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Pokémon Diamond and Pearl 一之瀬剛 & 増田順一

Release: , Language: English, Status: Bootleg
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 198, Length: 5:38:38, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Opening Demo (Part 1) 1:45
2 Opening Demo (Part 2) 0:35
3 Title (Platinum) 1:46
4 Press Start 0:35
5 Introduction 2:22
6 Special program “Search for the Red Gyarados!” (Part 1) 0:39
7 Special program “Search for the Red Gyarados!” (Part 2) 0:05
8 Special Program “Let’s Ask Prof. Rowan” (Part 1) 0:27
9 Special Program “Let’s Ask Prof. Rowan” (Part 2) 0:05
10 Twinleaf Town (Daytime) 2:39
11 Rival 1:08
12 Route 201 (Daytime) 1:07
13 Lake 2:21
14 Encounter at the Lake! 0:36
15 Battle! Wild Pokémon 2:17
16 Wild Pokémon Defeated! 0:32
17 Dawn 1:43
18 Obtained an Item! 0:03
19 Sandgem Town (Daytime) 1:57
20 The Pokémon Lab 2:22
21 Hurry Along 0:49
22 Pokémon Center (Daytime) 1:32
23 Pokémon Healed 0:03
24 Encounter! Youngster 0:36
25 Encounter! Lass 0:29
26 Battle! Trainer 3:09
27 Trainer Defeated! 0:36
28 Jubilife City (Daytime) 1:39
29 Looker’s Theme 1:09
30 Obtained a Key Item! 0:04
31 Pokémart 1:37
32 Global Terminal 2:36
33 Wi-Fi Plaza 2:35
34 Wi-Fi Plaza - Minigame 0:53
35 Wobbuffet Pop Cleared! 0:07
36 Wi-Fi Plaza - Parade 1:47
37 Spin Trade 0:46
38 Mystery Gift 0:57
39 Route 203 (Daytime) 2:57
40 Battle! Rival 2:08
41 Oreburgh Gate 2:52
42 Obtained a TM! 0:04
43 Oreburgh City (Daytime) 1:34
44 Oreburgh Mine 3:09
45 Pokémon Gym 1:55
46 Battle! Gym Leader 3:00
47 Gym Leader Defeated! 1:30
48 Obtained a Badge! 0:06
49 Encounter! Twins 0:30
50 Level Up 0:02
51 Floaroma Town (Daytime) 2:30
52 Obtained a Berry! 0:03
53 Route 205 (Daytime) 1:45
54 Team Galactic Appears 0:47
55 Battle! Team Galactic 2:28
56 Eterna Forest 2:38
57 Let’s Go Together! 0:04
58 Eterna City (Daytime) 3:23
59 Team Galactic Building 1:13
60 Battle! Team Galactic Commander 2:17
61 Team Galactic Defeated! 0:30
62 Evolution 0:58
63 Congratulations! 0:06
64 Bicycle 2:32
65 Encounter! Cyclist 0:57
66 Route 206 (Daytime) 1:25
67 Hearthome City (Daytime) 2:05
68 Route 209 (Daytime) 2:37
69 Encounter! Hiker 0:33
70 Solaceon Town (Daytime) 1:49
71 Obtained a Pokétch App! 0:03
72 Route 210 (Daytime) 2:31
73 Veilstone City (Daytime) 2:55
74 Valor Lakefront (Daytime) 2:41
75 Canalave City (Daytime) 2:48
76 Route 216 (Midday) 2:58
77 Snowpoint City (Daytime) 3:49
78 Team Galactic HQ 1:54
79 Battle! Team Galactic Boss 4:14
80 Deep Within the Hideout 1:03
81 Mt. Coronet 2:56
82 Spear Pillar 1:34
83 The Legendary Pokémon Appears! 0:45
84 Natural Disaster! 0:49
85 Battle! Dialga & Palkia 5:01
86 Giratina Appears! 0:45
87 Giratina Appears! Part 2 0:13
88 Distortion World 3:45
89 Battle! Giratina 3:47
90 Sunnyshore City (Daytime) 2:51
91 Victory Road 1:09
92 Encounter! Ace Trainer 0:49
93 Pokémon League (Daytime) 2:55
94 Fight Area (Daytime) 2:09
95 Route 225 (Daytime) 2:39
96 Route 228 (Daytime) 1:43
97 Twinleaf Town (Nighttime) 2:39
98 Route 201 (Nighttime) 1:07
99 Pokémon Center (Nighttime) 2:54
100 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection 0:36
101 Mystery Gift (Platinum) 0:36
102 Sandgem Town (Nighttime) 2:01
103 Lucas 1:41
104 Jubilife City (Nighttime) 1:41
105 TV Station 1:53
106 GTS 1:25
107 Surfing 2:58
108 Canalave City (Nighttime) 3:01
109 Move Deleted 0:03
110 Route 203 (Nighttime) 2:57
111 Encounter! Black Belt 0:29
112 Oreburgh City (Nighttime) 1:34
113 Route 205 (Nighttime) 1:45
114 Encounter! Sailor 1:11
115 Eterna City (Nighttime) 3:23
116 The Underground 2:39
117 Obtained a Flag! 1:44
118 Encounter! Aroma Lady 0:39
119 Floaroma Town (Nighttime) 2:30
120 Old Chateau 3:34
121 Solaceon Town (Nighttime) 1:56
122 Great Marsh 1:57
123 Route 206 (Nighttime) 1:25
124 Encounter! Pokémon Collector 0:52
125 Veilstone City (Nighttime) 2:58
126 Game Corner 2:24
127 Win at the Slots 0:36
128 Big Win at the Slots 0:32
129 Encounter! Pl 0:52
130 Route 209 (Nighttime) 2:37
131 Snowpoint City (Nighttime) 3:49
132 Route 216 (Nighttime) 3:02
133 Cavern on the Lake 2:01
134 Battle! Uxie, Mesprit & Azelf 3:27
135 Route 210 (Nighttime) 2:36
136 A Poké Radar Hit! 0:45
137 Sunyshore City (Nighttime) 2:58
138 Encounter! Artist 1:14
139 Amity Square 1:56
140 Got an Accessory! 0:04
141 Hearthome City (Nighttime) 2:17
142 Contest Hall 1:05
143 Poffin 1:07
144 Super Contest! 1:45
145 Super Contest - Cute Category 1:05
146 Super Contest - Cool Category 1:13
147 Super Contest - Tough Category 1:10
148 Super Contest - Beauty Category 2:01
149 Super Contest - Smart Category 1:14
150 Contest! Dress-up 1:02
151 Dance: Easy 1:21
152 Dance: Hard 1:21
153 Announcing the Contest Results 0:38
154 Won the Contest! 0:31
155 Route 228 (Nighttime) 1:43
156 Valor Lakefront (Nighttime) 2:41
157 Fight Area (Nighttime) 2:09
158 Battle Tower 1:53
159 Stark Mountain 2:27
160 Route 225 (Nighttime) 2:43
161 Battle! Legendary Pokémon 1:42
162 Pokémon League (Nighttime) 2:53
163 Showdown! Pokémon League 2:38
164 The Elite Four Appear! 0:42
165 Battle! Elite Four 3:00
166 Elite Four Defeated! 0:31
167 Champion Cynthia 1:26
168 Battle! Champion 2:52
169 Champion Defeated! 1:08
170 Hall of Fame 2:22
171 Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame! 1:18
172 Ending 4:35
173 Villa - Twinleaf Town Music Box 0:41
174 Villa - Lilycove City Bossa Nova 1:50
175 Fight Area (Battle Frontier) 2:09
176 Battle Arcade 2:46
177 Obtained BP in the Battle Arcade! 0:04
178 Battle Hall 2:39
179 Battle Factory 2:52
180 Battle Castle 4:22
181 Received Castle Points! 0:05
182 Received BP! 0:05
183 Battle! Frontier Brain 3:11
184 Defeated! Frontier Brain 0:31
185 Azure Flute 0:19
186 Beginning Dimension - Arceus 0:55
187 Battle! Arceus! 2:33
188 Old-Style Victory (Unused) 0:32
189 Berries Get (Alt) 0:03
190 Route 206 (Alt) 1:26
191 Cavern on the Lake (Alt) 2:09
192 Battle! Gym Leader (Alt) 3:00
193 Evolution (Alt) 0:57
194 Eterna City (Alt) 3:23
195 Route 205 (Daytime) (Alt) 1:45
196 Route 205 (Nightime) (Alt) 1:45
197 Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - Title: Main Theme (unused) 1:44
198 Battle! Regirock, Regice & Registeel 1:37

Other Releases in Group (7)


  1. ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ダイヤモンド&パール スーパーミュージックコレクション, Japan (22 Dec 2006), CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl: Super Music Collection, [Worldwide] (11 Mar 2014), Digital Media (English)
  3. Pokémon Diamond & Pokémon Pearl: Super Music Collection, United States (11 Mar 2014), Digital Media (English)
  4. Pokémon DP Sound Library, Japan (24 Dec 2021), Digital Media (Japanese)
  5. Pokémon DP Sound Library, United States (02 Feb 2022), Digital Media (English)


  1. Nintendo DS Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection, (), CD + CD () English localization
  2. Nintendo DS Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection, (), CD + CD (Japanese) English translation, localized names