The Contemporary Keyboardist for Beginners John Novello

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 84, Length: 1:18:13, Barcode: 073999109672
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 The Five Practice Tools 3:11
2 The Musical Alphabet 0:31
3 Key Note Locations 0:54
4 Half and Whole Steps 1:11
5 Sharps and Flats 1:49
6 Accidentals 1:28
7 Enharmonic Notes 0:24
8 Musical Notes 0:09
9 Treble and Bass Clefs 0:12
10 The Grand Staff with Notes 0:24
11 Tied Notes 0:11
12 Time Signatures 0:48
13 Opus de Dos Notes 0:24
14 Walkin' 0:25
15 The Perfect Relative Pitch Drill 2:08
16 The Five Finger Drill 0:35
17 The Key Regimen 1:01
18 The Nine basic Rhythms Drill 0:35
19 Free Improvisation 36a 0:20
20 Free Improvisation 36b 0:19
21 Free Improvisation 36c 0:30
22 Free Improvisation 36d 1:22
23 Etude #1 0:44
24 Reverse Relative Pitch Drill 1:35
25 Five Finger Drill for Speed and Endurance 0:35
26 C Blues Scal 0:08
27 The 12 Blues Scales 0:38
28 The Diatonic Major Progression 0:37
29 The Basic Rhythm Etude 0:45
30 Key Center Improvising 0:25
31 Making the Changes 0:27
32 The Six Fundamental Basic Chord Breakdowns 2:04
33 Etude #2 0:47
34 The Five Finger Drill, Rhythm #5 0:21
35 The Five Finger Drill, Rhythm #6 0:22
36 The Chromatic Scale 0:45
37 The Diatonic Progression Circle of Fifths 0:42
38 The Tie Drill 0:26
39 Etude #3 0:52
40 The Triad Drill 0:51
41 The Double Thirds Drill 0:24
42 The Diatonic Circle of Fifths Voice Led 0:47
43 The Nine Basic Rhythms Rest Drill 0:26
44 Stylistic Blues Licks 2:52
45 Blue Intros and Turnarounds 0:39
46 Blues Endings 0:48
47 Etude #4 1:18
48 The Scat and Play Drill 1:39
49 The Double Thirds Drill (Four notes per beat) 0:33
50 The Rhythm Combination Tie and Rest Etude 0:35
51 Etude #5 0:37
52 The Scat and Play Drill Phrases 0:52
53 The Five Finger Trill Drill 1:09
54 Cadences 0:51
55 The II-V-I Major Progressions 2:57
56 The II-V-I Minor Progressions 1:03
57 Three Against Two 0:51
58 Three Against Four 0:52
59 Four Against Three 0:43
60 Permutation #1: Melodic Thirds 0:28
61 Permutation #2: Melodic Fourths 0:19
62 Permutation #3: Melodic Double Thirds 0:21
63 Permutation #4: Melodic Double Fourths 0:22
64 Permutation #5: Melodic Free Form 0:55
65 One Chord Jazz Improvisation 0:14
66 Motific Playing 0:10
67 Etude #6 0:38
68 Melodic Transposition Drill 3:42
69 C Major Scale 1:13
70 C Mixolydian Scale 0:35
71 C Altered Dominant Scale 0:37
72 C Symmetrical Diminished Half Whole Scall 0:39
73 C Dominant b9 Scale 0:35
74 C Whole Tone Scale 1:43
75 C Dorian Scale 0:38
76 C Locrian Scale 1:32
77 C Symmetrical Diminished Whole Half Scale 1:07
78 C Melodic minor Scale (Ascending) 0:23
79 Basic Chord Conversion 1:31
80 "Dear Old Stockholm" Chord Conversions 1:32
81 Advanced Rhythm Subdivisions 1:45
82 Jazz Improvisation 0:55
83 Note Bending Examples a-g 2:43
84 "Hair of the Dog" 1:02