My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – Season 3 My Little Pony

Release: 18 Feb 2013 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 145, Length: 2:54:45, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
Unofficial Soundtrack (RainShadow)


Digital Media #1
1 Failure Song 1:45
2 The Ballad of the Crystal Empire 1:38
3 Success Song 1:14
4 Babs Seed 1:48
5 99 Buckets of Oats 0:26
6 Raise This Barn 2:14
7 The Dragon Song 0:05
8 Crystal Cheer 0:17
9 Morning in Ponyville 0:56
10 What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me 1:55
11 I’ve Got to Find a Way 1:05
12 A True, True Friend 3:27
13 Celestia’s Ballad / The Transformation 2:18
14 Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle 0:35
15 Life in Equestria 0:44
16 A True, True Friend (Credits Version) 0:27
Digital Media #2
1 “It Has Returned!” 0:24
2 The Crystal Empire 0:45
3 Searching the Crystal Library 0:22
4 The Crystal Fair / Sombra’s Return 2:31
5 Previously in the Crystal Empire… 1:14
6 A Plan is Forged 1:24
7 “Not a Claw, Spike!” 0:20
8 The Door 1:44
9 “You Failed the Test, Twilight!” 1:11
10 Passing the Test 0:48
11 The Mirror Pool 1:27
12 “Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!” 1:03
13 Pinkie’s Plan 1:21
14 Watching Paint Dry 2:31
15 “The Best Week of Your Life!” 0:23
16 Clubhouse Tour 0:44
17 The Dark Side 1:53
18 “The Ding from the Place” 1:01
19 The Neigh‐Team 0:32
20 Parade Rescue 2:36
21 “Why Does Life Have to Be So Ironic!” 0:48
22 Scootaloo Drum Solo (Ringtone) 0:15
23 A New Crusader Has Joined the Party! (Ringtone) 0:06
24 The Alicorn Amulet 0:59
25 Mobius Tiere 0:38
26 “It’s Time For You To Leave Ponyville… FOREVER!” 1:23
27 Magical Success! (Ringtone) 0:02
28 “Total Concentration is a Must!” 0:55
29 “Who’s Got the Goods To Get Into Those Woods” 1:40
30 A Real Magical Amulet 1:00
31 “A Second Duel!” 0:48
32 One Pinkie Band 0:09
33 “The Magic of Friendship” 0:25
34 The Great and Apologetic Trixie 0:59
35 “Nice Moves, Kid” 0:37
36 The Clubhouse 0:09
37 A Sisters’ Camping Trip 0:56
38 Rainbow Dash Goes Camping 0:14
39 Setting Up Camp 0:16
40 “You Like Scary Stories, Right?” / “You’ve Got My Rusty Horseshoe!” 1:45
41 Sleep Scootin’ 0:48
42 “The Deep, Dark, Not‐Scary‐At‐All Forest” 0:54
43 “Silly Sleep” / Princess Luna / “It’s a Horse Without a HEAD!” 3:02
44 Face Your Fears / “They Think They Can Beat the Two of Us?” / Fears Faced 2:21
45 A Letter For Rainbow Dash 1:20
46 Wonderbolts Academy 0:36
47 “Lookie What We Got Here” 1:06
48 Newbies 0:26
49 “Release!” 0:58
50 Wing Pony 0:45
51 Flag Hunt 1:34
52 Not a Race 2:31
53 A Tornadic Mishap 2:14
54 “I Quit!” / Lead Pony 1:40
55 An Apple Family Reunion 0:55
56 Reunion Memories 3:02
57 A Minute’s Rest 0:45
58 Reunion Preparations 0:53
59 The Apple Family Arrives 0:33
60 “Ruined. Everything is Ruined” 1:28
61 Apples Departing / A Successful Reunion Letter 1:15
62 “Runaway Balloon!” 0:51
63 “You Saved My Life” / “I Need to Repay the Favor” 2:15
64 “It’s Been an Honor Being Your Faithful Assistant” 0:47
65 Pie for Rarity 1:36
66 “I’ve Got a Rock Tower to Knock Down” 0:32
67 “I Am a Damsel in Distress.” 1:46
68 Crying Timberwolf 1:36
69 “That’s What Friends Do” / Spike at Your Service 1:00
71 “You May Release Discord When Ready” 0:34
72 Discord Returns 3:14
73 “Practically Reformed Already” 0:45
74 Playing the Fool 0:50
75 Spinning Cottage 1:32
76 Dinner Party with Discord 2:46
77 “The One Friend I Ever Had” 2:56
78 “Friendship is Magic” 0:26
79 “Makin’ a Jewel Cake” (w/ Spike Vocals) 1:28
80 “Makin’ a Jewel Cake” 1:28
81 A Cake to Not Bake (w/ Spike Vocals) 0:13
82 A Cake to Not Bake 0:13
83 “One Little Jewel” 1:16
84 Pet Problems 1:14
85 Jewel Stroll (w/ Spike Vocals) 0:36
86 Jewel Stroll 0:36
87 A Quick Detour to the Crystal Empire 0:37
88 “There’s the Bunny!” 0:53
89 “Do Your Worst” 1:17
91 Let the Games Begin 1:08
92 To the Crystal Empire 0:33
93 “Crystallier Than Ever!” 1:46
94 “I Thought Step 12 Was Optional” 0:33
95 “Bump‐Cha!” 0:43
96 “Yeah, Okay. We Need To Stop Her” 0:27
97 “Hey There, Speedy!” 0:21
98 “The Next Host of the Equestria Games Is…” 1:38
99 “Something Strange is Going On” (Interlude) 0:48
100 “It’s All My Fault” (Interlude) 1:31
101 “They Mean More to Me Than Anything” (Interlude) 0:43
102 “A True Friend” / “My Destiny” (Interlude) 2:06
103 “There is Magic Without End” (Interlude) 0:52
104 “A True Princess” (Interlude) 1:11
105 “May I Present…Princess Twilight Sparkle” (Interlude) 0:24
106 “If it Weren’t For the Friendships I’ve Made” (Interlude) 0:57
Digital Media #3
1 Failure Song (instrumental) 1:45
2 The Ballad of the Crystal Empire (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 1:38
3 The Ballad of the Crystal Empire (instrumental) 1:38
4 Success Song (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 1:14
5 Success Song (instrumental) 1:14
6 Babs Seed (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 1:48
7 Babs Seed (instrumental) 1:48
8 99 Buckets of Oats (instrumental) 0:27
9 Raise This Barn (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 2:14
10 Crystal Cheer (instrumental) 0:17
11 Morning in Ponyville (instrumental) 0:56
12 What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 1:55
13 What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me (instrumental) 1:55
14 I've Got to Find a Way (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 1:05
15 I've Got to Find a Way (instrumental) 1:05
16 A True, True Friend (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 3:27
17 A True, True Friend (instrumental) 3:27
18 Celestia's Ballad (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) / The Transformation 2:18
19 Celestia's Ballad (instrumental) / The Transformation 2:18
20 Behold, Princess Twilight Sparkle (instrumental) 0:35
21 Life in Equestria (instrumental W/ Backing Vocals) 0:44
22 Life in Equestria (instrumental) 0:44
23 A True, True Friend (Credits version) (instrumental) 0:27

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Season 3, [Worldwide] (17 Feb 2013), Digital Media (English)
  2. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – Season 3 Soundtrack, (2013), Digital Media (English)
  3. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3, [Worldwide] (12 Apr 2014), Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media (English) Unofficial Soundtrack (CaptainComedy)