Baltimore Mince Massacre Agathocles

Release: 20 Mar 2020 Belgium, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 38, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Commence to Mince ?:??
A2 Electrifarce ?:??
A3 Grind Is Protest ?:??
A4 The Fog ?:??
A5 Gorgonized Dorks ?:??
A6 Who Cares? ?:??
A7 Carved Face Fashion ?:??
A8 Why Do They Gaggle? ?:??
A9 Interrupted ?:??
A10 Noise Abatement ?:??
A11 Bang Bang ?:??
A12 Chronic Death ?:??
A13 Until It Bleeds ?:??
A14 Lay Off Me ?:??
A15 Splattered Brains ?:??
A16 Axe to Tax ?:??
A17 Christianity Means Tyranny ?:??
A18 Opgefokt ?:??
A19 Teachers ?:??
B1 Bathing in Hate ?:??
B2 Anarchist Spectrum Disorder ?:??
B3 Big One ?:??
B4 Razor Sharp Daggers ?:??
B5 Mutilated Regurgitator ?:??
B6 No Use... Hatred ?:??
B7 Gallow's Eve ?:??
B8 Labelisation ?:??
B9 Will Gone, Lobotomy Done ?:??
B10 And the Loser Is ?:??
B11 Go Fucking Nihilist ?:??
B12 Abrir Las Puertas ?:??
B13 Hypotrips ?:??
B14 Ulkopuolinen ?:??
B15 Is It Really Mine? ?:??
B16 VMO ?:??
B17 Kill Thrill ?:??
B18 Demons in My Head ?:??
B19 Straight Lane ?:??

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