wood man’s very nice album …feat. mega man, i guess SiIvaGunner

Release: 23 Aug 2017 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 87, Length: 4:47:28, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
2 Wood Man Fusion Collab 16:29
3 mm2wood.nsf 1:19
4 Bat Man Selects a Stage 0:33
5 El Pogo My Way ~ The Local Village Mariachi Band Took A Huge Nosedive After Hiring Wood Man 2:09
6 bk64wood 1:18
7 There I made an underjoke now give me likes 2:01
8 mm9concrete 1:50
9 Its the same exact song 1:12
10 Quail Man Stage 1:55
11 I Believe in Wood 1:23
12 ウッドマン(ライブ) 1:21
13 Initial Metal 1:23
14 Crash Man Dies from Falling 2 Inches 0:59
15 It’s Gonna Be Me(ga Man) 1:35
16 Aquarium Wood 2:34
17 you reposted in the wrong wood 1:37
18 roRmonsoon.mid 1:19
19 mm2slam.mid 1:19
20 Wood Man in the House 1:21
21 sp2griz.mid 0:50
22 mm2egg 1:19
23 Wood Field – Mega Man’s Soccer [2A03] 2:21
24 Spin it, boys! 2:10
25 Collision Man 1:41
26 Having a Bad Time in Heat Man’s Stage 2:14
27 wood savior 2:10
28 yall thought this was code lyoko but in reality its the pain and suffering millions of poor fake djs experience every day in 10 dan 0:48
29 Jazz Man 2 – Wood Man’s Stage 1:27
30 pmtvmami.mid 0:39
31 the nice zephyr 1:07
32 mm2xmas 0:44
33 Star Soldier W 2:32
34 mm2slide 1:19
35 mm2familyguy 1:19
36 Soulja Eyes 1:08
37 Do Not 3:12
38 Pirate Prelude 1:34
39 Flintman 4 Minus Halation 0:41
40 Green Battleship Gradinyes 2:25
41 mm2haltmann 1:20
42 Ring Man vs. Cut Man vs. Flutter vs. The Gesellschaft 4:14
43 ssRcollide.mid 1:19
44 mm2pingas 1:19
45 Go Go Gadget Select Screen 0:31
46 Nutshack and Chill 1:00
47 spmp2.fish 2:59
48 WoodGB 2:22
49 bw2wood, now as a full version 1:12
50 Joke: Original track sucks so here’s mm2wood run through SD‐90 instead 1:19
51 mc2minecraft 1:24
52 Pirate Dad’s Stage 1:21
53 Cena’s Cold Highway 1:38
54 mm2bloodlines 1:58
55 mm2pac 0:32
56 Stage 1 & 6 (Lmao oops the original rip had half a beat missing every other measure but its ok because no one mentioned it and its woodman so who cares its fixed here so it doesnt matter no worry mix) – Batman: Return of the Joker 1:27
57 christmas man haha yes (:ok: :joy:) 0:32
58 Death b‐WALUIGI TIME! 2:28
59 mm2jojo 1:20
60 Richter Belmont’s Too Quick, Man 1:23
61 Proof of Halation 0:57
62 A Flashing Meme Medley 1:26
63 Choose A Player 0:57
64 dk64helm.mid 1:19
65 Galaxy N. Gin 2:00
66 nicecycle 1:46
67 mm2wood 5:22
68 Drifting Holiday 3:26
69 cf9am 1:24
70 mm2wily.mid 1:07
71 gerudo man 3:10
72 wood drum rhumba 1:07
73 Woodeneye 002 1:31
74 Challenging Flash Man 0:52
75 Have you heard of the underground cult hit series, “Mega Man”? 0:32
76 Lost Woods Man 1:40
77 mm2crank 1:21
78 WoodShack.EXE 1:38
79 Nice Robot’s Fountain 1:27
80 Is This Loss 2:10
81 mm2misha 1:25
82 Trail on Konayuki 2:43
83 Smooth (this is actually how Santana sounds now) 1:19
84 Death by Flash Man (Obligatory Full Version) 2:12
85 mm2wood.mid run through GXSCC 1:18
86 mm2rap.mid 7:28
87 mm3select 2:7:37

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. wood man’s very nice album …feat. mega man, i guess, [Worldwide] (23 Jun 2017), Digital Media (English)

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  1. https://siivagunner.fandom.com/wiki/Wood_man's_very_nice_album_...feat._mega_man,_i_guess

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  1. https://gilvasunner.bandcamp.com/album/wood-mans-very-nice-album-feat-mega-man-i-guess

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  1. https://gilvasunner.bandcamp.com/album/wood-mans-very-nice-album-feat-mega-man-i-guess

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  1. https://gilvasunner.bandcamp.com/album/wood-mans-very-nice-album-feat-mega-man-i-guess