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Nintendo DS Pokémon Black2 · White2 Super Music Complete Various Artists

Release: , Language: , Status: Pseudo-Release
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 173, Length: 4:21:05, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other
English localization


CD #1
1 Opening 0:43
2 Title Screen 1:53
3 An Adventure Is Beginning 0:33
4 Aspertia City 2:45
5 Bianca's Theme 1:03
6 Route 19 (Spring/Summer) 1:29
7 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) 2:02
8 Floccesy Town 1:33
9 Floccesy Ranch 1:09
10 Rival's Theme 1:29
11 Battle! (Rival) 2:18
12 Virbank City 1:49
13 Virbank City Gym (Performed by Koffing and the Toxics) 1:16
14 Team Plasma Returns 1:31
15 Pokéstar Studios 1:46
16 Filming Underway at Pokéstar Studios! 3:28
17 Pokéstar Studios: Battle 1:19
18 Pokéstar Studios: Glory 1:09
19 Pokéstar Studios: Defeat 1:10
20 Pokéstar Studios: Invasion 0:36
21 Pokéstar Studios: Success 0:40
22 Pokéstar Studios: Retreat 0:55
23 Pokéstar Studios: Weird 1:17
24 Pokéstar Studios: Love 0:58
25 Pokéstar Studios: Sorrow 0:48
26 Pokéstar Studios: Horror 1:20
27 Pokéstar Studios: Purified 1:19
28 Pokéstar Studios: Fear 1:22
29 Pokéstar Studios: Humor 0:43
30 Pokéstar Studios: Despair 1:20
31 Pokéstar Studios: Shock 0:51
32 Immortalized in Pokéstar Studios! 0:10
33 Castelia Sewers 1:19
34 Castelia City Gym 2:50
35 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Harlequin) 0:38
36 Funfest Mission Start! 1:20
37 Unity Tower 1:18
38 Colress's Theme 1:06
39 Battle! (Trainer Battle) 3:34
40 Join Avenue 1:32
41 Join Avenue: Level Up 1 0:05
42 Join Avenue: Level Up 2 0:07
43 Join Avenue Meet and Greet! 0:53
44 Nimbasa City Gym: Runway 0:41
45 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Beauty) 0:43
46 Nimbasa City Gym: Stage 1:27
47 Battle! (Gym Leader) 2:53
48 Victory Lies Before You! 1:41
CD #2
1 Driftveil City Gym 1:28
2 Pokémon World Tournament (Pwt) 2:33
3 The PWT 0:55
4 Battle! (Gym Leader—Kanto Version) 1:52
5 Battle! (Champion—Kanto Version) 2:22
6 Battle! (Gym Leader—Johto Version) 2:23
7 Battle! (Champion—Johto Version) 2:01
8 Battle! (Gym Leader—Hoenn Version) 2:29
9 Battle! (Champion—Hoenn Version) 2:09
10 Battle! (Gym Leader—Sinnoh Version) 2:56
11 Battle! (Champion—Sinnoh Version) 2:47
12 PWT Final Round! 3:12
13 Winning in the PWT! 0:38
14 PWT Victor! 0:49
15 Underground Ruins 1:25
16 Battle! (Regirock/Regice/Registeel) 1:31
17 Aboard the Plasma Frigate 1:39
18 Zinzolin's Theme 1:19
19 Cheren's Theme 1:02
20 Mistralton City Gym 1:16
21 Earned a Participation Prize Medal! 0:06
22 Medal Box: Medal Box Upgraded! 0:05
23 Lentimas Town 1:41
24 The Road to Reversal Mountain 1:03
25 Reversal Mountain (Pokémon Black) 2:50
26 Reversal Mountain (Pokémon White) 1:59
27 Strange House 3:16
28 Battle! (Legendary Pokémon—Sinnoh Version) 1:49
29 Opelucid City Gym 1:43
30 Opelucid City Attacked! 0:52
31 The Frozen City 2:02
32 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Plasma) 0:51
33 Battle! (Team Plasma) 3:18
34 Shadow Triad's Theme 0:57
35 Marine Tube 2:27
36 Humilau City 2:50
37 Humilau City Gym 1:47
38 Route 22 (Spring/Summer) 1:26
39 Plasma Frigate Sortie 0:36
CD #3
1 Infiltrating the Plasma Frigate! 2:01
2 Battle! (Colress) 3:49
3 Awakening 0:16
4 Confrontation 0:38
5 Absorption 0:31
6 Fusion 0:36
7 Battle! (Black Kyurem/White Kyurem) 3:54
8 Battle! (Ghetsis) 2:30
9 Route 23 2:19
10 N's Castle 1:51
11 N's Room 1:01
12 N's Theme 1:04
13 Battle! (N) 2:19
14 Unova Link 0:36
15 Xtransceiver Minigames 1:25
16 Xtransceiver: Game Start! 0:04
17 Xtransceiver: Game Won! 0:04
18 Route 19 (Autumn/Winter) 1:28
19 Cave of Being 2:00
20 Battle! (Azelf/Mesprit/Uxie) 3:26
21 Black Tower: Entrance 0:45
22 Black Tower 1:29
23 White Treehollow: Entrance 1:08
24 White Treehollow 1:56
25 Tympole Choir 0:05
26 Route 22 (Autumn/Winter) 1:25
27 Pokédex Habitat List Complete! 0:05
28 Medal Rally Complete! 0:06
29 Battle! (Champion Iris) 3:28
30 Staff Credits 5:20
31 The End 1:43
32 Musical: Charming Munna 0:51
33 Musical: Pokémon Party! 1:12
34 Musical: Carnival Pokémon 1:18
35 Musical: Meloettaaa!!! 1:01
36 Pokémon World Championships Final 2:40
37 Relic Song 0:40
CD #4
1 Title Screen (Pokémon Emerald) 1:41
2 Match Call 0:04
3 Abnormal Weather 1:18
4 Rayquaza Appears! 0:27
5 Battle Frontier (Hoenn Version) 1:29
6 Battle Tower (Hoenn Version) 1:42
7 Battle Factory (Hoenn Version) 2:15
8 Battle Arena 1:28
9 Battle Dome 1:32
10 Battle Pike 1:54
11 Battle Palace 2:20
12 Battle Pyramid 2:29
13 Battle Pyramid Summit 0:48
14 Received Battle Points! (Hoenn Version) 0:06
15 Battle! (Frontier Brain—Hoenn Version) 3:09
16 Battle Symbol Received! 0:08
17 Battle! (Mew) 1:27
18 Title Screen (Pokémon Platinum) 1:45
19 Press Start 0:26
20 Special Program: "Let's Ask Prof. Rowan!" 0:24
21 Looker's Theme 1:06
22 Global Terminal 2:23
23 Wi-Fi Plaza 2:29
24 Wi-Fi Plaza: Mini-Games 0:50
25 Cleared Wobbuffet Pop! 0:06
26 Wi-Fi Plaza: Parade 1:45
27 Giratina Appears! 0:41
28 Giratina Appears! Part 2 0:11
29 Distortion World 3:43
30 Battle! (Giratina) 3:54
31 Spin Trade 0:43
32 Mystery Gift (Pokémon Platinum) 0:49
33 Super Contest: Cuteness 1:06
34 Super Contest: Coolness 1:14
35 Super Contest: Toughness 1:10
36 Super Contest: Beauty 2:01
37 Super Content: Smartness 1:14
38 Villa Music Box: Twinleaf Tune 0:38
39 Villa Audio System: Bossa Nova Lilycove 1:46
40 Fight Area (Battle Frontier) 2:05
41 Battle Arcade 2:43
42 Received BP in the Battle Arcade! 0:04
43 Battle Hall 2:36
44 Battle Factory (Sinnoh Version) 2:49
45 Battle Castle 2:05
46 Received Castle Points! 0:05
47 Received Battle Points! (Sinnoh Version) 0:06
48 Battle! (Frontier Brain—Sinnoh Version) 3:06
49 Victory! (Frontier Brain—Sinnoh Version) 0:26

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. ニンテンドーDS ポケモンブラック2・ホワイト2 スーパーミュージックコンプリート, Japan (25 Jul 2012), CD + CD + CD + CD (Japanese)
  2. Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2: Super Music Collection, [Worldwide] (13 May 2014), Digital Media (English)
  3. Nintendo DS Pokémon Black2 · White2 Super Music Complete, Germany (25 Jul 2015), ()


  1. Nintendo DS Pokémon Black2 · White2 Super Music Complete, (), CD + CD + CD + CD (English) English translation, localized names