Sudamerica Brutal Anal Vomit

Release: 1998 Argentina, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 14, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: EP


Cassette #1
A1 Into the Eternal Agony ?:??
A2 Slaved Minds ?:??
A3 Rotten Vomit (Sex, Alcohol and Death Metal) ?:??
A4 Escaping ?:??
A5 Ripping Corpses ?:??
A6 Kingdom of the Cruelty ?:??
A7 Temple of Sacrifice ?:??
B1 Into the Eternal Agony ?:??
B2 Slaved Minds ?:??
B3 Rotten Vomit (Sex, Alcohol and Death Metal) ?:??
B4 Escaping ?:??
B5 Ripping Corpses ?:??
B6 Kingdom of the Cruelty ?:??
B7 Temple of Sacrifice ?:??

Links (1)

