Élő Nád (Zeneakadémia 2005 November 19) Dresch Quartet

Release: 2006 Hungary, Language: , Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 7, Length: 1:16:40, Barcode: 5999548111277
Release type: Album


CD #1
1 Szélben = In The Wind 12:27
2 Erdélyi Román Furulyazene = Transilvanian-Romanien Flute Music 7:54
3 Bodrita 12:00
4 Ég Madara = The Sky's Bird 13:32
5 A Varázsló Kertje = The Wizards Garden 3:33
6 Búzai Dal = Songs From Búza (A Village In The Mezőség, Region Of Transilvania) 14:32
7 Bánat-bánat = Sorow-Sorow 12:42

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/4448579