Henk Wijngaard Show Deel 2 Henk Wijngaard

Release: 1983 Netherlands, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 30, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Like to Know a Bit About You ?:??
A2 Teach Your Children Well ?:??
A3 Swimming Into Deep Water ?:??
A4 Country Roads ?:??
A5 Sucu, sucu ?:??
A6 Borriquito ?:??
A7 Porompompero ?:??
A8 Maria Christina ?:??
A9 La cucaracha ?:??
A10 Taka takata ?:??
A11 Ja, m'n schat komt van de bergen ?:??
A12 'n Cowboy reed over de prairie ?:??
A13 Hillbilly Billy ?:??
A14 Little Joe de cowboy ?:??
A15 Buffalo Bill ?:??
B1 Rock Aroud the Clock ?:??
B2 Shake Rattle and Roll ?:??
B3 Rip It Up ?:??
B4 See You Later Alligator ?:??
B5 Oh When the Saints ?:??
B6 Die Schleifer von Paris ?:??
B7 Zipfel rein, zipfel raus ?:??
B8 Bubi, bubi, noch einmal ?:??
B9 Oh mia bella bella Margarita ?:??
B10 Das kommt von Rudern ?:??
B11 Ik heb 'n truck als m'n woning ?:??
B12 Container song ?:??
B13 Oh Suzanne ?:??
B14 Bak roest op 18 wielen ?:??
B15 Truckcar race ?:??

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/7285845