Plague Rages / Agathocles Plague Rages / Agathocles

Release: 2000 Czechia, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 33, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Farsa ?:??
A2 Eternal Miseria Villa ?:??
A3 Nivel de Odio No Sangue ?:??
A4 Dor E Sofrimento ?:??
A5 Valores ?:??
A6 Terroristas ?:??
A7 Abuse de Poder ?:??
A8 Mundo de Merda ?:??
A9 Progresso ?:??
A10 Miseria Moral ?:??
A11 Media Creations ?:??
A12 Ganacia Assassina ?:??
A13 Necrosfera ?:??
A14 [untitled] ?:??
A15 [untitled] ?:??
A16 [untitled] ?:??
A17 [untitled] ?:??
A18 [untitled] ?:??
A19 [untitled] ?:??
B20 Sources ?:??
B21 Domestication ?:??
B22 2344 - The Dark Ages Revived ?:??
B23 Cheers Mankind Cheers ?:??
B24 Lay Off Me ?:??
B25 A for Arrogance ?:??
B26 Thy Kingdom Won't Come ?:??
B27 Christianity Means Tyrany ?:??
B28 Trust Not Me! ?:??
B29 Didn't Ask ?:??
B30 Making Punk Afarce Again ?:??
B31 Kicked and Whipped ?:??
B32 Hip Off ?:??
B33 Mutilation ?:??

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