The Easy Ride 陳奕迅

Release: 2014 Hong Kong, Language: Chinese, Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 11, Length: ?:??, Barcode: 4895087608234
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 阿士匹靈 ?:??
2 陽性反應 ?:??
3 衝口而出 ?:??
4 大開眼戒 ?:??
5 我不好愛 ?:??
6 熱帶雨林 ?:??
7 人工智能 ?:??
8 結束開始 ?:??
9 活著多好 ?:??
10 他一個人 ?:??
11 不知所謂 ?:??

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. The Easy Ride, Hong Kong (08 Nov 2001), CD + VCD (Chinese)
  2. The Easy Ride, Hong Kong (2007), CD (Chinese)

Label (4)

Copyrighted (©) By

  1. Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited (2014)

Distributed By

  1. Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited

Marketed By

  1. Emperor Entertainment (Hong Kong) Limited

Manufactured By

  1. HUGO Productions (HK) Ltd.