Angelus Apatrida Angelus Apatrida

Release: 05 Feb 2021 , Language: , Status: Official
Format: CD, Tracks: 10, Length: 46:29, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


CD #1
1 Indoctrinate 5:39
2 Bleed the Crown 4:26
3 The Age of Disinformation 4:42
4 Rise or Fall 3:36
5 Childhood's End 3:49
6 Disposable Liberty 4:21
7 We Stand Alone 4:11
8 Through the Glass 5:41
9 Empire of Shame 4:17
10 Into the Well 5:47

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. Angelus Apatrida, [Worldwide] (05 Feb 2021), Digital Media (English)
  2. Angelus Apatrida, Germany (05 Feb 2021), CD (English)
  3. Angelus Apatrida, Europe (2021), CD (English)

Links (1)

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