2019-2023 / A Guide to a Level Playing Field of Human Reality ▶️ ⏸ FL XL

Release: 31 Oct 2017 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 52, Length: 1:14:19, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Digital Media #1
1 Duality to Unity 1:10
2 The 3rd Arrives (and What to Do Every 3 Months When It Does) 1:48
3 1 = 2 = 3 1:16
4 "But I Was Raised to Believe...", or, This is 100% Compatible With Your Present Beliefs! 2:57
5 The Telos of God is a Red Herring 0:52
6 Meet DMT 2:01
7 Fractal Significance 1:02
8 You are Timeless 1:48
9 Your 5 (or 6) Senses, and How They Exist in Spirit 1:15
10 Music, the Great Communicator 1:10
11 There Will Be No Apocalypse (3 Suggestions of "The Event" and What It Might Be) 1:21
12 Repent! The Beginning is Near! 1:08
13 Corroboration in..., pt. 1: Mathematics and Logic (Reprise) 1:57
14 Corroboration in..., pt. 2: Biology (Evolution is the Variable) 1:12
15 DNA and DMT 0:23
16 The Third I (+ 2 I's) : The Pineal Gland 1:27
17 Dreams, Lucid Sleep, & Astral Projection 1:20
18 Honey I Shrunk the Universe— Quantum Foam 2:49
19 What Don't We Know? (Relevance-Scaled) 1:14
20 What Do We Now Know? 1:30
21 What Can You Do Now? 0:49
22 Thoughts Have Natural Selection Too— How Memory Works (fka Melatonin and Light) 1:00
23 Why I Can't Prove Psychic Powers to You (But You Can to You!) 1:18
24 Riding the Cosmic Rails 1:50
25 Amphetamine and Norepinepherine 2:29
26 Dopamine, Norepinepherine, Serotonin, & Melatonin (The Big 4 Endogens) 1:13
27 Psilocyin, LSD, Mescaline, & DMT (The Big 4 Psychedelics) 1:16
28 Other Psychoactives of Relevance to Your New Worldview (or, Never Do Ketamine) 0:43
29 We Are All the Center of the Universe— Easily, Peacefully 1:07
30 Success is Inevitable; Suicide is Impossible 1:32
31 Parallel Universes are Not Scary 1:10
32 12/21/2012 is Not a Date, But a Day That Repeats 1:36
33 Angels, Demons, & Karma (Simulation is Cumulative Reality) 1:23
34 "The Mayans Controlled the Story, The Aliens Control Yours 1:08
35 ...for Good Reason." 0:10
36 Prime #'s are Prime Universes (138,959, 139,021) 1:18
37 The Mechanics of Light, and Why the Figure in the Mirror is Both Real and You 1:06
38 She Can't Prove You Wrong, You Can't Prove Her Right 1:25
39 Patterns, Streaks, Talent, Confidence, and How to Find Yourself 1:06
40 The Missing Numbers to the Algebra of Life (What # Universe is This?) 1:21
41 Dying 101 1:31
42 Reincarnation is Right But Misunderstood 1:28
43 DMT: The Great Regulator, the Biological Democracy 1:18
44 Too Slow! Absolute Zero is the Isolation of a String (Unabsolutes) 2:03
45 Spatial Limitation vs. Temporal Limitation 1:28
46 Adult Puberty, or, "When YOU Receive the Call" 2:17
47 Cruel Nature of Reality 0:35
48 Guided By Eyes (The Organ With Two Senses) 1:05
49 Meditation (for the Impatient), I-Ching, and Additional Reading 1:17
50 What the World Needs to Do Now 2:48
51 What Makes You Different Is Your Music— motion, hulahooping, and unmeditating 3:00
52 Time Heals? 0:49

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. 2019-2023 / A Guide to a Level Playing Field of Human Reality ▶️ ⏸, [Worldwide] (19 Oct 2017), Digital Media (English)

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  1. https://dmttapes.bandcamp.com/album/2019-2023-a-guide-to-a-level-playing-field-of-human-reality-dmt-425

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  1. https://dmttapes.bandcamp.com/album/2019-2023-a-guide-to-a-level-playing-field-of-human-reality-dmt-425

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  1. https://dmttapes.bandcamp.com/album/2019-2023-a-guide-to-a-level-playing-field-of-human-reality-dmt-425