Blueprints Filo & Peri

Release: 30 Mar 2009 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 29, Length: 2:28:25, Barcode: 5060120730909
Release type: Album - Compilation / DJ-mix


Digital Media #1
1 Walk Away (Lange remix) 5:41
2 Electrostatic Damage 4:32
3 Under the Sun (Solarstone remix) 6:29
4 Immersion (Cerf and Mitiska remix) 4:00
5 Moscow Morning (Sound Fiction remix) 2:54
6 Letting Go (Kai Del Noi mix) 6:07
7 Casa Grande 2:54
8 Awakening (Alexey Selin remix) 4:09
9 White Crystal 2:43
10 Azure (Genix mix) 4:00
11 Like a Waterfall (Deeper Sunrise version) 6:18
12 Supersonic (Martin Roth ‘Girls Love DJs’ mix) 5:45
13 The Hymn (Duende ‘Cala Jondal’ mix) 5:01
14 Just When I Think There’s an Answer (Genix mix) 5:19
15 Naked Angel 7:02
Digital Media #2
1 Tears of Armenia 6:14
2 Lifecycle 6:00
3 Let You Know 4:14
4 Emotia 5:10
5 Chimaera 5:14
6 After the Rain (Haris C Gutter Ballet remix) 6:03
7 Shine On (Activa remix) 5:24
8 Velvet Sun 4:56
9 Jump the Next Train (Kyau vs Albert mix) 6:07
10 Release (Zehavi and Rand remix) 6:07
11 U Write the Rules (Solarstone remix) 5:31
12 Morning Sun 5:38
13 Oceania 4:28
14 Why? (Aly and Fila remix) 4:14

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. Blueprints, United Kingdom (2009), CD + CD (English)
  2. Blueprints, [Worldwide] (24 Sep 2010), Digital Media (English) unmixed + mix

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