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Final Fantasy XI: Original Soundtrack Premium Box 水田直志, 谷岡久美 & 植松伸夫

Release: 28 Mar 2007 Japan, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 143, Length: 7:34:11, Barcode: 4988601460798
Release type: Album - Compilation / Soundtrack


CD #1
1 "FFXI Opening Theme": Legend (The Crystal Theme) / Memory of the People / Memoro de la Ŝtono / Memory of the Wind 6:46
2 Vana'diel March 3:18
3 The Kingdom of San d'Oria 4:34
4 Ronfaure 4:57
5 Battle Theme 2:17
6 Chateau d'Oraguille 4:33
7 Batallia Downs 4:30
8 The Republic of Bastok 2:53
9 Gustaberg 4:12
10 Metalworks 3:02
11 Rolanberry Fields 2:27
12 The Federation of Windurst 3:12
13 Heaven's Tower 6:25
14 Sarutabaruta 2:47
15 Battle in the Dungeon 2:27
16 Sauromugue Champaign 5:23
17 Mhaura 2:51
18 Buccaneers 1:55
19 Battle Theme #2 2:27
20 Voyager 2:14
21 Selbina 2:18
CD #2
1 Prelude 1:18
2 Regeneracy 1:10
3 Hume Male 1:53
4 Hume Female 1:06
5 Elvaan Male 1:52
6 Elvaan Female 1:27
7 Tarutaru Male 1:27
8 Tarutaru Female 0:50
9 Mithra 1:54
10 Galka 1:40
11 Airship 2:19
12 The Grand Duchy of Jeuno 2:23
13 Ru'Lude Gardens 2:31
14 Recollection 3:10
15 Anxiety 2:44
16 Battle in the Dungeon #2 1:33
17 Blackout 0:44
18 Mog House 3:29
19 Hopelessness 1:53
20 Fury 1:37
21 Tough Battle 3:00
22 Sorrow 2:38
23 Sometime, Somewhere 1:47
24 Xarcabard 4:29
25 Despair: Memoro de la Ŝtono 2:26
26 Castle Zvahl 9:10
27 Shadow Lord 1:51
28 Awakening 5:20
29 Repression: Memoro de la Ŝtono 3:07
30 Vana'diel March #2 4:22
CD #3
1 Kazham 2:38
2 Yuhtunga Jungle 8:16
3 Battle Theme #3 2:16
4 "Dash de Chocobo" 3:29
5 Rabao 4:29
6 Altepa Desert 4:19
7 Battle in the Dungeon #3 2:10
8 Grav'iton 1:50
9 Norg 3:23
10 Tough Battle #2 2:46
11 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah 4:13
12 Ro'Maeve 4:26
13 Hall of the Gods 4:33
14 Fighters of the Crystal 3:32
15 Tu'Lia 3:55
16 Ve'Lugannon Palace 5:42
17 Eald'narche 1:54
18 Belief 3:29
19 End Theme 2:43
CD #4
1 Unity 1:49
2 Moblin Menagerie: Movalpolos 4:36
3 Depths of the Soul 2:40
4 Faded Memories: Promyvion 5:25
5 Currents of Time 4:23
6 First Ode: Nocturne of the Gods 0:56
7 A New Horizon: Tavnazian Archipelago 3:32
8 Onslaught 2:23
9 The Forgotten City: Tavnazian Safehold 2:44
10 Second Ode: Distant Promises 2:31
11 The Ruler of the Skies 1:31
12 Turmoil 2:19
13 Third Ode: Memoria de la Ŝtono 0:52
14 Happily Ever After 2:40
15 Conflict: You Want to Live Forever? 3:54
16 Conflict: March of the Hero 3:30
17 Fourth Ode: Clouded Dawn 1:43
18 Words Unspoken: Pso'Xja 4:14
19 Fifth Ode: A Time for Prayer 1:39
20 The Celestial Capital: Al'Taieu 7:25
21 Gates of Paradise: The Garden of Ru'Hmet 6:34
22 Dusk and Dawn 2:41
23 A New Morning 4:34
24 Gustaberg 3:33
CD #5
1 Bustle of the Capital 4:09
2 Eastward Bound… 3:56
3 Bandits' Market 4:10
4 Illusions in the Mist 4:45
5 Mercenaries' Delight 2:20
6 Jeweled Boughs 4:12
7 Ululations from Beyond 5:10
8 Rapid Onslaught: Assault 3:02
9 Fated Strife: Besieged 1:53
10 Delve 1:44
11 Whispers of the Gods 2:57
12 Circuit de Chocobo 3:43
13 Run Chocobo, Run! 1:30
14 The Colosseum 2:37
15 Black Coffin 3:52
16 A Puppet's Slumber 1:34
17 Ever-Turning Wheels 2:26
18 Forbidden Seal 4:29
19 Hellriders 3:08
20 Eternal Gravestone 1:10
21 Vana'diel March #4 2:01
CD #6
1 A Road Once Traveled 2:53
2 One Last Time 3:26
3 Eternal Oath 2:15
4 To the Heavens 1:13
5 Bloody Promises 2:07
6 Hook, Line, and Sinker 1:32
7 The Big One 2:08
8 Choc-a-bye Baby 2:42
9 Revenant Maiden 1:31
10 Hidden Truths 2:20
11 Moongate (Memoro de la Ŝtono) 1:31
12 Celestial Thunder 1:19
13 A Realm of Emptiness 3:49
14 Distant Worlds 5:20
15 Jeuno -Starlight Celebration- 5:09
16 Sunbreeze Shuffle 2:31
17 Distant Worlds -Guitar Version- 5:17
18 Ru'Lude Gardens -Star Onions Version- 3:40
CD #7
1 The Federation of Windurst 3:50
2 Rabao 4:16
3 Choc-a-bye Baby 3:18
4 Moblin Menagerie: Movalpolos 3:43
5 Battle Theme #2 2:24
6 Faded Memories: Promyvion 5:08
7 Jeweled Boughs 4:21
8 Tu'Lia 4:04
9 Distant Worlds 5:22
10 Vana'diel March #4 2:16

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