Kill Your Fucking Idols Agathocles

Release: 1994 Italy, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 18, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Intro by Eddie K. ?:??
A2 Mutilated Regurgitator ?:??
A3 Lack of Personality ?:??
A4 Forced Pollutions ?:??
A5 Big Headed Bastards ?:??
A6 Squeeze Anton ?:??
A7 Senseless Trip ?:??
A8 Theatric Symbolisation of Life ?:??
A9 Sentimental Hypocrisy ?:??
A10 The Accident ?:??
A11 Kill Your Idols ?:??
A12 Introtyl ?:??
A13 Non-Conformity ?:??
A14 Majesty of Fools ?:??
A15 Teachers ?:??
A16 Labelisation ?:??
A17 Threshold to Senility ?:??
A18 An Abstract ?:??

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