Deflagration Vol. III Various Artists

Release: 1985 France, Language: [Multiple languages], Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 43, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Cassette #1
A1 Kids ?:??
A2 Thanks USA ?:??
A3 Marijuana Punk ?:??
A4 Spytaj milicjanta ?:??
A5 Szara rzeczywistość ?:??
A6 Wojna głupców ?:??
A7 Kromozom 4 ?:??
A8 Ich bin ?:??
A9 La Gueule Dans L'Gateau ?:??
A10 WW. 3 ?:??
A11 Leichenficker ?:??
A12 Die Welt ?:??
A13 Hiroshima ?:??
A14 No Victory ?:??
A15 System? ?:??
A16 War, War, War ?:??
A17 Underdog ?:??
A18 We're Still Alive ?:??
A19 Let's Go to McDonalds ?:??
A20 Rise & Shine ?:??
A21 Mickey Got a Vasectomy ?:??
B1 Bad Influence ?:??
B2 We Mean Business ?:??
B3 Winding ?:??
B4 Verzet ?:??
B5 It's War Again!!! ?:??
B6 De Droom ?:??
B7 In the Name of God ?:??
B8 Human Work ?:??
B9 Stupid Punks ?:??
B10 Die Fahne ?:??
B11 System Attack ?:??
B12 Smack Is Back ?:??
B13 Hiljainen Enemmistö ?:??
B14 Mä En Alistu ?:??
B15 Rauhanturvaajat ?:??
B16 Afrique Du Sud ?:??
B17 Catastrophes ?:??
B18 Stupides Terroristes!!! ?:??
B19 Mauvais Délire ?:??
B20 Ronald Reagan ?:??
B21 KKK ?:??
B22 Administration ?:??

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