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Nintendo DS Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver Music Super Complete Various Artists

Release: , Language: , Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 270, Length: 3:33:47, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English localization


CD #1
1 Opening Movie 1:07
2 Title Screen 1:18
3 An Adventure Begins! 0:28
4 New Bark Town 1:11
5 Hurry Along 0:27
6 Lyra 0:40
7 Elm Pokémon Lab 0:49
8 Obtained a Key Item! 0:04
9 Route 29 1:07
10 Battle! (Wild Pokémon—Johto Version) 1:02
11 Victory! (Wild Pokémon) 0:25
12 Level Up! 0:04
13 Cherrygrove City 1:00
14 Hurry Along 2 0:48
15 Pokémon Center 0:45
16 Pokémon Healed 0:05
17 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Boy 1) 0:22
18 Battle! (Trainer Battle—Johto Version) 2:15
19 Victory! (Trainer Battle) 0:24
20 Route 30 0:49
21 Pokédex Evaluation... No Good! 0:05
22 Violet City 1:17
23 Sprout Tower 0:59
24 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Sage) 0:20
25 Poké Mart 1:03
26 Received a Pokémon Egg! 0:04
27 Kimono Girl 0:31
28 Union Cave 1:15
29 Picked Up an Item! 0:04
30 Ruins of Alph 0:55
31 Pokégear Radio: Unown 0:26
32 Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way! 0:05
33 Azalea Town 1:03
34 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Rocket) 0:19
35 Battle! (Team Rocket) 1:20
36 Route 34 0:51
37 A Rival Appears! 0:37
38 Battle! (Rival) 1:21
39 Evolution 0:34
40 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved! 0:07
41 Goldenrod City 0:46
42 Pokémon Gym 0:53
43 Battle! (Gym Leader—Johto Version) 1:22
44 Victory! (Gym Leader) 0:48
45 Received a Gym Badge! 0:08
46 Pokégear Radio: Pokémon Channel 0:10
47 Pokégear Radio: Buena's Password 0:55
48 Received a TM! 0:06
49 Goldenrod Game Corner 1:10
50 You're a Winner! 0:24
51 Obtained an Accessory 0:04
52 Global Terminal 1:25
53 Gts 0:53
54 Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It! 0:06
55 Bicycle 0:43
56 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Girl 1) 0:22
57 Registered in the Pokégear! 0:06
58 National Park 2:02
59 Obtained a Berry! 0:04
60 Ecruteak City 1:30
61 Ecruteak Dance Theater 0:31
62 Burned Tower 0:53
63 Eusine 0:38
64 Pokégear Radio: Professor Oak's Pokémon Talk 0:45
32 Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad! 0:05
66 Route 38 1:02
67 Pokégear Radio: Pokémon March 0:35
68 Battle! (Raikou) 1:56
69 Olivine Lighthouse 0:47
70 Surf 1:22
71 Cianwood City 1:24
72 Received a Pokémon! 0:06
73 Route 42 0:54
74 Radio Transmission 0:17
75 Team Rocket HQ 0:54
76 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Suspicious Figure 1) 0:29
77 A Rival Appears! (Version 2) 0:33
78 Radio Tower Occupied! 0:50
79 Ice Path 1:35
80 Move Deleted 0:04
81 Dragon's Den 1:09
82 Clair 0:28
83 Battle! (Entei) 1:37
84 Bell Tower 1:04
85 The Dance of Ecruteak 0:36
86 Ho-Oh Appears! 0:22
87 Battle! (Ho-Oh) 1:59
CD #2
1 Route 26 0:46
2 S.S. Aqua 1:15
3 Vermilion City 1:01
4 Battle! (Gym Leader—Kanto Version) 1:33
5 Lavender Town 1:07
6 Rock Tunnel 1:55
7 Battle! (Wild Pokémon—Kanto Version) 1:16
8 Pokémon Evaluation... Just a Little More! 0:06
9 Cerulean City 0:43
10 Route 24 0:42
11 Magnet Train 0:09
12 Pokégear Radio: Pokémon Lullaby 0:44
13 Battle! (Suicune) 1:57
14 Celadon City 0:44
15 Ethan 0:40
16 Route 11 0:50
17 Pokégear Radio: Poké Flute 0:42
18 Viridian Forest 1:15
19 Battle! (Trainer Battle—Kanto Version) 0:22
20 Pewter City 1:21
21 Route 3 0:49
22 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Suspicious Figure 2) 0:21
23 Mt. Moon 0:24
24 Route 1 0:48
25 Pallet Town 1:01
26 Professor Oak 0:59
27 Pokédex Evaluation... Complete! 0:09
28 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Girl 2) 0:18
29 Battle! (Trainer Battle—Kanto Version) 1:45
30 Cinnabar Island 0:52
31 Route 47 1:19
32 Safari Zone Gate 0:59
33 Safari Zone 1:16
34 Pokégear Radio: Variety Channel 0:46
35 The Bug-Catching Contest Begins! 0:22
36 The Bug-Catching Contest 0:38
37 Bug-Catching Contest: Third Place 0:04
38 Bug-Catching Contest: Second Place 0:05
39 Bug-Catching Contest: Winner 0:07
40 Pokéathlon: In the Pokéathlon Dome 0:31
41 Pokéathlon: Getting Changed 0:04
42 Pokéathlon: Opening Ceremony 0:24
43 Pokéathlon: An Event Begins! 0:30
44 Pokéathlon: Event Time! 0:59
45 Pokéathlon: In First Place! 0:04
46 Pokéathlon: Finals! 1:16
47 Pokéathlon: Results Announcement 0:35
48 Pokéathlon: Medal Ceremony 0:55
49 Pokéathlon Winner! 0:33
50 Mystery Gift 0:32
51 Battle Tower Reception Desk 0:43
52 Battle Tower (Johto) 1:23
53 Received Battle Points! 0:06
54 Battle Factory 1:34
55 Battle Hall 1:38
56 Battle Arcade 1:40
57 Received Battle Points in the Battle Arcade! 0:05
58 Battle Castle 2:04
59 Received Castle Points! 0:05
60 Battle! (Frontier Brain) 1:41
61 Victory! (Frontier Brain) 0:33
62 Pokégear Radio: Trainer Channel 0:53
63 Spin Trade 0:30
64 Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection 0:25
65 Wi-Fi Plaza 1:28
66 Wi-Fi Plaza: Plaza Games 0:33
67 Cleared Wobbuffet Pop! 0:08
68 Wi-Fi Plaza: Parade 1:05
69 Pokégear Radio: Route 101 0:46
70 Pokégear Radio: Route 201 0:41
71 Pokéwalker 0:49
72 Spiky-Eared Pichu Appears! 0:36
73 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Kimono Girl) 0:30
74 Lugia Appears! 0:35
75 Battle! (Lugia) 1:21
76 Victory Road 0:56
77 The Pokémon League 0:58
78 Battle! (Champion) 1:19
79 The Hall of Fame 0:40
80 Ending Theme 2:56
81 The End 0:48
82 Battle! (Super-Ancient Pokémon) 1:01
83 Shinto Ruins 1:40
84 Arceus 1:20
CD #3
1 Opening Movie (Pokémon Gold & Pokémon Silver) 0:44
2 Title Screen (Pokémon Gold & Pokémon Silver) 1:26
3 New Bark Town 0:44
4 Hurry Along 0:14
5 Elm Pokémon Lab 0:45
6 Route 29 0:37
7 Battle! (Wild Pokémon—Johto Version) 0:55
8 Victory! (Wild Pokémon) 0:21
9 Cherrygrove City 0:31
10 Hurry Along 2 0:31
11 Pokémon Center 0:36
12 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Boy 1) 0:10
13 Battle! (Trainer Battle—Johto Version) 1:57
14 Victory! (Trainer Battle) 0:20
15 Route 30 0:39
16 Violet City 0:49
17 Sprout Tower 0:31
18 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Sage) 0:19
19 Poké Mart 0:59
20 Union Cave 1:03
21 Ruins of Alph 0:18
22 Azalea Town 0:58
23 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Rocket) 0:16
24 Battle! (Team Rocket) 1:15
25 Route 34 0:46
26 A Rival Appears! 0:29
27 Battle! (Rival) 1:13
28 Evolution 0:27
29 Goldenrod City 0:41
30 Pokémon Gym 0:41
31 Battle! (Gym Leader—Johto Version) 1:18
32 Victory! (Gym Leader) 0:45
33 Goldenrod Game Corner 1:06
34 Global Terminal 1:15
35 Bicycle 0:37
36 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Girl 1) 0:23
37 National Park 1:24
38 The Bug-Catching Contest Begins! 0:13
39 The Bug-Catching Contest 0:34
40 Ecruteak City 1:13
41 Ecruteak Dance Theater 0:27
42 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Kimono Girl) 0:17
43 Burned Tower 0:37
44 Eusine 0:35
45 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Suspicious Figure 1) 0:17
46 Route 38 0:42
47 Olivine Lighthouse 0:36
48 Surf 1:01
49 Route 42 0:34
50 Team Rocket HQ 0:56
51 A Rival Appears! (Version 2) 0:30
52 Radio Tower Occupied! 0:48
53 Bell Tower 0:48
54 Battle! (Suicune) 1:52
55 Ice Path 1:29
56 Dragon's Den 1:04
57 Clair 0:24
58 Route 26 0:41
59 S.S. Aqua 1:00
60 Vermilion City 0:48
61 Battle! (Gym Leader—Kanto Version) 0:49
62 Lavender Town 1:02
63 Rock Tunnel 0:27
64 Battle! (Wild Pokémon—Kanto Version) 1:12
65 Cerulean City 0:37
66 Route 24 0:37
67 Magnet Train 0:09
68 Celadon City 0:39
69 Route 11 0:40
70 Viridian Forest 0:51
71 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Boy 2) 0:16
72 Pewter City 1:17
73 Route 3 0:35
74 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Suspicious Figure 2) 0:15
75 Mt. Moon 0:18
76 Route 1 0:43
77 Pallet Town 0:44
78 Professor Oak 0:31
79 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Girl 2) 0:11
80 Battle! (Trainer Battle—Kanto Version) 1:02
81 Cinnabar Island 0:48
82 Route 47 1:14
83 Safari Zone Gate 0:54
84 Safari Zone 1:12
85 Pokémon Channel Medley! 3:15
86 Pokéathlon: In the Pokéathlon Dome 0:26
87 Pokéathlon: Opening Ceremony 0:20
88 Pokéathlon: An Event Begins! 0:25
89 Pokéathlon: Event Time! 0:54
90 Pokéathlon: Finals! 1:12
91 Pokéathlon: Results Announcement 0:30
92 Pokéathlon: Medal Ceremony 0:35
93 Battle Tower Reception Desk 0:20
94 Battle Tower (Johto) 0:40
95 Victory Road 0:24
96 The Pokémon League 0:35
97 Battle! (Champion) 1:11
98 The Hall of Fame 0:31
99 Ending Theme 2:36

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. ニンテンドーDS ポケモン ハートゴールド&ソウルシルバー ミュージック・スーパーコンプリート, Japan (28 Oct 2009), CD + CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver: Super Music Collection, [Worldwide] (14 Jan 2014), Digital Media (English)


  1. Pokémon HeartGold & Pokémon SoulSilver Super Music Collection, (2009), Digital Media + Digital Media + Digital Media (English)


  1. Nintendo DS Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver Music Super Complete, (), CD + CD + CD (English) English translation, localized names