Los bulliciosos años veinte Eric Rogers and His Orchestra

Release: Argentina, Language: Spanish, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 12, Length: 35:55, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Tiger Rag (“Paso del tigre”) 2:35
A2 Whispering (“Susurrando”) 3:01
A3 Black Bottom 1:57
A4 Tea for Two (“Té para dos”) 4:58
A5 Ain’t She Sweet? (“¿No es ella dulce?”) 3:11
A6 Fascinating Rhythm (“Ritmo fascinante”) 2:24
B1 Chicago 3:05
B2 Me and My Shadow (“Mi sombra y yo”) 3:12
B3 Who? (“¿Quién?”) 3:01
B4 The Birth of the Blues (“El nacimiento de los blues”) 2:34
B5 Charlestón 2:34
B6 She’s Funny That Way (“Así es divertida”) 3:19

Other Releases in Group (2)


  1. The Percussive Twenties, United States (1961), 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. The Sizzling Twenties, [Worldwide] (2013), Digital Media (English)