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CD + CD + CD


Release: 27 May 2009 Japan, Language: Japanese, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 49, Length: 3:0:27, Barcode: 4580226564976
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Fly up in the air (eco. size) (from Macross Plus) 2:54
2 Tank! (TV stretch) (Opening theme of Cowboy Bebop TV) 3:26
3 Kouya no Heath (荒野のヒース Heath of the Wasteland) (Second Ending Theme of Genesis of Aquarion) 5:34
4 Torukia (eco. size) (トルキア) (from Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 5:35
5 What Planet is This (from Cowboy Bebop: The Movie) 2:46
6 High Heel Runaway (eco. size) (ハイヒールラナウェイ) (from Darker Than Black) 2:41
7 Ask DNA (eco. size) (Opening theme of Cowboy Bebop: The Movie) 4:42
8 Could you bite the hand? (from Wolf's Rain) 3:38
9 Player (eco. size) (Opening theme of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society) 5:35
10 Power of the Light (eco. size) (from Brain Powered) 2:45
11 Kagiri Naki Tabiji (限りなき旅路 The Endless Journey) (from Turn A Gundam) 5:00
12 Dance of Curse (eco. size) (from The Vision of Escaflowne) 2:52
13 Genesis of Aquarion (from Genesis of Aquarion) 3:13
14 Lithium Flower (Ending theme of Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 3:26
15 Shiro, Long Tail's (from Wolf's Rain) 3:12
16 Inner universe (eco. size) (Opening theme of Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 4:36
17 Lion (ライオン) (First Opening theme of Macross Frontier) 5:03
18 Chikyuu Kyoumei (地球共鳴 Earth Resonance) (from Earth Girl Arjuna) 2:02
19 Rakuen ~ secret garden (ラクエン ~ secret garden Paradise ~ secret garden) (from Wolf's Rain) 5:25
CD #2
1 Moon (eco. size) (from Turn A Gundam) 5:07
2 High spirit (from Genesis of Aquarion) 3:10
3 Yakusoku wa Iranai (eco. size) (約束はいらない I don't Need a Promise) (from The Vision of Escaflowne) 3:02
4 Be Human (from Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 4:06
5 Get9 (hyper eco. size) (from Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 3:22
6 The Garden of Everything ~Denki Roketto ni Kimi wo Tsurete~ (The Garden of Everything ~電気ロケットに君を連れて~ The Garden of Everything ~Taking You on an Electrical Rocket) (from RahXephon) 6:20
7 Coracao Selvagem (from Wolf's Rain) 3:31
8 Hamduche (from Cowboy Bebop: The Movie) 1:54
9 Voices (from Macross Plus) 3:50
10 Cloe (eco. size) (from Earth Girl Arjuna) 3:02
11 White Falcon (from Turn A Gundam) 1:23
12 The Real Folk Blues (save money size) (from Cowboy Bebop) 5:03
13 I do (from Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 4:55
14 End title Nostalgina (End title ノスタルジーナ) (from Turn A Gundam) 4:47
15 Yubiwa (Single Ver.) (指輪 Ring) (from The Vision of Escaflowne movie) 3:48
16 Toki no Kioku (時の記憶 Memories of Time) (from Please Save My Earth) 4:24
17 Blue (from Cowboy Bebop) 5:08
18 The Story of Escaflowne (eco. size) (from The Vision of Escaflowne) 4:15
CD #3
1 Sasurai no Cowboy (さすらいのカウボーイ Wandering Cowboy) (from Cowboy Bebop) 3:16
2 Doggy Dog (hungry size) (from Cowboy Bebop) 2:52
3 Neko no Kimochi (demo version) (猫のキモチ Cat's Feelings) (from The Vision of Escaflowne) 3:51
4 Miwaku no Horse Riding (魅惑のホースライディング Charming Horse Riding) (from Cowboy Bebop) 2:39
5 Wo Qui Non Coin (from Cowboy Bebop) 3:42
6 No money (more money size) (from Cowboy Bebop) 1:20
7 Waratteta (笑った Smile) (from Ōban Star-Racers) 4:46
8 Cat’s Delicacy (from The Vision of Escaflowne) 3:22
9 AI Sentai Tachikomans (AI戦隊タチコマンズ AI Combat Team Tachikomans) (from Ghost in the Shell STAND ALONE COMPLEX) 1:06
10 Ranka to Bobby no SMS Shoutai no Uta (ランカとボビーのSMS小隊の歌 Ranka and Bobby's SMS Platoon Theme) (from Macross Frontier) 1:01
11 ABC Mouse Parade (from Please Save My Earth) 5:09
12 Yoake no Octave (夜明けのオクターブ Dawn’s Octave) (from Napple Tale) 1:51

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. SPACE BIO CHARGE, Japan (27 May 2009), CD + CD + CD ([Multiple languages])

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