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Nintendo 3DS Pokémon X・Y Super Music Collection Various Artists

Release: , Language: English, Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 212, Length: 3:33:56, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English localization


CD #1
1 Title Screen 1:02
2 Opening Movie 0:15
3 Kalos Region Theme 1:34
4 An Adventure Is Beginning 0:21
5 Vaniville Town 1:49
6 Route 1 1:00
7 Aquacorde Town 1:22
8 Friends Theme "A New Meeting" 1:05
9 Obtained a Key Item! 0:05
10 It's a Pokémon Battle! 0:54
11 Battle! (Friend) 1:58
12 Hurry Along 1 0:28
13 Route 2 1:52
14 Santalune Fores 1:14
15 Obtained an Item! 0:05
16 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) 1:29
17 Victory! (Wild Pokémon) 0:34
18 Level Up! 0:04
19 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Youngster) 0:20
20 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Lass) 0:19
21 Battle! (Trainer Battle) 2:42
22 Victory! (Trainer Battle) 0:33
23 Santalune City 1:23
24 Pokémon Center 1:17
25 Pokémon Healed 0:04
26 Changed into Basic Clothes (Boy) 0:06
27 Changed into Basic Clothes (Girl) 0:06
28 Pokémon Gym 1:26
29 Battle! (Gym Leader) 4:20
30 Victory! (Gym Leader) 1:22
31 Obtained a Gym Badge! 0:07
32 Obtained a TM! 0:06
33 Route 4 2:26
34 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Poké Fan) 0:22
35 Sina and Dexio 0:36
36 Gate 1:31
37 Lumiose City 1:47
38 The Sycamore Pokémon Lab 1:16
39 Professor Sycamore's Theme 1:10
40 Pokédex Evaluation… You've Just Begun! 0:05
41 Dark Skies 1:13
42 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Twins) 0:20
43 Camphrier Town 1:23
44 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Tourist) 0:27
45 Parfum Palace 1:46
46 Together with Shauna 0:47
47 Poké Flute 0:09
48 Hurry Along 2 0:54
49 Received a Pokémon Egg! 0:05
50 Pokédex Evaluation… You're on Your Way! 0:05
51 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Butler) 0:23
52 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Maid) 0:31
53 Route 8 1:56
CD #2
1 Glittering Cave 2:15
2 Team Flare Appears! 0:59
3 Evolution 0:47
4 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! 0:06
5 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♀) 0:25
6 Cyllage City 1:15
7 Changed into Colorful Clothes (Boy) 0:04
8 Changed into Sporty Clothes (Girl) 0:06
9 Bicycle 1:25
10 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker) 0:24
11 Obtained a Berry! 0:04
12 Geosenge Town 1:52
13 Pokédex Evaluation… Keep at It! 0:06
14 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Honeymooners) 0:33
15 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Black Belt) 0:32
16 Shalour City 2:47
17 Tower of Mastery 1:57
18 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Roller Skater) 0:39
19 Battle! (Successor Korrina) 3:46
20 Surf 1:56
21 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♂) 0:33
22 Riding Skiddo 0:34
23 Coumarine City 2:01
24 How About a Song? "An Unwavering Heart" 1:47
25 The Kalos Power Plant 2:28
26 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Flare) 0:49
27 Battle! (Team Flare) 2:23
28 A Mysterious Figure 0:43
29 The Lighting of Prism Tower 0:06
30 Quiz Time in the Lumiose City Gym! 0:06
31 Friends Theme "Reunited" 1:03
32 Pokédex Evaluation… Not Bad! 0:06
33 Scary House 0:59
34 Laverre City 2:18
35 Changed into Exotic Clothes (Girl) 0:06
36 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Furisode Girl) 0:46
37 Route 15 1:56
38 Pokédex Evaluation… Looking Good! 0:06
39 Dendemille Town 1:23
40 Move Deleted 0:05
41 Obtained a Mega Stone! 0:07
CD #3
17 Anistar City 2:11
2 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Psychic) 0:57
3 Changed into Feminine Clothes (Girl) 0:04
4 Lysandre Labs 2:12
5 An Eternal Prison 3:08
6 The Ultimate Weapon Deployed 1:05
7 Team Flare Secret HQ 1:45
8 The Legendary Pokémon Awoken 1:07
9 Battle! (Xerneas / Yveltal) 2:40
10 Battle! (Lysandre) 2:44
11 Victory! (Team Flare) 0:39
12 Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Pokémon X) 0:37
13 Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Pokémon Y) 0:46
14 AZ 1:12
15 Route 18 2:57
16 Friends Theme "Friends Forever" 1:31
17 Snowbelle City 2:03
18 Changed into Elegant Clothes (Girl) 0:05
19 How About a Song? "Jubilife City" 1:43
20 Pokémon Village 1:02
21 Pokédex Evaluation… It's Great! 0:07
22 Victory Road 2:04
23 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Ace Trainer) 0:33
24 The Pokémon League 1:22
25 Battle! (Elite Four) 4:36
26 Battle! (Champion) 3:05
27 Victory! (Champion) 0:52
28 Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame! 1:23
29 The Sun Shines Down 1:55
30 I'll Go With You 2:45
31 KISEKI 3:06
32 FIN 1:18
CD #4
1 The TMV Departs 0:04
2 Kiloude City 1:50
3 Changed into Special Clothes (Boy) 0:04
4 Changed into Special Clothes (Girl) 0:04
5 Battle Maison 1:24
6 Received Battle Points! 0:04
7 Friend Safari 1:25
8 Pokédex Evaluation… It's Amazing! 0:09
9 Gogoat Shuttle 0:40
10 Obtained Wallpapers! 0:05
11 Shopping 1:52
12 Sushi High Roller 1:15
13 Boutique 1:02
14 Changed into Classic Clothes (Boy) 0:07
15 Changed into Classic Clothes (Girl) 0:04
16 Coiffure Clips 1:14
17 PR Video Studio 1:11
18 PR Video BGM "Cute 1" 0:12
19 PR Video BGM "Cute 2" 0:15
20 PR Video BGM "Cute 3" 0:15
21 PR Video BGM "Cute 4" 0:14
22 PR Video BGM "Elegant 1" 0:16
23 PR Video BGM "Elegant 2" 0:17
24 PR Video BGM "Elegant 3" 0:17
25 PR Video BGM "Elegant 4" 0:12
26 PR Video BGM "Cool 1" 0:16
27 PR Video BGM "Cool 2" 0:16
28 PR Video BGM "Cool 3" 0:14
29 PR Video BGM "Cool 4" 0:14
30 PR Video BGM "Classical 1" 0:17
31 PR Video BGM "Classical 2" 0:16
32 PR Video BGM "Classical 3" 0:15
33 PR Video BGM "Classical 4" 0:14
34 PR Video BGM "Lively 1" 0:16
35 PR Video BGM "Lively 2" 0:13
36 PR Video BGM "Lively 3" 0:14
37 PR Video BGM "Lively 4" 0:14
38 PR Video BGM "Rhythmical 1" 0:14
39 PR Video BGM "Rhythmical 2" 0:14
40 PR Video BGM "Rhythmical 3" 0:14
41 PR Video BGM "Rhythmical 4" 0:14
42 PR Video BGM "Mature 1" 0:11
43 PR Video BGM "Mature 2" 0:14
44 PR Video BGM "Mature 3" 0:14
45 PR Video BGM "Mature 4" 0:16
46 PR Video BGM "Thrilling 1" 0:16
47 PR Video BGM "Thrilling 2" 0:14
48 PR Video BGM "Thrilling 3" 0:15
49 PR Video BGM "Thrilling 4" 0:15
50 Another Chapter in Looker's Tale 0:06
55 Looker's Theme 1:05
52 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Punk Guy) 0:48
53 Hotel Richissime 1:21
54 Looker's in Trouble! 0:55
55 Emma's Theme 1:25
56 Looker's Sorrowful Theme 1:35
57 Berry Picker 1:11
58 Head It 1:13
59 Tile Puzzle 1:35
60 Tile Puzzle Complete! 0:05
61 Let's Super Train! 0:28
62 Start 0:04
63 Super Training! 2:08
64 Success! 0:39
65 Try Again… 1:06
66 Unlocked a New Super-Training Regimen! 0:05
67 Secret Super Training! 2:11
68 A Poké Radar Hit! 0:35
69 Poké Radar Chain! 0:21
70 Battle Spot 1:00
71 Wonder Trade 1:04
72 GTS 1:41
73 Game Sync 1:13
74 Mystery Gift 0:57
75 Pokédex Evaluation… It's Complete! 0:14
76 Battle! (Mewtwo) 3:05
77 Title Screen 1:56
78 Title Screen (Pokémon Origins) 1:20
79 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) 1:28
80 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon Origins Version] 2:04
81 Battle! (Trainer Battle) 3:14
82 Battle! (Trainer Battle) [Pokémon Origins Version] 1:45
83 Final Battle! (Rival) 2:30
84 Final Battle! (Rival) [Pokémon Origins Version] 2:09
85 Cycling 1:23
86 Cycling (Pokémon Origins Version) 1:04

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Pokémon X & Pokémon Y: Super Music Collection, [Worldwide] (12 Nov 2013), Digital Media (English)
  2. ニンテンドー3DS ポケモンX・Y スーパーミュージックコレクション, Japan (13 Nov 2013), CD + CD + CD + CD (Japanese)


  1. Nintendo 3DS Pokémon X・Y Super Music Collection, (), CD + CD + CD + CD (English) English translation