Ruidosa Inconformidad / Garcia X Vega Ruidosa Inconformidad / GARCIAxVEGA

Release: 29 Dec 2017 Italy, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 32, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 12 Untitled Tracks ?:??
B1 Take the Shot ?:??
B2 Your Mom Ate Wal-Mart ?:??
B3 Psycotic Reaction Only ?:??
B4 You Got Reaped by Homer Simpson Impersonator ?:??
B5 Terror of Tweaking Phantoms ?:??
B6 Cheese of the Sea ?:??
B7 Eyesore ?:??
B8 Miss Muffits'Tuff Fit ?:??
B9 Smeared ?:??
B10 Raw ?:??
B11 Failed Vision ?:??
B12 Dis-Pleasant Glow ?:??
B13 Polka Caravan ?:??
B14 Gomer Piles Pile ?:??
B15 Uncle Panic ?:??
B16 Frick Dat ?:??
B17 My Biscuits! ?:??
B18 Part 3 Pt.2 ?:??
B19 Liver Beater ?:??
B20 Geroges'Boi ?:??
B21 Eccentric Violence ?:??
B22 Ft Btch ?:??
B23 Puke ?:??
B24 Half Eaten Toe Nail ?:??
B25 Choking on Shrubs ?:??
B26 Halfway Dead ?:??
B27 Bugged Out Bastards of Hooked Phonics ?:??
B28 Gacys' Hero ?:??
B29 Sweet and Fast ?:??
B30 Unknownperiod of Wretching ?:??
B31 Atad (A Track a Day) ?:??

Links (1)

