Demos 81-85 Anti Cimex

Release: 2007 Germany, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 25, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Wave of Fear ?:??
A2 Straight to Hell ?:??
A3 Victims of a Bomb Raid ?:??
A4 Dead Struggle in a Burning Hell ?:??
A5 Progeria Power ?:??
A6 I skuggan av ett krig ?:??
A7 Krossa NRP ?:??
A8 Jordens undergång ?:??
A9 En död soldat ?:??
A10 FBU ?:??
B1 Heroindöd ?:??
B2 Muting ?:??
B3 Anti Cimex ?:??
B4 Svaveldioxid ?:??
B5 Drömmusik ?:??
B6 Eibon ?:??
B7 Krossa NRP ?:??
B8 No Title ?:??
B9 No Title ?:??
B10 The Armed a Attack ?:??
B11 No TV Sketch ?:??
B12 Totalvägra ?:??
B13 Instrumental ?:??
B14 En död soldat ?:??
B15 Jordens undergang ?:??

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