Naked Tape and Others Takumi Akaishi

Release: 2013 Japan, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette + Cassette, Tracks: 12, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Outside the Window ?:??
A2 Mama Ens Sot ?:??
A3 For Emma Santos ?:??
A4 She Has Always Lived in the Castle ?:??
A5 The Sheep and a Bell ?:??
B1 String Was So ?:??
B2 The Sea of Sand ?:??
B3 Mother and Daughter ?:??
B4 The Long Valley ?:??
B5 Red Stain in Cotton ?:??
Cassette #2
C That of the Summer of 2013 ?:??
D The Look of One Day ?:??

Links (1)

