Handel: The Great Oratorios George Frideric Handel

Release: 01 Jul 2016 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 832, Length: 14:54:08, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: Sonata 3:18
2 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 3 Aria: "Disserratevi, o porte d'Averno" (Angelo) 5:33
3 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 2b Recitativo accompagnato: "Qual'insolita luce" (Lucifero) / No. 1 Aria: "Caddi, è ver (Lucifero) 4:49
4 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 4 Recitativo accompagnato: "Ma, che veggio?" (Lucifero, Angelo) / Recitativo: "Chi sei?" (Lucifero, Angelo) 1:32
5 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 5 Aria: "D'amor fu consiglio" (Angelo) / Recitativo: "E ben, questio tuo Nume" (Lucifero, Angelo) 3:59
6 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 6 Aria: "O voi, dell'Erebo" (Lucifero) 3:28
7 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 7 Recitativo accompagnato: "Notte, notte funesta" (Maddalena) / No. 8 Aria: "Ferma l'ali" (Maddalena) / Recitativo: "Concedi, o Maddalena, quale tregua al martire" (Cleofe, Maddalena) 6:56
8 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 9 Aria: "Piangete, sì, piangete" (Cleofe) / Recitativo: "Ahi, dolce mio Signore" (Maddalena, Cleofe) 4:31
9 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 10 Duetto: "Dolci chiodi, amate spine" (Maddalena, Cleofe) / Recitativo: "O Cleofe, o Maddalena" (S. Giovanni, Maddalena) 5:22
10 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 11 Aria: "Quando è parto dell'affetto" (S. Giovanni) / Recitativo: "Ma dimmi, e sarà vero che risorga Gesù" (Cleofe, S. Giovanni, Maddalena) 4:43
11 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 12 Aria: "Naufragando va per l'onde" (Cleofe) / Recitativo: "Itene pure, o fide amiche donne" (S. Giovanni, Maddalena) 6:05
12 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 13 Aria: "Così la tortorella" (S. Giovanni) / Recitativo: "Se Maria dunque spera" (Maddalena) 4:34
13 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 14 Aria: "Ho un non so che nel cor" (Maddalena) / Recitativo: "Uscite pure, uscite dall'oscura prigione" (Angelo) 4:10
14 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Prima: No. 15 Coro: "Il Nume vincitor" (Angelo, Coro di Angeli) 2:22
CD #2
1 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 16 Introduction / Recitativo: "Di quai nuovi portenti ha la terra oggi ancora il sen fecondo?" (S. Giovanni) 2:25
2 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 17 Aria: "Ecco il sol, ch'esce dal mare" (S. Giovanni) / Recitativo: "Ma ove Maria dimora" (S. Giovanni) 5:13
3 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 18 Aria: "Risorga il mondo" (Angelo) 2:34
4 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 19 Recitativo accompagnato: "Di rabbia indarno freme" (Angelo) / "Misero! ho pure udito?" (Lucifero, Angelo) 1:46
5 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 20 Aria: "Per celare il nuovo scorno" (Lucifero) / Recitativo: "O come cieco il tuo furor delira!" (Angelo) 2:28
6 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 21 Duetto: "Impedirlo io saprò" (Lucifero, Angelo) / Recitativo: "Amica, troppo tardo fu il nostro piè" (Maddalena, Cleofe) 1:22
7 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 22 Aria: "Per me già di morire" (Maddalena) / Recitativo: "Ahi, abborrito nome!" (Lucifero) 5:34
8 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 23 Aria: "Vedo il Ciel che più sereno" (Cleofe) / Recitativo: "Cleofe, siam giunte al luogo" (Maddalena, Cleofe) 5:36
9 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 24 Aria: "Se per colpa di donna infelice" (Angelo) / Recitativo: "Mio Gesù, mio Signore, già che risorto sei" (Maddalena) 3:04
10 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 25 Aria: "Del ciglio dolente" (Maddalena) / Recitativo: "Sì, sì, cerchiamo pure l'orme del nostro amor" (Cleofe) 2:51
11 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 26 Aria: "Augelletti, ruscelletti" (Cleofe) / Recitativo: "Dove sì frettolosi, Cleofe, rivolgi i passi?" (Giovanni, Cleofe) 4:04
12 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 27 Aria: "Caro Figlio!" (S. Giovanni) / Recitativo: "Cleofe, Giovanni, udite" (Maddalena, S. Giovanni, Cleofe) 5:42
13 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 28 Aria: "Se impassibile, immortale" (Maddalena): Recitativo: "Sì, sì, col Redentore sorga il mondo redento!" (S. Giovanni, Cleofe, Maddalena) 4:10
14 La Resurrezione (1708), HWV 47, Parte Seconda: No. 29 Coro: "Diasi lode in Cielo, in terra" (Coro) 1:28
CD #3
1 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 1 Sinfonia 3:27
2 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 2 Chorus: "Oh, the pleasure of the plains!" 5:56
3 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 3 Accompagnato: "Ye verdant plains and woody mountains" (Galatea) 0:57
4 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 4 Air: "Hush, ye pretty warbling quire!" (Galatea) 6:20
5 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 5 Air: "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" (Acis) 3:23
6 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. Recitative: "Stay, shepherd, stay!" (Damon) 0:26
7 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 6 Air: "Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?" (Damon) 4:28
8 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. Recitative: "Lo! Here my love" (Acis) 0:31
9 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 7 Air: "Love in her eyes sits playing" (Acis) 6:53
10 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. Recitative: "Oh! Didst thou know the pains of absent love" (Galatea) 0:22
11 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 8 Air: "As when the dove laments her love" (Galatea) 6:32
12 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act One. No. 9 Duet: "Happy we! What joys I feel!" (Acis, Galatea) 2:35
CD #4
1 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 10 Chorus: "Wretched lovers! Fate has passed this sad decree" 5:06
2 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 11 Accompagnato: "I rage, I melt, I burn!" (Polyphemus) 1:24
3 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 12 Air: "O ruddier than the cherry" (Polyphemus) 3:08
4 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. Recitative: "Whither, fairest, art thou running" (Polyphemus, Galatea) 1:06
5 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 13 Air: "Cease to beauty to be suing" (Polyphemus) 5:39
6 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 14 Air: "Would you gain the tender creature, softly, gently, kindly treat her" (Damon) 5:43
7 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. Recitative: "His hideous love provokes me rage" (Acis) 0:27
8 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 15 Air: "Love sounds th'alarm, and fear is a-flying" (Acis) 5:26
9 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 16 Air: "Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure" (Damon) 6:34
10 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. Recitative: "Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth" (Galatea) 0:32
11 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 17 Trio: "The flocks shall leave the mountains" (Acis, Galatea, Polyphemus) 2:31
12 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 18 Accompagnato: "Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent gods!" (Acis) 1:05
13 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 19 Chorus: "Mourn, all ye Muses! Weep, all ye swains!" 3:16
14 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 20a Solo and Chorus: "Must I my Acis still bemoan, inglorious crush'd beneath that stone?" (Galatea) 3:56
15 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. Recitative: "'Tis done: thus I exert pow'r divine; be thou immortal" (Galatea) 0:24
16 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 21 Air: "Heart, the seat of soft delight, be thou now a fountain bright!" (Galatea) 4:09
17 Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 (First Version): Act Two. No. 22 Chrous: "Galatea, dry thy tears, Acis now a god appears!" 3:12
CD #5
1 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 1. Ouverture / Recitative: "'Tis greater far to spare" (Habdonah, Haman) 7:46
2 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 1. No. 1 Air: "Pluck root and branch from out the land" (Haman) 2:10
3 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 1. No. 2 Chorus: "Shall we the God of Israel fear?" 1:55
4 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 2. No. 3 Air: "Tune your harps to cheerful strains" (1st Israelite) 3:56
5 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 2. No. 4 Chorus: "Shall we of servitude complain" 1:26
6 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 2. No. 5 Air: "Praise the Lord with cheerful noise" (Israelite woman) 6:08
7 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 2. No. 6 Air: "Sing songs of praise, bow down the knee" (2nd Israelite) / Scene 3. Recitative: "How have our sins provoked the Lord!" (Priest) 6:12
8 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 3. No. 8 Chorus: "Ye sons of Israel mourn" 2:06
9 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 3. No. 9 Air: "O Jordan, Jordan, sacred tide" (Priest) / Scene 4. Recitative: "Why sits that sorrow on thy brow?" (Esther) 9:35
10 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 4. No. 10 Air: "Dread not, righteous Queen, the danger" (Mordecai) 3:46
11 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 4. No. 11 Air: "Tears assist me, pity moving" (Esther) 3:01
12 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 4. No. 12 Chorus: "Save us, O Lord" 1:32
CD #6
1 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. Recitative: "Who dares intrude into our presence" (Ahasuerus) 1:08
2 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. No. 13 Duet: "Who calls my parting soul from death?" / "Awake, my soul, my life, my breath!" (Esther, Ahasuerus) 2:35
3 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. No. 14 Air: "O beauteous Queen" (Ahasuerus) / Recitative:"If I find favour in thy sight" (Esther) 7:39
4 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. No. 15 Air: "How can I stay when love invites" (Ahasuerus) 3:54
5 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. No. 16 Chorus: "Virtue, truth and innocence" 2:34
6 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 5. No. 17 Arioso: "Jehovah, crown'd with glory bright" (Priest) / Scene 5. No. 18 Chorus: "He comes, he comes to end our woes" / Scene 6. Recitative: "Now, o Queen, thy suit declare (Ahasuerus) 6:59
7 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 6. No. 19 Arioso: "Turn not, O Queen, thy face away" (Haman) 2:11
8 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 6. No. 20 Air: "Flatt'ring tongue, no more I hear thee!" (Esther) / Scene 6. Recitative: "Guards, seize the traitor" (Ahasuerus) 5:12
9 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 6. No. 21 Air: "How art thou fall'n from thy height!" (Haman) 4:16
10 Esther, HWV 50: Scene 6. No. 22 Chorus: "The Lord our enemy has slain" / Chorus: "For ever blessed be thy holy name" / Solo: "Let Israel soings of joy repeat" (Priest) / Chorus: "For ever be thy holy name" / Duet: "The Lord his people shall restore (Esther, Mordecai) / Chorus: "For ever blessed by thy holy name" / Duet: "Mount Lebanon his firs resigns" / Chorus: "For ever blessed be thy holy name" 10:46
CD #7
1 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 1. Symphony 5:23
2 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 1. No. 1 Air: "Blooming virgins, spotless train" (Josabeth) 4:48
3 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 1. No. 2 Chorus: "The rising world Jehovah crown'd" (Young Virgins) 3:13
4 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 1. No. 3 Solo & Chorus: "Tyrants would in impious throngs" (Josabeth) 3:19
5 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 1. Recitative: "When he is in his wrath reveal'd" (Abner) 3:41
6 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Your sacred songs awhile forbear" (Joad) 6:41
7 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 7 Accompagnato: "What scenes of horror round me rise!" (Athalia) 2:21
8 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 9a Chorus: "The gods, who chosen blessings shed" (Attendants) 2:29
9 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 10 Chorus: "Cheer her, O Baal" (Attendants) 3:10
10 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 11 Air: "Gentle airs, melodious strains!" (Mathan) 3:38
11 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 12 Air: "Softest sounds no more can ease me" (Athalia) 4:31
12 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 3. No. 13 Chorus: "The traitor if you there descry" (Attendants) / Part One, Scene 4. Recitative: "My Josabeth! the grateful time appears" (Joad) 1:57
13 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 4. No. 14 Air: "Faithful cares in vain extended" (Josabeth) 5:52
14 Athalia, HWV 52: Part One, Scene 4. No. 15 Air: "Gloomy tyrants, we disdain" (Joad) 4:49
CD #8
1 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 17 Chorus: "The mighty pow'r" (Priests, Levites, Israelites) 5:57
2 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 18 Air: "Through the land so lovely blooming" (Josabeth) 8:22
3 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 19 Air: "Ah, canst thou but prove me!" (Abner) / Part Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Confusion to my thoughts!" (Athalia) 5:31
4 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 20 Air: "Will God, whose mercies ever flow" (Joas) 3:18
5 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 21 Air: "My vengeance awakes me" (Athalia) 4:52
6 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 22 Duet: "My spirits fail, I faint, I die!" (Josabeth, Joas) / Part Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Dear Josabeth" (Joad) 4:11
7 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 3. No. 23 Duet: "Cease thy anguish, smile once more" (Joad, Josabeth) 6:34
8 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Two, Scene 3. No. 24 Chorus: "The clouded scene begins to clear" (Trio of Young Virgins) 3:58
9 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 1. No. 25 Accompagnato: "What sacred horrors shake my breast!" (Joad) 1:28
10 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 1. No. 26 Chorus: "Unfold, great seer, what heav'n imparts" (Virgins, Priests, and Levites) 0:51
11 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 1. No. 27a Accompagnato: "Let harmony breathe soft around" (Joad) 4:15
12 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 1. No. 29 Chorus: "With firm united hearts" (Virgins, Priests, Levites) / Part Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "O princess, I approach thee" (Mathan) 0:56
13 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 2. No. 30 Air: "Soothing tyrant, falsely smiling!" (Josabeth) / Part Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Apostate priest! How canst thou dare" (Joad) / Part Three, Scene 4. Recitative: " Oh bold seducer, art thou there?" (Athalia) 2:20
14 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 4. No. 31 Chorus: "Around let acclamations ring" (Virgins, Priests, Levites) 2:39
15 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 4. No. 32 Air: "Oppression, no longer I dread thee" (Abner) 1:52
16 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 4. No. 33 Arioso: "Hark! His thunders round me roll" (Mathan) 2:43
17 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene 4. No. 34 Air: "To darkness eternal" (Athalia) 1:05
18 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene the last. Recitative: "Now, Josabeth, thy fears are o'er!" (Josabeth) 2:35
19 Athalia, HWV 52: Part Three, Scene the last. No. 36 Chorus: "Give glory to his awful name" (Virgins, Priests, Levites, Israelites) 2:10
CD #9
1 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Overture: Larghetto e staccato - Allegro - Adagio - Andante 6:12
2 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "T'was at the royal feast" 0:49
3 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Nos. 1 & 2: Air and Chorus: "Happy, happy, happy pair!" 4:45
4 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "Timotheus placed on high" 0:19
5 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 3 Accompagnato: "The song began from Jove" 0:49
6 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 4 Chorus: "The listening crowd admired the lofty sound" 2:16
7 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 5 Air: "With ravish'd ears" 3:25
8 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "The praise of Bacchus then" 0:29
9 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 6 Air: "Bacchus, ever fair and young" 4:40
10 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Recitative: "Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain" 0:34
11 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 7 Accompagnato: "He chose a mournful Muse" 1:20
12 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 8 Air: "He sung Darius, great and good" 3:02
13 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 9 Accompagnato: "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate" 0:53
14 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Chorus: "Behold Darius great and good" 3:06
15 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 10 Recitative: "The mighty master smiled to see" 0:28
16 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 11 Arioso: "Softly sweet in Lydian measures" 3:00
17 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 12 Air: "War, he sung, is toil and trouble" 5:19
18 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 13 Chorus: "The many rend the skies with loud applause" 3:56
19 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. No. 14 Air: "The prince, unable to conceal his pain" 6:05
20 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 1. Chorus (da capo): "The many rend the skies with loud applause" 4:03
CD #10
1 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": I. Allegro 3:32
2 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": II. Largo - Adagio 1:50
3 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": III. Allegro - Adagio 3:25
4 Concerto grosso in C major, HWV 318 "Alexander's Feast": IV. Andante non presto 4:10
5 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 15 Accompagnato and Chorus: "Now strike the golden lyre again" / "Break his bonds of sleep asunder" / "Hark, hark! The horrid sound" 2:20
6 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 16a Air: "Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries" / Part 2. No. 16b Accompagnato: "Behold, a ghastly band" 5:05
7 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 17 Accompagnato: "Give the vengeance due" 1:46
8 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 18 Air: "The princes applaud with a furious joy" 2:07
9 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 19 Air and Chorus: Air: "Thaïs led the way" / Chorus: "The princes applaud with furious joy" 5:27
10 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. No. 20 Accompagnato and Chorus: Accompagnato: "Thus, long ago" 2:47
11 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Chorus: "At last divine Cecilia came" 3:08
12 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Recitative: "Your voices tune, and raise them high" 0:31
13 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Duet: "Let's imitate her notes above!" 2:28
14 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. Recitative: "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" 0:19
15 Alexander's Feast, HWV 75: Part 2. "Let old Timotheus yield the prize" 3:46
CD #11
1 Saul, HWV 53: Symfonia. Allegro 4:05
2 Saul, HWV 53: Symfonia. Larghetto 1:52
3 Saul, HWV 53: Symfonia. Allegro 2:47
4 Saul, HWV 53: Symfonia. Andante larghetto 3:20
5 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 1. No. 1 Chorus: "How excellent thy Name, o Lord" 2:45
6 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 1. No. 2 Air: "An Infant rais'd by thy command" / Act 1, Scene 1. No. 3 Trio: "Along the monster atheist strode" 2:32
7 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 1. No. 4 Chorus: "The Youth inspir'd by Thee, o Lord" 1:50
8 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 1. No. 5 Chorus: "How excellent thy Name, o Lord" 2:20
9 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 6 Recitative: "He comes" (Michal) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 7 Air: "O godlike Youth!" (Michal) 3:06
10 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 8 Recitative: "Behold, o king, the brave victorious youth" (Abner, Saul, David) 0:45
11 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 9 Air: "O king, your favours with delight I take" (David) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 10 Recitative: "O early piety!" (Jonathan) 5:15
12 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 11 Air: "What abject thoughts a prince can have" (Merab) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 12 Recitative: "Yet think, on whom this honour you bestow" (Merab) 2:27
13 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 13 Air: "Birth and fortune I despise!" (Jonathan) 4:05
14 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 14 Recitative: "Go on, illustrious pair" (High Priest) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 15 Air: "While yet thy tide of blood runs high" (High Priest) 2:31
15 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 16 Recitative: "Thou, Merab, first in birth" (Saul, Merab) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 17 Air: "My soul rejects the thought" (Merab) / Act 1, Scene 2. No. 18 Air: "See, see with what a scornful air" (Michal) / "Ah! Lovely youth" (Michal) 3:22
16 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 2. No. 20 Sinfonie / Act 1, Scene 3. No. 21 Recitative: "Already see the daughters of the land" (Michal) / Act 1, Scene 3. No. 22 Chorus: "Welcome, welcome mighty king!" 2:46
17 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 3. No. 23 Accompagnato: "What do I hear?" (Saul) / Act 1, Scene 3. No. 24 Chorus: "David his ten thousands slew" / Act 1, Scene 3. No. 25 Accompagnato: "To him ten thousands!" (Saul) 1:09
18 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 3. No. 26 Air: "With rage I shall burst his praises to hear!" (Saul) 1:20
19 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 4. No. 27 Recitative: "Imprudent women!" (Jonathan, Michal) 0:39
20 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 4. No. 28 Air: "Fell rage and black despair possessed" (Michal) 2:34
21 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 4. No. 29 Recitative: "This but the smallest part of harmony" (High Priest) / Act 1, Scene 4. No. 30 Accompagnato: "By thee this universal frame" (High Priest) 2:35
22 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 5. No. 31 Recitative: "Rack'd with infernal pains" (Abner) 0:13
23 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 5. No. 32 Air: "O Lord, whose mercies numberless" (David) / Act 1, Scene 5. No. 33 Symphony 5:09
24 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 5. No. 34 Recitative: "'Tis all in vain" (Jonathan) / Act 1, Scene 5. No. 35 Air: "A serpent in my bosom warm'd" (Saul) / Act 1, Scene 5. No. 36 Recitative: "Has he escaped my rage?" (Saul) 2:17
25 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 5. No. 37 Air: "Capricious man" (Merab) 3:37
26 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 6. No. 38 Accompagnato: "O filial piety!" (Jonathan) 1:23
27 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 6. No. 39 Air: "No, cruel Father, no!" (Jonathan) 1:34
28 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 6. No. 40 Air: "O Lord, whose providence ever wakes for their defence" (High Priest) 1:35
29 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1, Scene 6. No. 41 Chorus: "Preserve him for the glory of Thy name" 2:51
30 Saul, HWV 53: Act 1. [Applause] 0:25
CD #12
1 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 1. No. 42 Chorus: "Envy! eldest born of hell!" 2:49
2 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 2. No. 43 Recitative: "Ah! dearest friend" (Jonathan) 0:33
3 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 2. No. 44 Air: But sooner Jordan's stream, I swear" (Jonathan) 2:08
4 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 2. No. 45 Recitative: "O strange vicissitude!" (David, Jonathan) 0:47
5 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 2. No. 46 Air: "Such haughty beauties" (David) 4:17
6 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 2. No. 47 Recitative: "My Father comes" (Jonathan) / Act Two, Scene 3. No. 48 Recitative: "Hast thou obey'd my orders" (Saul, Jonathan) 0:45
7 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 3. No. 49 Air: "Sin not, o king, against the youth" (Jonathan) 2:10
8 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 3. No. 50 Air: "As great Jehovah lives" (Saul) 1:18
9 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 3. No. 51 Air: "From cities storm'd, and battles won" (Jonathan) 2:13
10 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 4. No. 52 Recitative: "Appear, my friend" (Jonathan, Saul) 0:31
11 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 4. No. 53 Air: "Your words, o king" (David) / Act 2, Scene 4. No. 54 Recitative: "Yes, he shall wed my daughter!" (Saul) 1:25
12 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 5. No. 55 Recitative: "A father's will" (Michal) 0:28
13 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 5. No. 56 Duet: "O fairest of ten thousand fair" (Michal, David) / Act 2, Scene 5. No. 57 Chorus: "Is there a man" 4:05
14 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 5. No. 58 Symphony 4:07
15 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 6. No. 59 Recitative: "Thy father is as cruel" (David) 0:33
16 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 6. No. 60 Duet: "At persecution I can laugh" (David, Michal) 1:15
17 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 7. No. 61 Recitative: "Whom dost thou seek?" (Michal, Doeg) 0:30
18 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 7. No. 62 Air: "No, no, let the guilty tremble" (Michal) 1:27
19 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 8. No. 63 Recitative: "Mean as he was" (Merab) 0:49
20 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 8. No. 64 Air: "Author of peace" (Merab) 3:11
21 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 9. No. 65 Sinfonia 1:14
22 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 9. No. 66 Accompagnato: "The time at length is come" (Saul) / Act 2, Scene 10. No. 67 Recitative: "Where is the son of Jesse?" (Saul, Jonathan) 1:33
23 Saul, HWV 53: Act 2, Scene 10. No. 68 Chorus: "O fatal consequence of rage" 5:37
CD #13
1 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 1. No. 69 Accompagnato: "Wretch that I am, of my own ruin author!" (Saul) / Act 3, Scene 1. No. 70 Accompagnato: "'Tis said, here lives a woman" (Saul) / Act 3, Scene 2. No. 71 Recitative: "With me what would'st thou?" (Witch of Endor, Saul) 3:45
2 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 2. No. 72 Air: "Infernal spirits" (Witch of Endor) 2:13
3 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 3. No. 73 Accompagnato: "Why hast thou forc'd me from the realms of peace" (Samuel, Saul) 3:02
4 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 3. No. 74 Symphony 0:35
5 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 4. No. 75 Recitative: "Whence comest thou?" (David, Amalekite) / Act 3, Scene 4. No. 76 Air: "Impious wretch, of race accurst!" (David) 2:39
6 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 4. No. 77 Dead March 3:06
7 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 78 Chorus: "Mourn, Israel" 3:25
8 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 79 Air: "O let it not in Gath be heard" (High Priest) 2:06
9 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 80 Air: "From this unhappy day" (Merab) 2:53
10 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 81 Air: "Brave Jonathan his bow ne'er drew" (David) 2:24
11 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 82 Chorus: "Eagles were not so swift as they" 0:21
12 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 83 Air: "In sweetest harmony" (Michal) 4:28
13 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 84 Solo and Chorus: "O fatal day!" (David, Israelites) 4:40
14 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 85 Recitative: "Ye men of Judah, weep no more" (High Priest) 0:27
15 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3, Scene 5. No. 86 Chorus: "Gird on thy sword" 5:17
16 Saul, HWV 53: Act 3. [Applause] 0:28
CD #14
1 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Overture 1:56
2 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". Recitative: "Now there arose a new king" / Part One "Exodus". No. 1 Chorus: "And the children of Israel sighed" 3:50
3 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". Recitative: "Then sent He Moses" / Part One "Exodus". No. 2 Chorus: "They loathed to drink of the river" 2:32
4 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 3 Air: "Their land brought forth frogs" 2:15
5 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 4 Chorus: "He spake the word" 2:04
6 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 5 Chorus: "He gave them hailstones for rain" 2:06
7 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 6 Chorus: "He sent a thick darkness" 2:46
8 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 7 Chorus: "He smote all the first-born of Egypt" 2:18
9 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 8 Chorus: "But as for his people" 4:00
10 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 9a Chorus: "Egypt was glad when they departed" 3:03
11 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 10 Chorus: "He rebuked the Red Sea" 2:58
12 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part One "Exodus". No. 13 Chorus: "And Israel saw that great work" 3:57
CD #15
1 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 15 Introitus: "Moses and the children of Israel" 3:20
2 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 16 Duet: "The Lord is my strength" 4:20
3 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 17 Chorus: "He is my God" 3:07
4 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 18 Duet: "The Lord is a man of war" 5:39
5 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 19 Chorus: "The depths have covered them" 2:07
6 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". Chorus: "Thy right hand, o Lord" 3:34
7 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 20 Chorus: "And with the blast of thy nostrils" 2:49
8 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 21 Air: "The enemy said: I will pursue" 2:19
9 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 22 Air: "Thou didst blow with the wind" 2:09
10 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 23 Chorus: "Who is like unto thee" 2:26
11 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 24 Duet: "Thou in thy mercy" 4:32
12 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 25a Chorus: "The people shall hear" 7:37
13 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 26 Air: "Thou shalt bring them in" 3:51
14 Israel in Egypt, HWV 54: Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 27 Chorus: "The Lord shall reign" / Part 2 "Moses' Song". Recitative: "For the horse of Pharaoh" / Part 2 "Moses' Song". Chorus: "The Lord shall reign" / Part 2 "Moses' Song". Recitative: "And Miriam the prophetess" / Part 2 "Moses' Song". No. 28 Chorus and Solo: "Sing ye to the Lord" 5:14
15 Two Coronation Anthems: Zadok the Priest, HWV 258 5:49
16 Two Coronation Anthems: The King Shall Rejoice, HWV 260 10:36
CD #16
1 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 1 Sinfony 3:23
2 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 2 Accompagnato: "Comfort ye my people" 3:25
3 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 3 Air: "Ev'ry valley shall be exalted" 3:31
4 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 4 Chorus: "And the glory Of The Lord" 2:51
5 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 5 Accompagnato: "Thus saith the Lord" 1:35
6 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 6 Air: "But who may abide the day of his coming?" 4:45
7 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 7 Chorus: "And He shall purify" 2:25
8 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. Recitative: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive" 0:29
9 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 8 Air and Chorus: "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion" 5:30
10 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 9 Accompagnato: "For behold, darkness shall cover the earth" 3:03
11 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 10 Air: "The people that walked in darkness" 3:55
12 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 11 Chorus: "For unto us A Child is born" 4:04
13 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 12 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) 1:10
14 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. Recitative: "There were shepherds, abiding in the field" / Part One. No. 13 Accompagnato: "And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them" / Recitative: "And the angel said unto them" / Part One. No. 14 Accompagnato: "And suddenly there was with the angel" 1:34
15 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 15 Chorus: "Glory to God" 1:59
16 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 16 Air: "Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion" 4:48
17 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. Recitative: "Then shall the eyes of the blind" 0:21
18 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 17 Air: "He shall feed His flock" 6:09
19 Messiah, HWV 56: Part One. No. 18 Chorus: "His yoke is easy, and His burden is light" 2:21
20 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 19 Chorus: "Behold the Lamb of God" 3:17
21 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 20 Air: "He was despised" 13:15
CD #17
1 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 21 Chorus: "Surely He hath borne our griefs" 2:27
2 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 22 Chorus: "And with His stripes we are healed" 1:52
3 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 23 Chorus: "All we like sheep have gone astray" 3:54
4 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 24 Accompagnato: "All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn" 0:46
5 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 25 Chorus: "He trusted in God" 2:33
6 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 26 Accompagnato: "Thy rebuke hath broken His heart" 1:49
7 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 27 Arioso: "Behold and see if there be any sorrow" 1:59
8 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 28 Accompagnato: "He was cut off out of the land of the living" 0:14
9 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 29 Air: "But thou didst not leave His soul in hell" 2:08
10 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 30 Chorus: "Lift up your heads, o ye gates" 3:04
11 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. Recitative: "Unto which of the angels said He at any time" 0:12
12 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 31 Chorus: "Let all the angels of God worship Him" 1:29
13 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 32 Air: "Thou art gone up on high" 3:10
14 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 33 Chorus: "The Lord gave the word" 1:05
15 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 34 Air: "How beautiful are the feet" 2:37
16 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 35 Chorus: "Their sound is gone out" 1:22
17 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 36 Air: "Why do the nations so furiously rage together?" 2:56
18 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 37 Chorus: "Let us break their bonds asunder" 1:48
19 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. Recitative: "He that dwelleth in heaven" 0:10
20 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 38 Air: "Thou shalt break them" 2:05
21 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Two. No. 39 Chorus: "Hallelujah" 3:58
22 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 40 Air: "I know that my Redeemer liveth" 6:42
23 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 41 Chorus: "Since by man came death" 2:20
24 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 42 Accompagnato: "Behold, I tell you a mystery" 0:31
25 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 43 Air: "The trumpet shall sound" 8:59
26 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. Recitative: "Then shall be brought to pass" 0:16
27 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 44 Duet: "O Death, where is thy sting?" 1:03
28 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 45 Chorus: "But thanks be to God" 2:12
29 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 46 Air: "If God be for us" 4:41
30 Messiah, HWV 56: Part Three. No. 47 Chorus: "Worthy is the lamb that was slain" / Part Three. No. 48 Chorus: "Amen" 7:30
CD #18
1 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. Synfony 7:46
2 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held" (Samson) 0:32
3 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 1 Chorus of Philistines: "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" 1:54
4 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 2 Air: "Ye men of Gaza, hither bring" (Philistine woman) 3:51
5 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 3 Chorus of Philistines: "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" 0:29
6 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 4 Air: "Loud as the thunder's awful voice" (Philistine man) 3:07
7 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 5 Air: "Then free from sorrow" (Philistine woman) 2:34
8 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines: "Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!" 0:28
9 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Why by an angel was my birth foretold" (Samson) 0:52
10 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 1. No. 6 Air: "Torments, alas! are not confined" (Samson) 3:56
11 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "O change beyond report" (Micah) 0:56
12 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. No. 7 Air: "O mirror of our fickle state" (Micah) 2:44
13 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Whom have I to complain of but myself" (Samson, Micah) 2:36
14 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. No. 8 Air: "Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark" (Samson) 3:28
15 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. No. 9 Accompagnato: "Since light so necessary is to life" (Micah) 1:12
16 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. No. 10 Chorus of Israelites: "Oh first created beam!" 3:34
17 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Ye see, my friends, how woes enclose me round" (Samson, Micah) 1:59
18 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Brethren and men of Dan" (Manoa, Micah) 0:33
19 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 11 Accompagnato: "O miserable change! is this the man" (Manoa) 0:44
20 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "O ever failing trust in mortal strength!" (Israelite man) 0:15
21 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 12 Air: "God of our fathers" (Israelite man) 3:00
22 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 14 Accompagnato: "The good we wish for, often proves our banes" (Manoa) 1:04
23 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 15 Air: "Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue" (Manoa) 4:35
24 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Justly these evils have befall'n thy son" (Samson, Manoa) 1:35
25 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 16 Accompagnato: "My griefs for this forbid mine eyes to close" (Samson) 0:54
26 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 17 Air: "Why does the God of Israel sleep?" (Samson) 4:34
27 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "There lies our hope!" (Micah) 0:21
28 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 18 Chorus of Israelites: "Then shall they know" 2:19
29 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "For thee, my dearest son" (Manoa, Samson) 2:56
30 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 20 Air: "Then long Eternity shall greet your bliss" (Micah) 5:26
31 Samson, HWV 57: Act One, Scene 3. No. 21 Chorus of Philistines: "Then round about the starry throne" 2:09
CD #19
1 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Despair not thus!" (Manoa, Samson) 1:25
2 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 22 Air: "Just are the ways of God to man" (Manoa) 3:26
3 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "My evils hopeless are!" (Samson, Micah) 0:46
4 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 23 Air: "Return, oh God of hosts!" (Micah) 8:38
5 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "But who is this?" (Micah, Samson, Dalila) 3:15
6 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 25 Air: "With plaintive notes and am'rous moan" (Dalila) 7:06
7 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Alas! th'event was worse than I foresaw" (Dalila) / Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Forgive what's done" (Dalila) 0:54
8 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 26 Air: "Your charms to ruin led the way" (Samson) 3:36
9 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Forgive what's done" (Dalila) 0:30
10 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 27 Duet: "My (Her) faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" (Dalila, Virgin) / Act Two, Scene 2. No. 28 Chorus of Virgins: "Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove" 6:14
11 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 29 Air & Chorus: "To fleeting pleasures make your court" (Dalila) 4:53
12 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Ne'er think of that!" (Samson, Dalila) 1:27
13 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 30 Duet: "Traitor to love! I'll sue no more" (Dalila, Samson) 1:57
14 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 31 Air: "It is not virtue, valour, wit" (Micah) 4:12
15 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Favour'd of heav'n" (Samson) 0:22
16 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 32 Chorus of Israelites: "To man God's universal law" 2:31
17 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "No words of peace" (Micah, Harapha, Samson) 1:38
18 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 33 Air: "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" (Harapha) 5:40
19 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Put on your arms" (Samson) 0:10
20 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 34 Air: "My strength is from the living God" (Samson) 2:53
21 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "With thee! a man condemn'd" (Harapha, Samson) 0:41
22 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 35 Duet: "Go, baffled coward, go" (Samson, Harapha) 2:16
23 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Here lie the proof" (Micah) 0:46
24 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 36 Chorus of Israelites: "Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, hear!" 3:14
25 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Dagon, arise!" (Harapha) 0:13
26 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 37a Air: "To song and dance we give the day" (Philistine man) 4:04
27 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 37b Chorus of Philistines: "To song and dance we give the day" (Chorus) 1:57
28 Samson, HWV 57: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 38 Chorus of Israelites and Philistines: "Fix'd in his everlasting seat" 3:03
CD #20
1 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "More trouble is behind: for Harapha" (Micah, Samson, Harapha) 1:23
2 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 39 Air: "Presuming slave, to move their wrath" (Harapha) 3:01
3 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Reflect then, Samson" (Micah, Samson) 0:50
4 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 40 Chorus of Israelites: "With thunder arm'd great God, arise!" 2:55
5 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Be of good courage" (Samson, Micah, Harapha) 2:23
6 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 42 Air: "Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed" (Samson) 3:54
7 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 43 Accompagnato: "With might endued above the sons of men" (Micah) 0:25
8 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 44 Air: "The Holy One of Israel by thy guide" (Micah) 2:22
9 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "Old Manoa" (Micah, Manoa) 0:26
10 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. No. 46 Air & Chorus of Philistines: "Great Dagon has subdued our foe" (Philistine man) 4:28
11 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "What noise of joy was that?" (Manoa, Micah) 0:47
12 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. No. 48 Air: "How willing my paternal love" (Manoa) 3:36
13 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain" (Micah, Manoa) / Act Three, Scene 2. No. 49 Symphony / Act Three, Scene 2. No. 50 Chorus of Philistines: "Hear us, our God, oh hear our cry!" 1:57
14 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "Noise call you this?" (Micah, Manoa) 0:40
15 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Where shall I run?" (Messenger, Micah, Manoa) 3:49
16 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 51 Air: "Ye sons of Israel, now lament" (Micah) / Act Three, Scene 3. No. 52 Chorus of Israelites: "Weep, Israel, weep a louder strain" 3:20
17 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Proceed we hence" (Manoa) 0:46
18 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 53 Dead March 3:06
19 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "The body comes" (Micah, Manoa) 1:10
20 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 54 Soli and Chorus of Israelites: "Glorious hero, may thy grave" (Manoa, Israelite woman) 5:12
21 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Come, come!" (Manoa, Micah) 1:02
22 Samson, HWV 57: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 55 Air: "Let the bright Seraphim in burning row" (Israelite woman) / Act Three, Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites: "Let their celestial concerts all unite" 6:25
CD #21
1 Semele, HWV 58: Overture - Gavotte 9:04
2 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 1 Accompagnato: "Behold! auspicious flashes rise!" (Priest) 1:26
3 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 2 Chorus: "Lucky omens bless our rites" (Priests) 3:08
4 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 3 Recitative and Arioso: "Daughter, obey, hear and obey!" (Cadmus, Athamas) 0:58
5 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 4 Accompagnato: "Ah me! What refuge now is left me?" - No. 5 Air "O Jove! in pity teach me which to choose" (Semele) 2:44
6 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 6 Air: "The morning lark to mine accords his note" (Semele) 7:05
7 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "See, she blushing turns her eyes" (Athamas) 0:18
8 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 7 Air: "Hymen, haste, thy torch prepare" (Athamas) 4:38
9 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Alas! she yields, and has undone me" (Ino, Athamas, Semele) 0:48
10 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 8 Quartetto: "Why dost thou thus untimely grieve" (Cadmus, Ino, Athamas, Semele) 2:45
11 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 9 Chorus: "Avert these omens, all ye pow'rs!" (Priests) 2:00
12 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 10 Accompagnato: "Again auspicious flashes rise" (Cadmus) 0:39
13 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Thy aid, pronubial Juno, Athamas implores!" (Athamas, Semele) 0:17
14 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 1. No. 11 Chorus: "Cease, cease your vows, 'tis impious to proceed" (Priests) 0:36
15 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "O Athamas, what toture hast thou borne!" (Athamas) 0:30
16 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. No. 12 Air: "Turn, hopeless lover, turn thy eyes" (Ino) 8:26
17 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "She weeps!" (Athamas) 0:25
18 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. No. 13 Air: "Your tuneful voice my tale would tell" (Athamas) 4:56
19 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Too well I see, thou wilt not understand me" (Ino, Athamas) 0:47
20 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 2. No. 14 Duetto: "You've undone me / With my life I would atone" (Ino, Athamas) 2:29
21 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Ah, wretched prince, doom'd to disastrous love!" (Cadmus, Athamas) - No. 15 Accompagnato: "Wing'd with our fears and pious haste" (Cadmus) - Recitative: "O prodigy, to me of dire portent!" (Athamas, Ino) / Act One, Scene 4. Recitative: "See, see, Jove's Priests and holy Augurs come" (Cadmus) 2:07
22 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 4. No. 16 Chorus: "Hail Cadmus, hail!" (Priests, Augurs) 1:34
23 Semele, HWV 58: Act One, Scene 4. Nos. 17 & 18 Air and Chorus: Endless pleasure, endless love" (Semele, Chorus) 4:30
CD #22
1 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two. Symphony 1:31
2 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Iris, impatient of thy stay" (Juno, Iris) 0:46
3 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 20 Air: "There from mortal cares retiring" (Iris) 3:27
4 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "No more - I'll hear no more!" (Juno) - No. 21 Accompagnato: "Awake Saturnia from thy lethargy!" (Juno, Iris) 1:55
5 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 22 Air: "Hence, Iris, hence away" (Juno) 3:23
6 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 23 Air: "Oh sleep, why dost thou leave me?" (Semele) 3:10
7 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Let me not another moment bear the pangs of absence" (Semele) 0:16
8 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 24 Air: "Lay your doubts and fears aside" (Jupiter) 3:02
9 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "You are mortal and require time to rest" (Jupiter) 0:23
10 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 25 Air: "With fond desiring" (Semele) 2:54
11 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 26 Chorus: "How engaging, how endearing" (Loves, Zephyrs) 3:06
12 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Ah me! / Why sighs my Semele!" (Semele, Jupiter) 1:23
13 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 27 Air: "I must with speed amuse her" (Jupiter) 3:44
14 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 28 Chorus: "Now Love that everlasting boy invites" (Loves, Zephyrs) 2:21
15 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "By my command" (Jupiter, Semele) 1:18
16 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 29 Air: "Where'er you walk" (Jupiter) 4:53
17 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Dear sister, how was your passage hither?" (Semele, Ino) 0:46
18 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 30 Air: "But hark! the heav'nly sphere turns round" (Ino) 2:14
19 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 31 Duetto: "Prepare then, ye immortal choir" (Semele, Ino) 2:02
20 Semele, HWV 58: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 32 Chorus: "Bless the glad earth with heav'nly lays" (Nymphs, Swains) 2:43
CD #23
1 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 33 [Symphony] Larghetto e piano per tutto 1:22
2 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 34 Accompagnato: "Somnus, awake, raise thy reclining head!" (Juno, Iris) 0:31
3 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 35 Air: "Leave me, loathsome light" (Somnus) 3:07
4 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Dull God, canst thou attend the water's fall" (Iris, Juno) 0:40
5 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 36 Air: "More sweet is that name" (Somnus) 2:14
6 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "My will obey, she shall be thine" (Juno, Somnus) 1:23
7 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 37 Duetto: "Obey my will / All I must grant" (Juno, Somnus) 1:53
8 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 2. No. 38 Air: "My racking thoughts by no kind slumbers freed" (Semele) 2:53
9 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Thus shap'd like Ino" (Juno, Semele) 1:14
10 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. Air: "Behold this mirror" (Juno) 2:40
11 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "O ecstasy of happiness" (Semele) 0:19
12 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 39 Air: "Myself I shall adore" (Semele) 6:39
13 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Be wise, as you are beautiful" (Juno, Semele) 0:37
14 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 40 Accompagnato: "Conjure him by his oath" (Juno) 1:28
15 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 41 Air: "Thus let my thanks be paid" (Semele) 2:13
16 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Rich odours fill the fragrant air" (Juno, Semele) 0:32
17 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. No. 42 Air: Come to my arms, my lovely fair" (Jupiter) 2:58
18 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. Recitative: "O Semele! Why art thou thus insensible?" (Jupiter) - No. 43 Air: "I ever am granting, you always complain" (Semele) 1:42
19 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. Recitative: "Speak, speak what you desire" (Jupiter, Semele) 0:15
20 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. No. 44 Accompagnato: "By that tremendous flood, I swear" (Jupiter) 0:27
21 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. Recitative: "You'll grant what I require?" (Semele, Jupiter) - No. 45 Accompagnato: "Then cast off this human shape" (Semele) 0:34
22 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. No. 46 Air: "Ah, take heed what you press" (Jupiter) 1:11
23 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 4. No. 47 Air: "No, no! I'll take no less" (Semele) 5:14
24 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 5. No. 48 Accompagnato: "Ah! whither is she gone!" (Jupiter) 3:01
25 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 6. No. 49 Air: "Above measure is the pleasure, which my revenge supplies" (Juno) 2:22
26 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 7. No. 50 Accompagnato: "Ah me! too late I now repent" (Semele) 3:44
27 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 8. Recitative: "Of my ill-boding dream" (Ino) 0:21
28 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 8. No. 51 Chorus: "Oh, terror and astonishment!" 3:56
29 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 8. Recitative: "How I was hence remov'd" (Ino, Cadmus, Athamas) 1:00
30 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 8. No. 52 Air: "Despair no more shall wound me" (Athamas) 5:03
31 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene 8. Recitative: "See from above the bellying clouds descend" (Cadmus) 0:17
32 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene the last. No. 53 Sinfonia 1:29
33 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene the last. No. 54 Accompagnato: "Apollo comes, to relieve your care" (Apollo) 0:57
34 Semele, HWV 58: Act Three, Scene the last. No. 55 Chorus: "Happy, happy shall we be" 2:56
CD #24
1 Hercules, HWV 60: Overture 4:32
2 Hercules, HWV 60: Menuetto 2:03
3 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 1. No. 1 Accompagnato: "See with what sad dejection" (Lichas) 2:02
4 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 1. No. 2 Air: "No longer, Fate, relentless frown" (Lichas) 5:45
5 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 1. No. 3 Accompagnato: "O Hercules! why art thou absent from me" (Dejanira) 0:50
6 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 1. No. 4 Air: "The world, when day's career is run" (Dejanira) 4:31
7 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Princess! be comforted, and hope the best" (Lichas, Dejanira) / Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "My son! dear image of thy absent sire!" (Dejanira, Hyllus, Lichas) 1:25
8 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. No. 5 Air: "I feel, I feel the god" (Hyllus) 1:33
9 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "He said, the sacred fury left his breast" (Hyllus, Dejanira) 0:58
10 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. No. 6 Air: "There in myrtle shades reclined" (Dejanira) 3:21
11 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Despair not; but let rising hope suspend" (Hyllus) 0:27
12 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. No. 7 Air: "Where congealed the northern streams" (Hyllus) 1:53
13 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 2. No. 8 Chorus: "O filial piety! O generous love!" 5:18
14 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Banish your fears!" (Lichas, Dejanira) 0:31
15 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 3. No. 9 Air: "Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away" (Dejanira) 3:27
16 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 3. Recitative: "A train of captives, red with honest wounds" (Lichas, Hyllus, Dejanira) 0:55
17 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 3. No. 10 Air: "The smiling hours" (Lichas) 1:21
18 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 3. No. 11 Chorus: "Let none despair" 2:26
19 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 4. No. 13 March 1:49
20 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 4. Recitative: "Thanks to the powers above" (Hercules) / Act One, Scene 5. Recitative: "Oechalia's fall is added to my titles" (Hercules, Iole) 1:27
21 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 5. No. 14 Air: "My father! Ah! methinks I see" (Iole) 5:56
22 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 6. Recitative: "Now farewell, arms!" (Hercules) 0:26
23 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 6. No. 15 Air: "The god of battle" (Hercules) 2:24
24 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 6. Recitative: "Ah me! How soon the flatterer hope" (Iole) 0:27
25 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 6. No. 12 Air: "Daughter of gods, bright liberty" (Iole) 5:55
26 Hercules, HWV 60: Act One, Scene 6. No. 16 Chorus: "Crown with festal pomp the day" 2:28
CD #25
1 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 17 Symphonie 1:11
2 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Why was I born a princess" (Iole) 0:18
3 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 18 Air: "How blest the maid ordained to dwell" (Iole) 5:57
4 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "It must be so" (Dejanira, Iole) 0:38
5 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 19 Air: "When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears" (Dejanira) 2:48
6 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Whence this unjust suspicion?" (Iole, Dejanira) 1:10
7 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 20 Air: "Ah! think what ills the jealous prove" (Iole) 5:52
8 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "It is too sure that Hercules is false" (Dejanira, Lichas) 0:19
9 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "In vain you strive" (Dejanira, Lichas) 0:16
10 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 22 Chorus: "Jealousy! Infernal pest" 5:18
11 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "She knows my passion" (Hyllus, Iole) 1:45
12 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 23 Air: "Banish love from thy breast" (Iole) 2:17
13 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Forgive a passion" (Hyllus) 0:10
14 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 24 Air: "From celestial seats descending" (Hyllus) 5:37
15 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 25 Chorus: "Wanton god of amorous fires" 2:04
16 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Yes, I congratulate" (Dejanira, Hercules) 0:45
17 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 26 Air: "Alcides' name in latest story" (Hercules) 4:47
18 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "O glorious pattern of heroic deeds!" (Dejanira) 0:30
19 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 27 Air: "Resign thy club and lion's spoils" (Dejanira) 4:55
20 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "You are deceived! Some villain has belied" (Hercules, Dejanira) 1:29
21 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 28 Air: "Cease, ruler of the day, to rise" (Dejanira) 3:50
22 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "Some kinder power inspire me to regain" (Dejanira, Lichas) 1:26
23 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. No. 21 Air: "As stars, that rise and disappear" (Lichas) 3:54
24 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "But see, the princess Iole" (Dejanira) / Act Two, Scene 5. Recitative: " Forgive me, princess" (Dejanira, Iole) 1:16
25 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 5. No. 30 Duet: "Joys of freedom, joys of power" (Iole, Dejanira) 2:33
26 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 5. Recitative: "Father of Hercules" (Dejanira) 0:18
27 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Two, Scene 5. No. 31 Chorus: "Love and Hymen" 3:55
CD #26
1 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 32 Symfony 3:54
2 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Ye sons of Trachin, mourn you valiant chief" (Lichas, Trachinian man) 1:26
3 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 33 Air: "O scene of unexampled woe" (Lichas) 3:07
4 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 34 Chorus: "Tyrants now no more shall dread" 4:15
5 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 2. Accompagnato: "O Jove! what land is this" (Hercules) 2:24
6 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "Great Jove! relieve his pains!" (Hyllus) - No. 36 Accompagnato: "Was it for this unnumber'd toils I bore?" (Hercules, Hyllus) 2:09
7 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 2. No. 37 Air: "Let not fame the tidings spread" (Hyllus) 4:03
8 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 3. No. 38 Accompagnato: "Where shall I fly?" (Dejanira) 6:14
9 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 4. Recitative: "Lo! the fair fatal cause of all this ruin!" (Dejanira, Iole) 1:17
10 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 4. No. 39 Air: "My breast with tender pity swells" (Iole) 6:49
11 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. Recitative: "Princess, rejoice! whose heaven-directed hand" (Priest of Jupiter, Dejanira) - Accompagnato: "His mortal part by eating fires consum'd" (Priest of Jupiter) 1:46
12 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. No. 41 Air: "He, who for Atlas prop'd the sky" (Lichas) 1:50
13 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. No. 42 Recitative and Accompagnato: "Words are too faint" (Dejanira, Priest of Jupiter) - Recitative: " How blest is Hyllus" (Hyllus, Iole) 1:07
14 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. No. 43 Duet: "O prince, whose virtues all admire" (Iole, Hyllus) 3:26
15 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. Recitative: "Ye sons of freedom" (Priest of Jupiter) 0:17
16 Hercules, HWV 60: Act Three, Scene 5. No. 44 Chorus: "To him your grateful notes of praise belong" 2:36
CD #27
1 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Ouverture 4:38
2 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 1. No. 1 Accompagnato ed Arioso: "Vain, fluctuating state of human empire!" (Nitocris) 5:06
3 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 1. No. 2 Air: "Thou, God most high" (Nitocris) 4:00
4 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "The fate of Babylon, I fear, is nigh" (Nitocris) - Recitative: "O much belov'd of God and man!" (Nitocris, Daniel) 1:15
5 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 1. No. 3 Air: "Lament not thus, oh Queen, in vain!" (Daniel) 4:55
6 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 4 Chorus of Babylonians: "Behold, by Persia's hero made in ample form" 2:49
7 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Well may they laugh, from meagre famine safe" (Gobrias, Cyrus) - No. 5 Accompagnato: "Oh memory! Still bitter to my soul!" (Gobrias) 1:19
8 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 6 Air: "Oppress'd with never-ceasing grief" (Gobrias) 3:33
9 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 7 Air: "Dry those unavailing tears" (Cyrus) 2:13
10 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Be comforted" (Cyrus) - No. 8 Accompagnato: "Methought, as on the bank of deep Euphrates" (Cyrus) 2:35
11 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Now, tell me, Gobrias" (Cyrus, Gobrias) 1:14
12 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 9 Air: "Behold the monstrous human beast" (Gobrias) 3:16
13 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Can you then think it strange" (Cyrus) 0:16
14 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 10 Air: "Great God! who, yet but darkly known" (Cyrus) 3:49
15 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "My friends, be confident, and boldly enter upon this high exploit" (Cyrus) 0:41
16 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 2. No. 11 Chorus [of Medes and Persians]: "All empires upon God depend" 3:15
17 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 3. No. 12 Arioso: "Oh sacred oracles of truth!" (Daniel) 5:14
18 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 3. No. 13 Accompagnato: "Rejoice, my countrymen: the time draws near" (Daniel) - Recitative: "For long ago, whole ages ere this Cyrus yet was born" (Daniel) - No. 14 Accompagnato: "Thus saith the Lord to Cyrus, his anointed..." (Daniel) 3:00
19 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 3. No. 15 Chorus [of Jews]: "Sing, oh ye heav'ns!" 4:11
CD #28
1 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. No. 16 Air: "Let festal joy triumphant reign!" (Belshazzar) 5:03
2 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. Recitative: "For you, my friends, the noblese of my court" (Belshazzar, Nitocris) 0:53
3 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. No. 17 Air: "The leafy honours of the field" (Nitocris) 7:33
4 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. Recitative: "It is the custom, I may say, the law" (Belshazzar, Nitocris) 1:23
5 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. No. 18 Chorus of Jews: "Recall, oh king! thy rash command" 3:53
6 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. Recitative: "They tell you true" (Nitocris, Belshazzar) 1:22
7 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. No. 19 Duet: "Oh dearer than my life, forebear!" (Nitocris, Belshazzar) 7:15
8 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act One, Scene 4. No. 20 Chorus of Jews: "By slow degrees the wrath of God" 4:22
9 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 21 Chorus [of Persians]: "See, from his post Euphrates flies!" - No. 22 Semichorus I: "Why, faithless river, dost thou leave thy charge" - No. 23 Semichorus II: "Euphrates hath his task fulfill'd" - No. 24 Chorus: " Of things on earth, proud man must own" 6:27
10 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "You see, my friends, a path into the city lies open" (Cyrus) 0:45
11 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 25 Air: "Amaz'd to find the foe so near" (Cyrus) 4:23
12 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 26 Chorus of Persians: "To arms, to arms! No more delay!" 0:34
13 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 27 Chorus of Babylonians: "Ye tutelar gods of our empire, look down" 2:58
14 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 28 Air: "Let the deep bowl thy praise confess" (Belshazzar) 2:38
15 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 29 Accompagnato: "Where is the God of Judah's boasted pow'r?" (Belshazzar) - Chorus [of Babylonians]: "Help, help the king! ... Oh dire portentous sight!" (Chorus, Belshazzar) 2:41
16 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Call all my Wise Men" (Belshazzar) 0:25
CD #29
1 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 30 Symphonie 1:43
2 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Ye sages! welcome always to your king" (Belshazzar) - No. 31 Trio: "Alas! too hard a task the king imposes" (Wise men) 1:05
3 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 32 Chorus [of Babylonians]: "Oh misery! oh terror! Hopeless grief!" 1:49
4 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Oh king, live for ever!" (Nitocris) - Recitative: "Art thou that Daniel of the Jewish captives?" (Belshazzar) 1:39
5 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 33 Air: "No! to thyself thy trifles be" (Daniel) 1:30
6 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 34 Accompagnato: "Yet, to obey his dread command" (Daniel) - No. 35 Accompagnato: "The most high God" (Daniel) - No. 36 Accompagnato: " Thou, o king, hast lifted up thyself against the Lord" (Daniel) 3:13
7 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Oh sentence too severe! and yet too sure!" (Nitocris) - No. 37 Air: "Regard, oh son, my flowing tears" (Nitocris) 6:57
8 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 38 Air: "Oh God of Truth! oh faithful guide!" (Cyrus) 4:37
9 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "You, Gobrias, lead directly to the palace" (Cyrus) 1:02
10 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 39 Chorus [of Persians]: "Oh glorious prince!" 4:52
11 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 40 Air: "Alternate hopes and fears distract my mind" (Nitocris) 4:28
12 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Fain would I hope - is there not room for hope?" (Nitocris, Daniel) 0:23
13 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 41 Air: "Can the black Aethiop change his skin?" (Daniel) 2:26
14 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "My hopes revive - Here Arioch comes" (Nitocris, Arioch, Messenger) 1:51
15 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 42 Chorus of Jews: "Bel boweth down!" 1:30
16 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 43 Air: "I thank thee, Sesach" (Belshazzar) 1:37
17 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 2. No. 44 A Martial Symphony during which a Battle is suppos'd, in which Belshazzar and his attendants are slain 0:39
18 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 45 Air: "To pow'r immortal my first thanks are due" (Gobrias) 2:44
19 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Be it thy care, good Gobrias to find out the queen" (Cyrus) - No. 46 Air: "Destructive War, thy limits know" (Cyrus) 2:54
20 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 47 Duet: "Great victor, at your feet I bow" (Nitocris, Cyrus) 3:58
21 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Say, venerable prophet, is there aught in Cyrus' pow'r" (Cyrus, Daniel) 0:55
22 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 48 [Soli and] Chorus: "Tell it out among the heathen, that the Lord is King" 1:37
23 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 49 Accompagnato: "Yes, I will build thy city, God of Israel" (Cyrus) 2:21
24 Belshazzar, HWV 61: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 50 Soli and Chorus: "I will magnify thee, oh God my king!" 5:28
CD #30
1 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Ouverture (without tempo indication - Allegro - Lentement - Allegro) 7:55
2 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 1 Chorus: "Mourn, ye afflicted children" 5:37
3 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "Well, may our sorrows, brethren, flow" (Israelitish man, Israelitish woman) 1:23
4 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 2 Duet: "From this dread scene, these adverse pow'rs" (Israelitish woman and man) 2:54
5 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 3 Chorus: "For Sion lamentation make" 3:35
6 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "Not vain is all the storm of grief" (Israelitish man) 1:10
7 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 4 Air: "Pious orgies, pious airs" (Israelitish man) 3:47
8 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 5 Chorus: "Oh Father, whose Almighty pow'r" 2:27
9 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 6 Recitative: "I feel, I feel the Deity within" (Simon) 1:04
10 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 7 Air: "Arm, arm, ye brave!" (Simon) 3:06
11 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Chorus: "We come, we come, in bright array" 1:06
12 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "'Tis well, my friends" (Judas Maccabaeus) 0:50
13 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 8 Air: "Call forth thy pow'rs, my soul" (Judas Maccabaeus) 2:15
14 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "To Heav'n's Almighty king we kneel" (Israelitish woman) 0:31
15 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 9 Air: "Oh liberty, thou choicest treasure" (Israelitish woman) 2:41
16 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 10 Air: "Come, ever-smiling liberty" (Israelitish woman) 3:20
17 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "Oh Judas, may these noble views inspire" (Israelitish man) 0:15
18 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 11 Air: "'Tis liberty, dear liberty alone" (Israelitish man) 2:57
19 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 12 Duet: "Come, ever-smiling liberty" (Israelitish woman and man) 1:19
20 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 13 Chorus: "Lead on, lead on! Judah disdains" 0:50
21 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 14 Recitative: "So will'd my father, now at rest" (Judas Maccabaeus) 1:38
22 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 15 Semichorus: "Disdainful of danger, we'll rush on the foe" 2:13
23 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "Ambition! if e'er honour was thine aim" (Judas Maccabaeus) 0:22
24 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 16 Air: "No unhallow'd desire" (Judas Maccabaeus) 2:27
25 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. Recitative: "Haste we, my brethren, haste we to the field" (Israelitish man) 0:12
26 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act One. No. 17 Chorus: "Hear us, oh Lord, on thee we call" 3:43
CD #31
1 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 18 Chorus: "Fall'n is the foe; so fall Thy foes, oh Lord!" 3:25
2 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Victorious hero! Fame shall tell" (Israelitish man) 0:46
3 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 19 Air: "So rapid thy course is" (Israelitish man) 4:26
4 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Well, may we hope our freedom to receive" (Israelitish man) 0:21
5 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 20 Duet And Chorus: "Sion now her head shall rise" (Israelitish woman and man) 6:46
6 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Oh let eternal honours crown his name" (Israelitish woman) 0:32
7 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 21 Air: "From mighty kings he took the spoil" (Israelitish woman) 8:13
8 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 22 Duet And Chorus: "Hail, hail, Judea, happy land!" (Israelitish woman and man) 2:16
9 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Thanks to my brethren, but look up to Heav'n" (Judas Maccabaeus) 0:49
10 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 23 Air: "How vain is man, who boasts in fight" (Judas Maccabaeus) 5:57
11 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Oh Judas, oh my brethren!" (Messenger) 0:48
12 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 24 Solo And Chorus: "Ah! wretched, wretched Israel!" (Israelitish woman) 6:29
13 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Be comforted, - nor think these plagues are sent" (Simon) 0:44
14 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 25 Air: "The Lord worketh wonders" (Simon) 3:05
15 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "My arms! - against this Gorgias will I go" (Judas Maccabaeus) 0:27
16 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 26 Solo and Chorus: "Sound an alarm! your silver trumpets sound" (Judas Maccabaeus) ... "We hear, we hear the pleasing, dreadful call" (Chorus) 4:44
17 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Enough!" To Heav'n we leave the rest" (Simon) 0:49
18 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 27a Air: "With pious hearts, and brave as pious" (Simon) 2:38
19 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. Recitative: "Ye worshippers of God" (Israelitish man, Israelitish woman) 1:18
20 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 27b Air: "Wise men, flatt'ring, may deceive us" (Israelitish woman) 5:58
21 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Two. No. 28 Duet and Chorus: "Oh! never, never bow we down" (Israelitish woman and man) 6:54
CD #32
1 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 29 Air: "Father of Heav'n! from Thy eternal throne" (Israelitish man) 7:08
2 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 30 Recitative: "See, see yon flames, that from the altar broke" (Israelitish man) 0:47
3 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Recitative: "Oh grant it, Heav'n, that our long woes may cease" (Israelitish woman) 0:32
4 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 31 Air: "So shall the lute and harp awake" (Israelitish woman) 4:32
5 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Recitative: "From Capharsalama, on eagle wings I fly" (Messenger, Simon) 1:25
6 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Chorus Of Youths: "See, the conqu'ring hero comes!" - Chorus Of Virgins: "See, the godlike youth advance!": Chorus: "See, the conqu'ring hero comes!" 2:50
7 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 32 March 1:46
8 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 33 Chorus: "Sing unto God, and high affections raise" 2:54
9 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Recitative: "Sweet flow the strains, that strike my feasted ear" (Judas Maccabaeus) 1:17
10 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 34 Air: "With honour let desert be crown'd" (Judas Maccabaeus) 3:20
11 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Recitative: "Peace to my countrymen; peace, and liberty" (Eupolemus) 0:50
12 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 35 Chorus: "To our great God be all the honours giv'n" 2:28
13 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Recitative: "Again to earth let gratitude descend" (Israelitish woman) 0:56
14 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 36 Air, Duet: "Oh lovely peace, with plenty crown'd" (Israelitish woman and man) 8:10
15 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. No. 37 Solo and Chorus: "Rejoice, oh Judah! and in songs divine" (Simon) 1:51
16 Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: Act Three. Chorus: "Hallelujah! Amen" 1:41
CD #33
1 Solomon, HWV 67: Overture: [Grave] - Fuga: Allegro moderato - Allegro 6:41
2 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 1 Chorus: "Your harps and cymbals sound" 3:16
3 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 2 Air: "Praise ye the Lord" (Levite) 5:06
4 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 3 Chorus: "With pious heart" 4:24
5 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 4 Accompagnato: "Almighty Pow'r" (Solomon) 3:19
6 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Imperial Salomon" (Zadok) - No. 5 Accompagnato: "See! from the op'ning skies" (Zadok) 0:39
7 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 6 Air: "Sacred raptures" (Zadok) 4:11
8 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 7 Chorus: "Throughout the land" 3:32
9 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Bless'd be the Lord" (Solomon) 0:31
10 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 1. No. 8 Air: "What tho' I trace" (Solomon) 6:29
11 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "And see my queen" (Solomon) 0:46
12 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 9 Air: "Bless'd the day" (Queen) 4:20
13 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Thou fair inhabitant of Nile" (Solomon, Queen) 0:41
14 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 10 Duet: "Welcome as the dawn of day" (Solomon, Queen) 3:16
15 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Vain are the transient beauties" (Zadok) 0:41
16 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 11 Air: "Indulge thy faith" (Zadok) 3:38
17 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "My blooming fair" (Solomon) 0:11
18 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 12 Air: "Haste to the cedar grove" (Solomon) 2:47
19 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "When thou art absent" (Queen) 0:18
20 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 13 Air: "With thee th'unshelter'd moor" (Queen) 2:10
21 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Search round the world" (Zadok) 0:21
22 Solomon, HWV 67: Act One, Scene 2. No. 14 Chorus: "May no rash intruder" 4:21
CD #34
1 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 15 Chorus: "From the censer curling rise" 5:01
2 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Prais'd be the Lord" (Solomon) 1:14
3 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 16 Air: "When the sun o'er yonder hills" (Solomon) 4:05
4 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Great prince" (Levite) 0:21
5 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 1. No. 17 Air: "Thrice bless'd that wise discerning king" (Levite) 3:09
6 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "My sovereign liege" (Attendant, Solomon) / Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Thou son of David" (1st Harlot) 1:55
7 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 18 Trio: "Words are weak" (1st & 2nd Harlots, Solomon) 5:27
8 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "What says the other" (Solomon, 2nd Harlot) 1:22
9 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 19 Air: "Thy sentence, great king" (2nd Harlot) 1:48
10 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Withhold, withhold the executing hand!" (1st Harlot) 0:13
11 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 20 Air: "Can I see my infant gor'd" (1st Harlot) 4:38
12 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 21 Accompagnato: "Israel, attend" (Solomon) 1:55
13 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 22 Duet: "Thrice bless'd be the king" (1st Harlot, Solomon) 3:39
14 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 23 Chorus: "From the east unto the west" 2:33
15 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "From morn to eve" (Zadok) 0:23
16 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 24 Air: "See the tall palm" (Zadok) 4:52
17 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "No more shall armed bands" (1st Harlot) 0:22
18 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 25 Air: "Beneath the vine" (1st Harlot) 5:02
19 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Two, Scene 3. No. 26 Chorus: "Swell, swell the full chorus" 2:57
CD #35
1 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three. No. 27 Sinfonia 2:54
2 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "From Arabia's spicy shores" (Queen of Sheba, Solomon) 1:19
3 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 28 Air: "Ev'ry sight these eyes behold" (Queen of Sheba) 4:15
4 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Sweep, sweep the string" (Solomon) 0:18
5 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 29 Solo and Chorus: "Music, spread thy voice around" (Solomon) 3:48
6 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 30 Air and Chorus: "Now a diff'rent measure try" (Solomon) 1:42
7 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Then at once from rage remove" (Solomon) 0:44
8 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 31 Chorus: "Draw the tear from hopeless love" 3:01
9 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Next the tortur'd soul release" (Solomon) 0:17
10 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 32 Solo and Chorus: "Thus rolling surges rise" (Solomon) 3:19
11 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Thy harmony's divine" (Queen of Sheba) 1:08
12 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 33 Air: "Pious king" (Levite) 2:41
13 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Thrice happy king" (Zadok) 0:50
14 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 34 Air: "Golden columns" (Zadok) 3:09
15 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 35 Chorus: "Praise the Lord" 4:16
16 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Gold now is common" (Solomon) 0:29
17 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 36 Air: "How green our fertile pastures look!" (Solomon) 1:56
18 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "May peace in Salem" (Queen of Sheba) 0:53
19 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 37 Air: "Will the sun forget to streak" (Queen of Sheba) 6:20
20 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. Recitative: "Adieu, fair queen" (Solomon) 0:16
21 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 38 Duet: "Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows" (Queen of Sheba, Solomon) 2:30
22 Solomon, HWV 67: Act Three, Scene 1. No. 39 Grand Chorus: "The name of the wicked" 2:24
CD #36
1 Theodora, HWV 68: Ouverture 3:03
2 Theodora, HWV 68: Trio 1:48
3 Theodora, HWV 68: Courante 1:44
4 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. Recitative: "'Tis Dioclesian's natal day" (Valens) 0:33
5 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. No. 1 Air: "Go, my faithful soldier, go" (Valens) 1:50
6 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. No. 2 Chorus of Heathens: "And draw a blessing down" 2:06
7 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. Recitative: "Vouchsafe, dread Sir" (Didymus, Valens) 0:55
8 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. No. 3 Air: "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire" (Valens) 3:20
9 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 1. No. 4 Chorus of Heathens: "For ever thus stand fix'd" 1:37
10 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 2. Recitative: "Most cruel edict" (Didymus) 0:30
11 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 2. No. 5 Air: "The raptur'd soul" (Didymus) 8:18
12 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 2. Recitative: "I know thy virtues" (Septimius) 0:44
13 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 2. No. 6 Air: "Descend, kind Pity" (Septimius) 7:13
14 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Though hard, my friends" (Theodora) 0:28
15 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 3. No. 7 Air: "Fond, flatt'ring world, adieu" (Theodora) 4:18
16 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 3. Recitative: "Oh bright example" (Irene) 0:27
17 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 3. No. 8 Air: "Bane of virtue" (Irene) 5:06
18 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 3. No. 9 Chorus of Christians: "Come, mighty Father" 2:35
19 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 4. Recitative: "Fly, fly, my brethren" (Messenger, Irene) - Recitative: "Ah! whither should we fly?" (Irene) 1:01
20 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 4. No. 10 Air: "As with rosy steps the morn" (Irene) 6:48
21 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 4. No. 11 Chorus: "All pow'r in heav'n" 2:15
22 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 5. Recitative: "Mistaken wretches!" (Septimius) 0:21
23 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 5. No. 12 Air: "Dread the fruits of Christian folly" (Septimius) 2:43
24 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 5. Recitative: "Deluded mortal" (Septimius) - No. 13 Accompagnato: "O worse than death indeed" (Theodora) 1:21
25 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 5. No. 14 Air: "Angels, ever bright and fair" (Theodora) 3:36
26 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 6. Recitative: "Unhappy, happy crew!" (Didymus, Irene) 1:11
27 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 6. No. 15 Air: "Kind heaven, if virtue be thy care" (Didymus) 5:04
28 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 6. Recitative: "Oh love! how great thy pow'r" (Irene) 0:23
29 Theodora, HWV 68: Part One, Scene 6. No. 16 Chorus of Christians: "Go, gen'rous pious youth" 4:51
CD #37
1 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Ye men of Antioch" (Valens) 0:36
2 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 17 Chorus of Heathens: "Queen of summer" 0:50
3 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 18 Air: "Wide spread his name" (Valens) 2:22
4 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 1. Recitative: "Return, Septimius" (Valens) 0:36
5 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 1. No. 19 Chorus of Heathens: "Venus laughing from the skies" 1:20
6 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 20 Sinfonia 1:02
7 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "Oh thous bright sun!" (Theodora) 0:39
8 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 21a Air: "With darkness deep" (Theodora) 3:55
9 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 21b Sinfonia (original version) 1:22
10 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. Recitative: "But why art thou disquieted?" (Theodora) 0:21
11 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 2. No. 22 Air: "Oh that I on wings could rise" (Theodora) 3:13
12 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "Long have I known" (Didymus, Septimius) 1:21
13 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 3. No. 23 Air: "Though the honours, that Flora" (Septimius) 3:57
14 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 3. Recitative: "O save her then" (Didymus, Septimius) 0:35
15 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 3. No. 24 Air: "Deeds of kindness to display" (Didymus) 6:59
16 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 4. Recitative: "The clouds begin to veil" (Irene) 0:38
17 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 4. No. 25: "Defend her, Heav'n" (Irene) 5:00
18 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. Recitative: "Or lull'd with grief" (Didymus) 0:33
19 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. No. 26: "Sweet rose and lily" (Didymus) 2:32
20 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. Recitative: "O save me, Heav'n" (Theodora, Didymus) 1:18
21 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. No. 27 Air: "The pilgrim's home" (Theodora) 2:43
22 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. No. 28 Accompagnato: "Forbid it, Heav'n!" (Didymus) - Recitative: "Or, say, what Right have I" (Didymus) - Recitative: "Ah! what is liberty" (Didymus, Theodora) 1:54
23 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 5. No. 29 Duet: "To thee, thou glorious son of worth" (Theodora, Didymus) 4:38
24 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 6. Recitative: "'Tis night" (Irene) 0:47
25 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Scene 6. No. 30 Chorus of Christians: "He saw the lovely youth" 5:18
26 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Alternative version of Scene 2. Recitative: "Oh thou bright sun!" (alternative ending) (Theodora) 0:39
27 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Alternative version of Scene 2. No. 21c Sinfonia (alternative ending) 1:40
28 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Alternative version of Scene 2. Recitative: "But why art thou disquieted?" (Theodora) 0:21
29 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Two, Alternative version of Scene 2. No. 22 Air: "Oh that I on wings could rise" (Theodora) 3:14
CD #38
1 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 1. No. 31 Air: "Lord, to thee each night and day" (Irene) 5:11
2 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 2. Recitative: "But see, the good, the virtuous" (Irene) 0:37
3 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 2. No. 32 Air: "When sunk in anguish and despair" (Theodora) 3:54
4 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 2. No. 33 Solo and Chorus of Christians: "Blest be the hand" (Theodora): Sc.2 3:27
5 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "Undaunted in the court" (Messenger, Irene) - No. 34 Accompagnato: "Oh my Irene, Heav'n is kind" (Theodora) 1:30
6 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 3. No. 35 Duet: "Whither, Princess, do you fly?" (Irene, Theodora) 1:09
7 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 3. Recitative: "She's gone disdaining liberty and life" (Irene) 0:40
8 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 3. No. 36 Air: "New scenes of joy come crowding on" (Irene) 4:34
9 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 4. Recitative: "Is it a Christian virtue then" (Valens, Didymus) / Part Three, Scene 5. Recitative: "Be that my doom" (Theodora, Septimius) 1:54
10 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. No. 37 Air: "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed" (Septimius) 6:34
11 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. No. 38 Air: "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r" (Valens) 1:02
12 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. Recitative: "'Tis kind, my friends" (Didymus, Theodora) 0:53
13 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. Chorus of Christians: "How strange their ends" 3:22
14 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. Recitative: "On me your frowns" (Didymus, Theodora, Valens) 0:31
15 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 5. No. 40 Air: "Ye ministers of justice" (Valens) 1:07
16 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 6. Recitative: "And must such beauty suffer" (Didymus, Theodora, Septimius) 0:55
17 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 6. No. 41 Air and Duet: "Streams of pleasure ever flowing" - "Thither let our hearts aspire" (Didymus, Theodora): Sc.6 6:04
18 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 6. Recitative: "Ere this their doom is past" (Irene) 0:21
19 Theodora, HWV 68: Part Three, Scene 6. No. 42 Chorus of Christians: "O Love divine" 3:02
CD #39
1 Jephtha, HWV 70: Ouverture - Menuet 5:13
2 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 1 Accompagnato: "It must be so: or these vile Ammonites" (Zebul) 1:23
3 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 2 Air: "Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs" (Zebul) 2:51
4 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 3 Chorus: "No more to Ammon's god and king" 2:54
5 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "But Jephtha comes" (Zebul, Jephtha) 0:52
6 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 4 Air: "Virtue my soul shall still embrace" (Jephtha) 4:06
7 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "'Twill be a painful separation, Jephtha" (Storgè) - No. 5 Air: "In gentle murmurs will I mourn" (Storgè) 4:58
8 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "Happy this embassy, my charming Iphis" (Hamor) - No. 6 Air: "Dull delay, in piercing anguish" (Hamor) 3:50
9 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "Ill suits the voice of love when glory calls" (Iphis) - No. 7 Air: "Take the heart you fondly gave" (Iphis) 4:14
10 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "I go. My soul, inspir'd by thy command" (Hamor) - No. 8 Duet: "These labours past, how happy we!" (Iphis, Hamor) 7:28
11 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "What mean these doubtful fancies" (Jephtha) - No. 9 Accompagnato: "If, Lord, sustain'd by Thy almighty pow'r" (Jephtha) - Recitative: "'Tis said. Attend, ye chiefs" (Jephtha) 1:57
12 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 10 Chorus: "O God, behold our sore distress" 4:35
13 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "Some dire event hangs o'er our heads" (Storgè) - No. 11 Air: "Scenes of horror, scenes of woe" (Storgè) 4:57
14 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "Say, my dear mother" (Iphis) 0:52
15 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 12 Air: "The smiling dawn of happy days" (Iphis) 3:32
16 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. Recitative: "Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply" (Zebul, Jephtha) 0:26
17 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act One. No. 13 Chorus: "When his loud voice in thunder spoke" 4:38
CD #40
1 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "Glad tidings of great joy to thee, dear Iphis" (Hamor) 1:14
2 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 14 Chorus: "Cherub and Seraphim, unbodied forms" 3:12
3 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 15 Air: "Up the dreadful steep ascending" (Hamor) 4:14
4 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "'Tis well. Haste, haste, ye maidens" (Iphis) - No. 16 Air: "Tune the soft melodious lute" (Iphis) 4:42
5 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "Heav'n smiles once more on his repentant people" (Jephtha) - Recitative: "Zebul, thy deeds were valiant" (Jephtha) - No. 18 Air: "His mighty arm, with sudden blow" (Jephtha) 6:28
6 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 19 Chorus: "In glory high, in might serene" 2:32
7 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 20 Symphony - Recitative: "Hail, glorious conqueror" (Iphis) 1:30
8 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 21 Solo and Chorus: "Welcome as the cheerful light" (Iphis) 3:52
9 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "Horror! confusion!" (Jephtha) - No. 22 Air: "Open thy marble jaws, o tomb" (Jephtha) 4:59
10 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "Why is my brother thus afflicted?" (Zebul, Jephtha) 0:57
11 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 23 Accompagnato and Arioso: "First perish thou, and perish all the world!" (Storgè) 2:19
12 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "If such thy cruel purpose" (Hamor) - No. 24 Air: "On me let blind mistaken zeal" (Hamor) 1:48
13 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 25 Quartet: "O spare your daughter!" (Zebul, Storgè, Hamor, Jephtha) 3:13
14 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. Recitative: "Such news flies swift" (Iphis) - No. 26 Accompagnato: "For joys so vast" (Iphis) 1:21
15 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 27 Air: "Happy they! this vital breath" (Iphis) 3:32
16 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 28 Accompagnato: "Deeper, and deeper still" (Jephtha) 3:27
17 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Two. No. 29 Chorus: "How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees!" 8:04
CD #41
1 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 30 Arioso: "Hide thou thy hated beams, o sun" (Jephtha) - No. 31 Accompagnato: "A father, off'ring up his only child" (Jephtha) 3:02
2 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 32 Air: "Waft her, angels, through the skies" (Jephtha) 4:30
3 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 33 Accompagnato: "Ye sacred priests" (Iphis) - No. 34 Air: "Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods" (Iphis) 6:27
4 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 35 Chorus of Priests: "Doubtful fear and rev'rent awe" 3:49
5 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 36 Symphony 2:44
6 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. Recitative: "Rise, Jephtha, and ye rev'rend priests" (Angel) 1:00
7 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 37 Air: "Happy, Iphis shalt thou live" (Angel) 3:59
8 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 38 Arioso: "For ever blessed be Thy holy name" (Jephtha) 1:28
9 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 39 Chorus: "Theme sublime of endless praise" 3:23
10 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. Recitative: "Let me congratulate this happy turn" (Zebul) - No. 40 Air: "Laud her, all ye virgin train" (Zebul) 2:21
11 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. Recitative: "O let me fold thee in a mother's arms" (Storgè) - No. 41 Air: "Sweet as sight to the blind" (Storgè) 2:15
12 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. Recitative: "My faithful Hamor, may that Providence" (Iphis) - No. 43b Quintet: "All that is in Hamor mine" (Iphis, Hamor, Storgè, Jephtha, Zebul) 3:37
13 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. No. 44 Chorus: "Ye house of Gilead, with one voice" 2:59
14 Jephtha, HWV 70: Act Three. [Applause] 0:18

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  1. https://www.deccaclassics.com/en/cat/4830142