Earth Drama Abaji & Claude Sacré

Release: 26 Apr 2011 France, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 66, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Earth Drama ?:??
2 Earth Drama (solo) (full length) (solo duduk) ?:??
3 Earth Drama (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
4 Dryness ?:??
5 Dryness (solo) (full length) (solo flute) ?:??
6 Dryness (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
7 Pity ?:??
8 Pity (solo) (full length) (solo oud) ?:??
9 Pity (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
10 Cry of Sorrow ?:??
11 Cry of Sorrow (solo) (full length) (solo violin) ?:??
12 Cry of Sorrow (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
13 Heartbreaking ?:??
14 Heartbreaking (solo) (full length) (solo duduk) ?:??
15 Heartbreaking (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
16 Last Hope ?:??
17 Last Hope (solo) (full length) (solo bamboo saxophone) ?:??
18 Last Hope (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
19 Over the Summit ?:??
20 Over the Summit (solo) (full length) (solo flute) ?:??
21 Over the Summit (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
22 Homeless ?:??
23 Homeless (solo) (full length) (solo kemenche) ?:??
24 Homeless (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
25 Lost Road ?:??
26 Lost Road (solo) (full length) (solo clarinet) ?:??
27 Lost Road (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
28 Human Tragedy ?:??
29 Human Tragedy (solo) (full length) (solo duduk) ?:??
30 Human Tragedy (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
31 Nomad ?:??
32 Nomad (solo) (full length) (solo acoustic bass) ?:??
33 Nomad (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
34 Tears in the Sand ?:??
35 Tears in the Sand (solo) (full length) (solo violin) ?:??
36 Tears in the Sand (instrumental) (full length) (strings) ?:??
37 Desolated ?:??
38 Desolated (solo) (full length) (solo duduk) ?:??
39 Desolated (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
40 Unconsoled ?:??
41 Unconsoled (solo) (full length) (solo santur) ?:??
42 Unconsoled (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
43 Disastrous ?:??
44 Disastrous (solo) (full length) (solo ethnic violin) ?:??
45 Disastrous (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
46 Grim ?:??
47 Grim (solo) (full length) (solo flute) ?:??
48 Grim (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
49 Oppressed ?:??
50 Oppressed (solo) (full length) (solo clarinet) ?:??
51 Oppressed (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
52 Lament ?:??
53 Lament (vocal lead) (full length) (solo male voice) ?:??
54 Lament (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
55 Wind of Hope ?:??
56 Wind of Hope (instrumental) (full length) (solo rebab) ?:??
57 Wind of Hope (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
58 Cry of Pain ?:??
59 Cry of Pain (vocal lead) (full length) (solo male voice) ?:??
60 Cry of Pain (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
61 Fallen World ?:??
62 Fallen World (solo) (full length) (solo rebab) ?:??
63 Fallen World (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??
64 In Memory ?:??
65 In Memory (solo) (full length) (solo piano) ?:??
66 In Memory (instrumental) (full length) (strings only) ?:??

Links (1)

Discography Entry
