Release: 2010 Germany, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 20, Length: 47:06, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Sooo Bad! (intro) 1:05
2 Terrorrhythmus 3:19
3 Reaktorunglück 3:14
4 Magic Fortress 2:08
5 Cop Vs. Arzt 2:31
6 Aim for the Head 4:21
7 Finsternis Flieht 2:43
8 Dunkelheit 3:54
9 Verseuchtes Spielzeug 4:03
10 Systemfehler: Unerwartet 1:19
11 Systemabsturz: Unaufhaltsam 1:22
12 Systemzustand: Tot 1:56
13 A Short Story 2 1:09
14 Ich Weiß Keinen. O: 1:56
15 Song 1:59
16 D-Beat Time 0:10
17 Autofahrt 1:12
18 Lovely Light 3:56
19 The March Into the Radioactive End (outro) 1:47
20 Fallen Soldiers (Pigeon Cadaver remix) 3:02

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/2669343