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An Evening of New York Songs and Stories Suzanne Vega

Release: 04 Sep 2020 Europe, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Vinyl + Vinyl, Tracks: 24, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Live


Vinyl #1
A1 Marlene on the Wall ?:??
A2 Luka ?:??
A3 'So how many people are here from out of town?' ?:??
A4 New York is a Woman ?:??
A5 'This next song takes place on 59th street...' ?:??
A6 Frank and Eva ?:??
B1 'So I myself came to New York City when I was 2 ½ years old' ?:??
B2 Gypsy ?:??
B3 Freeze Tag ?:??
B4 Pornographer's Dream ?:??
B5 'This next song is called New York Is My Destination' ?:??
B6 New York is my Destination ?:??
Vinyl #2
C1 'The first time I saw Lou Reed...' ?:??
C2 Walk on the Wild Side ?:??
C3 Ludlow Street ?:??
C4 Cracking ?:??
C5 'And now we've got a song about those times...' ?:??
C6 Some Journey ?:??
D1 'I'm gonna close with this song...' ?:??
D2 Tom's Diner ?:??
D3 'Would you like another one?' ?:??
D4 Anniversary ?:??
D5 Tombstone ?:??
D6 Thin Man ?:??

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. An Evening of New York Songs and Stories, Europe (11 Sep 2020), CD (English)
  2. An Evening of New York Songs and Stories, Europe (11 Sep 2020), Digital Media (English)
  3. An Evening of New York Songs and Stories, Japan (11 Sep 2020), CD (English)
  4. An Evening of New York Songs and Stories, [Worldwide] (11 Sep 2020), Digital Media () 24-Bit 44.1 kHz