Special For... Пластилиновый негры навсегда

Release: 1994 Ukraine, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 17, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Song 5/4 ?:??
A2 Valz-Punk ?:??
A3 Spain ?:??
A4 Valz-Slider ?:??
A5 The Bird ?:??
A6 The Joung ?:??
A7 The Smith ?:??
A8 Th Plastictime ?:??
A9 Der Cowboysong ?:??
B1 Indy ?:??
B2 The Stones ?:??
B3 Disco ?:??
B4 Valz-C ?:??
B5 Old Song ?:??
B6 The New-Walz ?:??
B7 Tra-ta-ta ?:??
B8 Plastic No Tocksid ?:??