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Complete Takemitsu Edition 2: Instrumental Works / Chorale 武満徹

Release: 25 Jul 2003 Japan, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 121, Length: 11:20:17, Barcode: 9784096131022
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Romance 4:41
2 Lento in due movimenti: I. Adagio 5:26
3 Lento in due movimenti: II. Lento misteriosamente 6:07
4 Distance de Fée 7:20
5 Pause ininterrompue: I. Slowly, sadly and as if to converse with 3:06
6 Pause ininterrompue: II. Quietly and with a cruel reverberation 2:48
7 Pause ininterrompue: III. A Song of Love 1:45
8 Le Son calligraphié: I 3:16
9 Le Son calligraphié: II 3:54
10 Le Son calligraphié: III 2:33
11 Masque: I. Continu / II. Incidental I / III. Incidental II 9:36
12 Landscape 7:51
13 Piano Distance 4:46
CD #2
1 Ring 9:30
2 Corona for Pianist(s) 23:18
3 Sacrifice: Chant I / Chant II 6:30
4 Sonant 6:42
5 Hika 5:49
6 Eclipse 15:59
7 Cross Talk 6:32
CD #3
1 Stanza I 7:11
2 Valeria 6:35
3 Seasons 16:19
4 Munari by Munari 17:48
5 Voice 6:51
6 Eucalypts II 8:09
7 Stanza II 6:14
CD #4
1 Distance 9:03
2 For Away 7:49
3 Voyage 15:31
4 Garden Rain 7:55
5 Folios: Folio I 3:20
6 Folios: Folio II 3:41
7 Folios: Folio III 4:25
CD #5
1 Bryce 11:10
2 Waves 10:51
3 Quatrain II 16:40
4 Waterways 10:04
5 Les yeux clos (in memory of Shuzo Takiguchi) 8:13
6 Les yeux clos II 7:33
CD #6
1 A Way a Lone 12:48
2 Toward the Sea: I. The Night 4:25
3 Toward the Sea: II. Moby Dick 4:46
4 Toward the Sea: III. Cape Cod 4:19
5 Rain Tree 11:05
6 Rain Spell 9:47
7 Rain Tree Sketch 4:23
8 Rain Tree Sketch II (in memoriam Olivier Messiaen) 4:30
CD #7
1 Cross Hatch 1:03
2 Rocking Mirror Daybreak: I. Autumn 2:57
3 Rocking Mirror Daybreak: II. Passing Bird 3:55
4 Rocking Mirror Daybreak: III. In the Shadows 2:43
5 Rocking Mirror Daybreak: IV. Rocking Mirror 3:14
6 From far beyond Chrysanthemums and November Fog 8:18
7 Orion 11:24
8 Entre-temps 11:13
9 Rain Dreaming 5:58
CD #8
1 Signals from Heaven (Two Antiphonal Fanfares): I. Day Signal 2:01
2 Signals from Heaven (Two Antiphonal Fanfares): II. Night Signal 3:12
3 All in Twilight (four pieces for guitar): I 3:06
4 All in Twilight (four pieces for guitar): II 3:18
5 All in Twilight (four pieces for guitar): III 2:18
6 All in Twilight (four pieces for guitar): IV 2:59
7 Toward the Sea III: I. The Night 3:33
8 Toward the Sea III: II. Moby Dick 3:44
9 Toward the Sea III: III. Cape Cod 3:49
10 Itinerant (in memory of Isamu Noguchi) 4:47
11 Litany (in memory of Michael Vyner): I. Adagio 5:30
12 Litany (in memory of Michael Vyner): II. Lento misterioso 5:26
13 A Piece for Guitar (for the 60th birthday of Sylvano Bussotti) 1:27
14 And Then I Knew 'twas Wind 12:40
CD #9
1 Equinox 5:17
2 Between Tides 15:08
3 Paths (in memoriam Witold Lutosławski) 5:32
4 A Bird came down the Walk 6:37
5 In the Woods (three pieces for guitar): I. Wainscot Pond (after a painting by Cornelia Foss) 3:27
6 In the Woods (three pieces for guitar): II. Rosedale 5:18
7 In the Woods (three pieces for guitar): III. Muir Woods 6:18
8 Air 9:30
CD #10
1 Bad Boy 3:38
2 Piano Pieces for Children: Breeze 0:58
3 Piano Pieces for Children: Clouds 1:41
4 A Boy Named Hiroshima 3:29
5 Le Fils des étoiles: Prélude du 1er acte "La Vocation" 4:14
6 12 Songs for Guitar: Londonderry Air 3:38
7 12 Songs for Guitar: Over the Rainbow 2:59
8 12 Songs for Guitar: Summertime 3:50
9 12 Songs for Guitar: A Song of Early Spring 3:24
10 12 Songs for Guitar: Amours Perdues 2:36
11 12 Songs for Guitar: What a Friend 2:51
12 12 Songs for Guitar: Secret Love 3:24
13 12 Songs for Guitar: Here, There and Everywhere 3:27
14 12 Songs for Guitar: Michelle 2:21
15 12 Songs for Guitar: Hey Jude 2:53
16 12 Songs for Guitar: Yesterday 2:40
17 12 Songs for Guitar: The International 2:30
18 The Last Waltz 4:03
19 Golden Slumbers 3:38
20 Herbstlied 5:22
CD #11
1 Wind Horse: I. Vocalise I 2:40
2 Wind Horse: II. Spell of Fingers 5:51
3 Wind Horse: III. Vocalise II 3:13
4 Wind Horse: IV. Vocalise III 3:10
5 Wind Horse: V. Legend of the Dining Table and Coda 5:48
6 Grass 6:48
7 Handmade Proverbs (Four Pop Songs): Your eyes 1:18
8 Handmade Proverbs (Four Pop Songs): Three bonzes 0:55
9 Handmade Proverbs (Four Pop Songs): Cinderella's misfortune 0:36
10 Handmade Proverbs (Four Pop Songs): A farewell gift 1:57
11 Songs: Sakura / Cherry Blossoms 3:32
12 Songs: Chiisana Sora / Small Sky 4:59
13 Songs: Utau dake / I Just Sing 4:15
14 Songs: Chiisana Heya de / In a Small Room 3:32
15 Songs: Koi no Kakurembo / The Game of Love 2:02
16 Songs: Mienai Kodomo / Unseen Child 4:05
17 Songs: Tsubasa / Wings 2:32
18 Songs: Shima e / To the Island 3:14
19 Songs: Sayonara 2:43
20 Songs: Shinda Otoko no Nokoshita Mono wa / All That the Man Left Behind When He Died 5:42
21 Songs: Maru to Sankaku no Uta / A Song of (Circles) and (Triangles) 1:24
22 Songs: Ashita wa Hare kana, Kumori kana / Will Tomorrow, I Wonder, Be Cloudy or Clear? 1:49

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