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DVD-Video + CD + DVD-Video

Full Moon in St. Petersburg Rage

Release: 23 Feb 2007 Germany, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: DVD-Video + CD + DVD-Video, Tracks: 103, Length: 6:20:49, Barcode: 727361181901
Release type: Other
European limited steelbook 2DVD+CD


DVD-Video #1
1 [intro] 1:49
2 Speak of the Dead 2:52
3 No Fear 6:35
4 Sent by the Devil 2:59
5 Soul Survivor 3:47
6 Enough Is Enough 4:07
7 Baby, I’m Your Nightmare 4:29
8 [intro to Suite Lingua Mortis] 0:38
9 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 1: Morituri te salutant 0:57
10 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 2: Prelude of Souls 2:49
11 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 3: Innocent 5:32
12 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 4: Depression 0:51
13 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 5: No Regrets 5:09
14 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 6: Confusion 1:31
15 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 7: Black 0:47
16 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 8: Beauty 4:23
17 Don’t Fear the Winter 5:20
18 Full Moon 5:09
19 Higher Than the Sky 8:31
20 No Fear (video) 3:54
21 Straight to Hell (video, live, 2004 Bochum) 3:56
22 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 4: Depression 1:12
23 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 5: No Regrets 4:48
24 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 6: Confusion 1:32
25 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 7: Black 0:50
26 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 8: Beauty 3:34
27 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Full Moon 4:58
28 2006‐07‐15: Masters of Rock Festival, Vizovice, Czech Republic: Higher Than the Sky 7:13
29 Don’t Fear the Winter (video, live, Stay Heavy TV Brasil) 3:45
CD #2
1 Intro 1:15
2 Speak of the Dead 2:51
3 No Fear 6:35
4 Sent by the Devil 2:56
5 Soul Survivor 3:46
6 Enough Is Enough 4:08
7 Baby, I’m Your Nightmare 5:07
8 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 1: Morituri te salutant 0:57
9 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 2: Prelude of Souls 2:50
10 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 3: Innocent 5:32
11 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 4: Depression 1:12
12 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 5: No Regrets 4:46
13 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 6: Confusion 1:33
14 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 7: Black 0:54
15 Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 8: Beauty 4:16
16 Don’t Fear the Winter 5:20
17 Full Moon 5:09
18 Higher Than the Sky 7:54
19 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 1: [welcome] 0:07
20 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 2: Set This World on Fire 0:27
21 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 3: Living My Dream 0:25
22 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 4: Dies Irae 0:43
23 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 5: Down 0:26
24 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 6: French Bourrée 0:33
25 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 7: Flesh and Blood 0:35
26 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 8: Soundchaser 1:01
27 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 9: Orgy of Destruction 0:21
28 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 10: Death Is on It’s Way 0:20
29 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 11: War of Worlds riff 0:14
30 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 12: War of Worlds solo 0:24
31 Guitar Workshop With Victor Smolski, Part 13: Human Metal 0:27
DVD-Video #3
1 Skull Cast 5:10
2 Ice Age 5:56
3 Flying Notes 6:34
4 Tricky Strings 6:13
5 Motorsport 5:11
6 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 1: Backstage / Soundcheck 5:55
7 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 2: Soul Survivor 3:56
8 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 3: Entry and Security Check 1:53
9 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 4: Speak of the Dead 3:46
10 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 5: 1 Hour Before Showdown 4:19
11 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 6: [intro] / Speak of the Dead 4:43
12 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 7: No Fear 5:34
13 2006‐05‐20: Sport Konzert Komplex, St. Petersburg, Russia, Chapter 8: Higher Than the Sky (Chorus) 5:47
14 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 1: Backstage Interviews 2:55
15 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 2: Fan Entry / Soundcheck / Security Check 2:00
16 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 3: Soundcheck 1:21
17 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 4: Fine Merch to Sell 0:59
18 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 5: Russian Fan Club 0:45
19 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 6: Showtime / [Sent by the Devil Beginning] 1:44
20 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 7: [Sent by the Devil Ending] 1:01
21 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 8: Soul Survivor 4:13
22 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 9: Down 4:48
23 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 10: Suite Lingua Mortis: Prelude of Souls / Innocent / Depression 9:26
24 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 11: Suite Lingua Mortis: No Regrets 3:32
25 2006‐05‐21: Moscow, Russia, Chapter 12: After Show 1:34
26 2006‐05‐22: Cultural Palace, Kiev, Ukraine, Chapter 1: Backstage 1:41
27 2006‐05‐22: Cultural Palace, Kiev, Ukraine, Chapter 2: [intro] / [Speak of the Dead Beginning] / Enough Is Enough 4:57
28 2006‐05‐22: Cultural Palace, Kiev, Ukraine, Chapter 3: Backstage During Drum Solo / Suite Lingua Mortis: Beauty / Guitar Solo 3:14
29 2006‐05‐22: Cultural Palace, Kiev, Ukraine, Chapter 4: Полнолуние / Higher Than the Sky 10:35
30 European Tour 2006, Chapter 1: Rage Tour Rehearsal at VPS‐Studios, March 2006: Enough Is Enough / Speak of the Dead Tour Intro / Speak of the Dead / No Fear / Parts of Other Songs 26:06
31 European Tour 2006, Chapter 2: Finland / Sweden 5:41
32 European Tour 2006, Chapter 3: 2006‐04‐01: Andernach, Germany: Straight to Hell / Baby I’m Your Nightmare 8:14
33 European Tour 2006, Chapter 4: 2006‐04‐05: Nürnberg, Germany: Gear Setup 1:33
34 European Tour 2006, Chapter 5: 2006‐04‐08: Vienna, Austria: Turn the Page 4:11
35 European Tour 2006, Chapter 6: 2006‐04‐14: Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland: Gear Setup / Soundcheck 9:07
36 European Tour 2006, Chapter 7: 2006‐04‐14: Z7, Pratteln, Switzerland: Suite Lingua Mortis, Part 8: Beauty / Human Metal 5:55
37 European Tour 2006, Chapter 8: 2006‐04‐16: Elysèe Montmartre, Paris / 2006‐04‐18: Barbecue in Montpelier, France 3:11
38 European Tour 2006, Chapter 9: 2006‐04‐29: Kaufbeuren, Germany: Line Check / Soundcheck 4:54
39 European Tour 2006, Chapter 10: 2006‐04‐24: Bochum, Germany: Homeshow 3:41
40 Beast in Rage, Chapter 1 4:10
41 Beast in Rage, Chapter 2 4:43
42 Beast in Rage, Chapter 3 1:32
43 Beast in Rage, Chapter 4 0:53

Other Releases in Group (9)


  1. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Japan (21 Feb 2007), CD (English)
  2. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Japan (21 Feb 2007), CD (English)
  3. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Germany (23 Feb 2007), CD (English)
  4. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Germany (23 Feb 2007), CD (English)
  5. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, South Korea (13 Mar 2007), CD (English)
  6. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Argentina (22 May 2007), CD (English)
  7. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Mexico (2007), CD (English)
  8. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Russia (2007), CD (English)
  9. Full Moon in St. Petersburg, Russia (2007), CD (English)

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