Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, Vol. 1 John Bull, William Byrd, Giles Farnaby, Orlando Gibbons, Thomas Morley, Peter Philips, Thomas Tomkins; Pieter-Jan Belder

Release: 23 May 2013 Netherlands, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 35, Length: 2:25:39, Barcode: 5028421943039
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Walsingham, I 15:51
2 Fantasia, CXXIX 5:09
3 Piper’s Paven, CLXXXII 5:15
4 Piper’s Galliard, CLXXXII 2:14
5 Pavana Ph.Tr., XCIII 5:41
6 Galliarda, XCIV 1:59
7 Pavana Pagget, LXXIV 7:13
8 Galiarda, LXXV 2:29
9 Praeludium, XLIII 1:37
10 Gloria tibi trinitas, XLIV 2:58
11 Toccata, XCV 4:00
12 Pawles Wharfe, CXIII 2:18
13 (Fantastic) Pavana, XXXIV 6:45
14 (Fantastic) Galiarda, XLVIII 2:33
15 A Grounde, CXXX 7:05
16 Pavana, CCXCII 3:00
17 The Leaves Bee Greene, CCLI 3:30
18 The Bells, LXIX 6:52
19 Goe from My Window, XLII 5:25
20 Fantasia, VIII 5:08
21 Coranto, CCXLII 0:59
22 Amarilli di Julio Romano, LXXXII 3:30
23 The Old Spagnoletta, CCLXXXIX 1:00
24 Pavana, CCLXXXV 6:53
25 Nowel’s Galliard, CCXLIV 1:38
26 Barafostus’ Dreame, XVIII 2:39
27 The King’s Hunt, LIII 2:25
28 Muscadin, CCXCIII 1:24
29 Fantasia, LXXXIX 2:54
30 Barafostus’ Dreame, CXXXI 6:05
31 In Nomine, XXXVII 3:19
32 The King’s Hunt, CXXXV 4:00
33 Johnson’s Medley, CCXLIII 3:59
34 In Nomine, CXIX 6:17
35 The Fall of the Leafe, CCLXXII 1:17

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