Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully: Series 1 & 2 Eddie Robson

Release: 2014 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 110, Length: 5:11:14, Barcode: 9781471365560
Release type: Album - Audio drama


CD #1
1 Pilot: "Item 9b" 3:04
2 Pilot: "Stop Helping the Aliens" 2:52
3 Pilot: "Some of Them Can Be Rather Brusque" 3:10
4 Pilot: "Lucy, Are You in There?" 2:38
5 Pilot: "What Will They Do If Everyone Turns Against Them?" 3:00
6 Pilot: "Computer, Scan This Scone" 3:09
7 Pilot: "Welcome to Cresden Green's New Pub" 2:32
8 Pilot: "What Is a Dart Board, Anyway?" 3:26
9 Pilot: "I Know You're Gonna Love It This Time" 3:02
10 Pilot: "I Didn't Think You'd Find Out" 1:57
CD #2
1 Taking Overs: "... And It Can Be Operated Using This Handy Remote Control" 2:57
2 Taking Overs: "He Lives in Kettering" 2:57
3 Taking Overs: "I Challenge You to a Cricket!" 2:58
4 Taking Overs: "... Then He Made a Joke About It Being a Plotting Shed" 2:59
5 Taking Overs: "I Want You in the Garden" 3:10
6 Taking Overs: "Why Did You Want to Waste a Couple of Minutes?" 3:10
7 Taking Overs: "The Ball Clearly Hit Your Leg" 2:37
8 Taking Overs: "That Was Terrific, Dad" 2:56
9 Taking Overs: "Oh Bloody Hell!" 2:56
10 Taking Overs: "Calculate the Victor Using the Duckworth-Lewis Method" 2:07
11 Minimum Volume: "What Are You Reading?" 2:56
12 Minimum Volume: "She's Worked With Books More Than Anyone in the Village" 2:44
13 Minimum Volume: "You Missed a Resistance Meeting for This?" 3:40
14 Minimum Volume: "Katrina Lyons Has Delivered Her Report" 2:41
15 Minimum Volume: "All I Can Think When I Look at You Is 'Weird Patrick'" 3:07
16 Minimum Volume: "Out of 320 Paper Aeroplanes, the Orange Ones Always Went Unnoticed" 2:59
17 Minimum Volume: "Three Books Per Author, Is That All?" 2:54
18 Minimum Volume: "I Was Up Half the Night Working Out Which Shakespeare Plays to Save" 2:53
19 Minimum Volume: "His Plan Was Useless" 3:23
20 Minimum Volume: "Hello, Got a Few More Books for You" 1:29
CD #3
1 Power Block: "Can I Cut Another Slice of Upside Down Pear Cake, Mr Uljabaan?" 3:05
2 Power Block: "I'm Overseeing a New Construction Project" 3:29
3 Power Block: "Detective Inspector Koeman Stood by the Bridge and Watched" 2:05
4 Power Block: "Could You All Please Assemble on the Village Green" 2:47
5 Power Block: "A Picture of Uljabaan With a Knob Drawn on His Head" 4:07
6 Power Block: "So Where Are We Going to Hide This Message in the Newsletter?" 2:22
7 Power Block: "Headingly '91 Against the Windies" 4:06
8 Power Block: "Koeman Leapt From the Bridge Onto the Roof of the Tram" 2:07
9 Power Block: "Give It a Threat Level of Medium" 2:53
10 Power Block: "There's Always Some Bits Left Over" 1:48
11 Little Green Lights: "I'm Sure You're Wondering Why I Invited You Here Today" 1:05
12 Little Green Lights: "Thing Is, the Invasion Programme Is Undergoing a Series of Cut-Backs" 3:20
13 Little Green Lights: "You Really Can't Think of Anyone?" 2:33
14 Little Green Lights: "His Commanding Officer's Visiting?" 3:02
15 Little Green Lights: "He May Well Destroy Us All From Space" 3:31
16 Little Green Lights: "Taa-Daa!" 2:27
17 Little Green Lights: "A Traditional Greeting Banquet, Eh?" 3:07
18 Little Green Lights: "What Do You Do With the Native Population?" 3:07
19 Little Green Lights: "Until Now We Haven't Found Any Other Intelligent Species to Massacre" 2:31
20 Little Green Lights: "... Then It Was All Worth It" 4:02
CD #4
1 Counter Plot: "Stop Whistling, Lucy" 2:52
2 Counter Plot: "You Have a Pet Spider?" 2:50
3 Counter Plot: "Mr Uljabaan Has Always Been Very Clear About the Penalties for Trying to Escape From the Village" 2:47
4 Counter Plot: "... Or PALS for Short" 3:08
5 Counter Plot: "... Or We Could Write Him a Strongly-Worded Email" 3:22
6 Counter Plot: "Some People Say It Doesn't Taste the Same" 3:27
7 Counter Plot: "We Were Due to Meet Tonight, Anyway" 2:30
8 Counter Plot: "What a Sterling Job You Boys Are Doing of Guarding the Allotments!" 2:54
9 Counter Plot: "Plants Are Alive" 1:43
10 Counter Plot: "... Black Forest Gateux" 2:12
11 Tempting Fete: "What Do You Propose to Contribute to the Village Fete Cake Stall?" 1:57
12 Tempting Fete: "It's a Northern Cake!" 2:29
13 Tempting Fete: "Stand Down Graavis, It's Just Richard" 3:45
14 Tempting Fete: "Stop Being Silly and Come Inside" 3:03
15 Tempting Fete: "I Want to Leave of Course..." 2:03
16 Tempting Fete: "I've Got You a Gig!" 3:31
17 Tempting Fete: "My Sensors Indicate You Are Cross" 3:06
18 Tempting Fete: "What Are You Listening To?" 3:16
19 Tempting Fete: "I Declare the Cresden Green Annual Village Fete Open" 2:53
20 Tempting Fete: "Hello Cresden Green Annual Village Fete!" 1:40
CD #5
1 Questioning Loyalties: "Lawrence, Don't Open That Shed!" 3:02
2 Questioning Loyalties: "When I Hear About the Problems of Lesser Life-Forms I Tend to Tune Out" 2:47
3 Questioning Loyalties: "Kidnapped One of Uljabaan's Minions, Got Found Out" 3:17
4 Questioning Loyalties: "Did You Tell Uljabaan to Cut My Mum and Dad's Pear Tree Down?" 2:58
5 Questioning Loyalties: "There's a Man Hiding in the Coal Bunker" 2:41
6 Questioning Loyalties: "It's Like the Sister I Never Had" 3:30
7 Questioning Loyalties: "I'm Striking an Important Blow Against the Alien Occupation by Trying to Win This Pub Quiz" 2:52
8 Questioning Loyalties: "Margaret, You've Never Done the Pub Quiz Before" 2:45
9 Questioning Loyalties: "Lucy Doesn't Have a Sentimental Attachment to Anything" 3:53
10 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "I Think That's the Best Abstract Landscape Painting You've Ever Done" 2:03
11 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "Triangles" 3:01
12 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "What Do You Mean Not Even Plausible?" 2:43
13 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "How Did It Get This Virus?" 3:25
14 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "Here's Another Good One" 3:03
15 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "I'm Starting to See the Downside of Having One Computer That Does Literally Everything" 1:42
16 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "No, I Love Her" 1:51
17 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "I'm Destroying You and the Entire Village" 2:06
18 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "I'm Afraid the Barrier Has Claimed Its First Building" 2:22
19 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "Yes Mum, This Is Sort of My Fault" 2:20
20 Ctrl-Alt-Del: "There's a Rumour Going Around the Village" 3:01
CD #6
1 Testing Times: "You're Already Unconscious" 3:01
2 Testing Times: "A Helicopter Pilot" 2:48
3 Testing Times: "Your Role in the Post-Invasion Environment Is..." 3:16
4 Testing Times: "How's It Going Carl?" 3:00
5 Testing Times: "A Lengthy Sequence of People Getting It Wrong" 3:00
6 Testing Times: "This Village School Has Been a Wonderful Initiative" 2:59
7 Testing Times: "Are You Tampering With Lucy's Exam Papers?" 2:51
8 Testing Times: "Can You Open a Window Please?" 0:29
9 Testing Times: "So You're Saying There Isn't a Fire in There?" 2:13
10 Testing Times: "I Thought Your Parents Might Want to Be Here" 4:13
11 Exit Strategy: "You Have a New Message From Central Command" 2:08
12 Exit Strategy: "Open Up the Matter Manipulator!" 2:41
13 Exit Strategy: "It Was the Chewing Gum" 3:04
14 Exit Strategy: "Nice to Get a Chance to Sit Down and Read the Newspaper" 3:27
15 Exit Strategy: "Has Anyone Seen My Gun?" 1:23
16 Exit Strategy: "Do as We Say and All This Invasion Business Will Soon Be Over" 1:47
17 Exit Strategy: "This Is Earth, Is It?" 2:41
18 Exit Strategy: "Katrina and Lucy Have Arrived at Your Headquarters With the Assessor" 3:33
19 Exit Strategy: "This Will All Be Fine" 2:53
20 Exit Strategy: "Are You Really Going to Shoot Her?" 4:08

Links (1)

Show Notes

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04m9qm2