PHYCLVR (Streetcleaver vs Phyllomedusa) Streetcleaver / Phyllomedusa

Release: 22 Jul 2016 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 10, Length: 26:32, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Vermiculated (Hyperolius) 0:52
A2 Pigmentation Related, the Subspecial Emerging (Phase F Delirium) 0:55
A3 The Bulging Black and Erect Sitting Posture (Leptobrachium abbotti) 1:22
A4 Oddities the Nuchal Region Provide 0:29
A5 The Moustache (Upon the Breeding Jaw) 1:49
B1 ######### 2:28
B2 whiter 5:10
B3 fulfill your thirst 4:48
B4 deterrent 5:21
B5 exp2 3:18

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