Audiosfera/Audiosphere Various Artists

Release: 2020 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 705, Length: 10:5:23, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 Attune 3:26
2 Image/Négation 6:11
3 Omro Epsle 4:29
4 (MP) _caterpillar (feat. Mahade Pako) 5:11
5 ... And Later, Without a Sound 5:28
6 2020 Jazz Fuck Greats 5:22
7 A Deeper Hell 4:58
8 A Man Asleep 6:36
9 A Moment of Transition 4:49
10 A Murmuration 4:22
11 A Shut in Place 6:39
12 A Snare Is a Bell 10:01
13 A Soft Crackle 3:31
14 A Summer Crush (Takadanoba/Brooklyn) 6:10
15 AO 277 1:27
16 ARROKOTH 5:57
17 Aceite de Coco 5:45
18 Activity II (Beta) 6:56
19 Adiabatica 5:25
20 Adrift (Waves) 4:36
21 Afterburner 4:17
22 Aki Void 4:32
23 Alla Carta 4:50
24 Almasty 5:54
25 Alpe Djouan 8:29
26 Alphabet 4:02
27 Angelica 4:49
28 Animales Metafísicos 3:21
29 Anthozoa 5:18
30 Anti-Clock 4:21
31 Archaic Rubbers 5:57
32 Armónicos 4:46
33 Artificiality 4:00
34 Ascendre, a L'Ombre Du Vent 5:53
35 Asma de Tia de Alga 6:02
36 Aster 5:38
37 Atelier 4:48
38 Atmos Data Kioto 5:00
39 Atmosfera de Luz E Sombra 3:46
40 Attach the K. 5:27
41 Baby 6:35
42 Ballade de Bruits 4:55
43 Band Limited Noises 4:41
44 Before the Evroremont 6:36
45 Below the Cold Ocean 5:12
46 Bendigo to Kyoto 4:30
47 Bestiari (For Tzesne) 7:41
48 Binaura: La Soberbia de La Luz 5:24
49 Blanket 2:33
50 Blown Uncut 4:57
51 Blue Roses 5:37
52 Bodyscape 4:45
53 Book of Breathing 5:02
54 Book of Life 5:45
55 Breaking News 3:18
56 Breathing in Birds and Others 4:25
57 Bunker 5:29
58 CODE 5:16
59 Candy Tooth Ceylon 5:31
60 Cartoon 1:18
61 Cedars 5:17
62 Cetacea 5:16
63 Ciclos 5:12
64 Coburg Palms 5:19
65 Combustion 4:30
66 Confluencias 5:40
67 Controlled Bleeding 4:01
68 Contures of Leafs (version II Mind Snare) 6:34
69 Convergence (edit) 5:58
70 Crackers 5:59
71 Crashing Happy 4:05
72 Cutting Through Air With an Electric Knife 5:16
73 Danza 2:12
74 Der Pfeifengarten 3:01
75 Desfase 5:17
76 Die Badende 5:18
77 Die Grüne Hölle 2:34
78 Dishwasher 4:08
79 Dissonance 2:56
80 Distant Voices Still Live 5:55
81 Drone Noise Statement One 4:31
82 Dylan in Between 4:33
83 E'Ira 5:15
84 EMP 6:00
85 Ecco 6:00
86 Echoes of Light & Darkness 5:02
87 Echoic 5:34
88 Ecstatic Crisis 4:01
89 Edible (Guzheng) 2:12
90 Edificio Resonante 5:20
91 El Acero Del Partido 5:29
92 El Alfabeto Cartílago 3:34
93 El Gran Zumbidor 5:11
94 El Mirador 5:20
95 El Principio Del Fin 5:36
96 El Tanque 5:40
97 Electro-Acoustic Café 3:00
98 Electromagnetic Detritus 4:37
99 Elpis 4:37
100 Empty Seat 5:12
101 En Mi Casa Vivía Una Francesa Que Llevaba Tacones Toooodo El Rato 4:01
102 Ergot 5:59
103 Estran 5:27
104 Etonian 3:09
105 Euro Grappling Electro 4:36
106 Excuse Me, Too Many Segments 2:52
107 Excuse Me, Can You Tell Me Where Is the New Year's Party? 5:41
108 Exorcise 4:35
109 Expand 5:12
110 Exposures 4:10
111 Expulsion 4:05
112 Fallender Ton Für 207 Lautsprecher Boxen 5:29
113 Familia II 4:22
114 Field Frequency Flux 5:44
115 Field of Skin 8:22
116 Fingrafjall 4:19
117 Fire in the Gasholdert 2:33
118 Flames 2:00
119 Flugzeug/Kegelrobbe (Bulle) 3:54
120 Foot Food and Breathing Jacket on Gravity 4:20
121 Footybox (Ballardong Noongar Boodja) 4:50
122 Forgotten Opportunities 4:15
123 Forward as an Attachment 5:25
124 Fragment for Balance 5:18
125 Friends About the Polywave 4:29
126 From Derby and Crewe 4:15
127 Fuerza Natural III 5:46
128 Físicoarmónico 5:51
129 Gaga-Kun 1:52
130 Geopod (One) 4:19
131 Gia Regency 4:17
132 Gjellfruvær 6:00
133 Glottis Attack for One Singer (live Recording) 3:36
134 Grand Style 6:11
135 Gravi 3:12
136 Graviton 5:03
137 Hacia Un Lado 5:16
138 Halitus 2:51
139 Harping 6:00
140 Heated 6:03
141 Hidden Lives 5:43
142 His Darker Paintings 6:57
143 Home Magma 5:16
144 Hong Kong Protests - Five Demands, Not One Less 4:57
145 Hydrophone Recording From Salt Caves Dam, Pilliga Forest, Late Afternoon 4:52
146 I Got My Horse Right Outside 6:20
147 I Thought It Was a Dream but When I Woke I Couldn't Walk 4:48
148 I Will Always Be a Looser (SIC) 4:15
149 I'm Thinking of Leaving 5:38
150 Ice Breaker 5:49
151 Impresiones 1:50
152 Intersecció 5:35
153 Intervención En Avioneta Estrellada 5:51
154 Into the Forest I've Seen Under 6:18
155 Inutile 3:47
156 Ion Wind 4:24
157 Isolated Irritation 6:07
158 Jing Gang Jing (Fragment) 5:48
159 Justice Is an Artefact of Custom 4:38
160 Kantarell 5:37
161 Katy Didn't 4:27
162 Keep Yr Brain Clean! 5:27
163 Kehrwieder 4:11
164 Kill/Aftermath 5:54
165 Klein Surface 3:23
166 Know Random Events (Four) 4:56
167 Kobi Mutter 5:06
168 Kraken En Beven 2:00
169 Kula Ring 3:47
170 La Calma (For Dima) 6:46
171 La Otra Cara de Un Jardín 4:34
172 La Cabellera Viajera 5:08
173 Landesbru? Cken Hamburg (Steel Dock) 4:40
174 Languaga Master 2:57
175 Las Costureras 1911 5:00
176 Leaving Blues 2:13
177 Letter Hero 5:01
178 Life 6:50
179 Lingualabial 5:47
180 Lisboa Horn Concerto 2:53
181 Live at Sarean 5:48
182 Looking for Patterns in the Flow of Data 5:08
183 Lookout Creek (Eighth Notes) 5:03
184 Loop de Loop 5:04
185 Lost in Karak 6:30
186 Louise 5:22
187 MONETACHEK (Koovilable/Noscyése) 4:52
188 Major Air 6:35
189 Many Times Benjamin 5:30
190 Mashtap 5:12
191 Medusa on Air (Preview instrumental) 5:20
192 Melitta 4:15
193 Metra Train, Chicago, 1000x 5:57
194 Mi Vida 7:00
195 Miroloi II 5:50
196 Mogollónico 2:20
197 Moiré 7:16
198 Monochrome Vision Tribute 4:33
199 Morning at the Pond 5:20
200 Motion 4:54
201 Music for Six Electric Guitars 4:30
202 My Thought Walks Away With a Killing Smile 2:05
203 Myogram 7:47
204 Máquinas Mestizas 6:00
205 Móin Mor 5:45
206 N'Ungun'Gesel (All Six) 3:33
207 NLN 2:55
208 Naturstudium 4:36
209 Next Birthday 5:10
210 Nine Eighth Moon 4:14
211 Nine Lucifers (Remastered 2020) 1:55
212 No Divine Savior 5:02
213 Noise Ocean 5:39
214 Non Glance 6:14
215 Nox Noctis 5:33
216 Nul.Eo 3:07
217 Objeto de Género 3:07
218 Obra Sintética 5:57
219 On Innocence 5:01
220 On Unquantifiable Boundaries 4:32
221 One Plastic Bottle, 450 Years, an Extract 4:18
222 One Way to a Desert 4:20
223 One 4:42
224 Only Suggestion 5:30
225 Onrust 5:00
226 Order From Noise 6:00
227 Oscillations Planétaires: Magnétisme Terrestre 3:19
228 Our Disagreements / Bitter Lemons 5:52
229 Our Tongues in Your Ears 5:41
230 Paleophonic 5:20
231 Palm Grove Lagos 5:01
232 Pausa 6:12
233 Pause 2:00
234 Pentral IX 3:47
235 Perceptual Encoder 5:15
236 Performance With the League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots 5:19
237 Petals 5:59
238 Physical Modeling 7:24
239 Pissed of Wasps in a Plastic Bottle 6:27
240 Playdate 4:09
241 Ploure, for Dmitry Vasilyev 3:15
242 Point À La Ligne 5:02
243 Pointless 4:30
244 Polideportivo Municipal La Concepción (remix) 4:59
245 Praeludium 6:48
246 Pushing Hearing Outwards 5:30
247 Qtqtq 2:25
248 RITZ 4:43
250 Raaswater 5:40
251 Radio Mach Frecuencia Papal 1:47
252 Ravenscar 5:51
253 Re-Enact 5:50
254 Refined Localities Part One 5:11
255 Rejection 4:12
256 Restart 5:19
257 Return to Jägala 5:26
258 Revealing Unknown Beings 2:35
259 Rhythmrain 4:29
260 Rise 4:49
261 Rising Corpuscle 6:49
262 Rites for a New Utopia (Installations) 6:00
263 River Dolphins Hunting 3:29
264 Rueda de Presos 5:28
265 Rumors From the Sea 5:08
266 Répétez Après Moi 6:34
267 Salt 3:27
268 Samparâ 3:03
269 Sampler Mystery Tapes 4:06
270 Sandworm Percolator 3:41
271 Sarò Sempre Al Tuo Fianco 3:35
272 Saturc 4:52
273 Satyriasis 6:36
274 Schnitzel-Caixinha Sample333up Sample750down Glockleiter With Field Recordings 2:05
275 Score for No Land 5:29
276 Scrap Metal 2:40
277 Scraps 5:49
278 Sensaciones Del Río 6:21
279 Seven Magnetic Places 6:16
280 Severe Combined 7:21
281 Shadow From Inside 5:11
282 Sinus Balticus 6:15
283 Sleep 4:12
284 Slinky Piece 2:43
285 Slugwater 4:18
286 Sobre Lo Numinoso 6:14
287 Soft Ditch 3:52
288 Sonido Descompuesto 5:34
289 Souffles 4:18
290 Spandrel (For Zbigniew Karkowski) 5:14
291 Spectral Code Transmission Live (2016) 3:29
292 Spinning in Ecstasy 6:02
293 Spiv Zolota 4:09
294 Stalleybrass 5:15
295 Stampa 4:26
296 Static (Solo Pipeorgan) 6:10
297 Stereo Mountains 3:16
298 Storage 1896-2015 4:00
299 Substation 5:55
300 Suite Fukushima Daiichi 5:23
301 Summum Bonum 5:52
302 Sun Trust 6:13
303 Super Spreader I 5:14
304 Surface Tension 5:10
305 Switched On 2:00
306 Synthetic Ambiences for an Empty Museum 4:30
307 TSFA190929 5:58
308 Tangier Plant Radio 2:00
309 Taut 2:11
310 Tehrsfahan 4:48
311 Temps-Morts~nelsonr.Y_B 5:30
312 That Train Has Already/Will Never Arrive 5:00
313 The Bear Was a Dog 7:15
314 The Billion 5:51
315 The Conditions of Postmodern Male Bonding 5:54
316 The Duke of Excitement 3:51
317 The Eye 5:05
318 The Great Vow 6:45
319 The Holy See / Red Mass 8:30
320 The Invisibles 5:25
321 The Motionless World of Time (I) 6:01
322 The Organ of a Disembodied Voice 5:31
323 The Pit and the Pendulum 6:13
324 The Poetics of Time-Space 4:47
325 The Wood Turned Black and Silent 6:19
326 There's Nothing Else to Compare 4:39
327 This Is How I Imagine Sound Therapy 6:00
328 Three Bear Rooms 4:47
329 Three Generative Inversions 2:52
330 Three Thousand Kichan Demoiselle Cranes 2:25
331 Thunderfall 2:49
332 Tide 3:54
333 Time... Dot 4:57
334 To the End 4:18
335 Todos Quietos 2:50
336 Topology 5:37
337 Tortuna (Henriknordvargrbjörkk) 4:36
338 Total Distorsion 3:19
339 Total Loss 4:26
340 Triune God 6:13
341 Tropical Amnesia One 12:06
342 Turn My Hands To 3:26
343 Twilight 6:22
344 Un Temps 4:59
345 Unseen Intelligence 6:33
346 Upallay 5:29
347 Var Var 4:00
348 Verlust 3:32
349 Vi Retrospect 3:27
350 Victim of Self Deceit 7:28
351 Videomemorias (Soundtrack) 7:12
352 Voice 3:36
353 Volver 6:30
354 WHOLE II 5:22
355 Waking Up 6:48
356 Waldesrauschen 4:34
357 War for Silent Wilderness 5:22
358 Was the Singing Bellowing 3:33
359 Washing Machine 5:40
360 Water Tower 5:03
361 We Are They 5:43
362 Weddell Seals (Underwater) 5:01
363 Weierstrass Function, Finite State Automata, and L-System 4:49
364 Western Harvester Ants and Crows 5:52
365 Wetlands 5:52
366 Wind at My Feet 5:11
367 Windshore 6:06
368 Worm Wood 5:00
369 Yearning Like a Goddess in Pain 4:34
370 Yo Soy Yo 4:23
371 You Know Nothing 6:08
372 [by] Mycelial Networks 4:01
373 [Opening] 4:24
374 A T 5:56
375 Bat Auk 4:11
376 By Cowardice or Courage 5:09
377 D.T.W.A. 4:03
378 Di di Di (Dispositivo de Distorsión Digital) 2:24
379 During, Lasting... Exhibition Piece 6:16
380 El Dorado 5:38
381 Esd*Cat 5:06
382 Field 5:06
383 I Sommersi E I Salvati 3:59
384 Introduction to Haydn Variationen 5:32
385 Krakaaltshort 6:00
386 Modul+ M 6:00
387 Moody Cloudy, Chance of Rain 5:44
388 Morphine Twinge 4:48
389 Mseam 6:52
390 Second Movement for Elastic Tape 2:46
391 Stardust 5:49
392 Tactile.Surface 7:18
393 Tsukubai Part VI 4:15
394 Turbine Hall Infrasound (Geophones) 5:59
395 Unenconded 5:19
396 Veryglitchypatch 2:27
397 Krausch OST 4:12
398 Despasajes 5:58
399 77 (0) 4:41
400 Approach/Arrive 11-5-94 4:15
401 Monotheism 5:04
402 Chair 2 4:41
403 CAPTCHA01 5:20
404 Paessaggio Scalare N.1. 7:23
405 Alberto Bernal - NO Studies #2. Madrid, 2011/5/20 23h44m43s 3:35
406 #0_aansteker-Untitled 0003 3:24
407 Scopophilia_1 4:47
408 Hydrophonie 13 3:01
409 Senza Titolo (Parte 4: Omaggio a Mr. Dark) 5:55
410 4 2012.10.30llrec16.51.21 4:03
411 Vocal Phantoms Tts#11 5:37
412 38:07 4:42
413 Map 3 4:52
414 12 Sines Missing One 3:56
415 DWAVE2 - Quantum Computer / NASA 1:00
416 Ipv6 3:56
417 Détournement Choral (3° Part) 5:27
418 Triangular Progression 4:27
419 Bounces 72 (Metasaound) 4:54
420 Repair Me Now 2 6:00
421 68 Samples at 68 BPM for Phased Heads 5:03
422 L2di- (3) 5:33
423 OI Untitled 7 3:14
424 Xoraak (Parameter.1) 5:59
425 Kwaidan, Part 3 5:26
426 Signal 1 5:00
427 Touch.2 3:47
428 02_2004_la Lune 4:36
429 Op.10218 V1.2 #2 6:17
430 Magic of Deconstructor Band - Fragment 1 6:01
431 @696 Live, Sh2014.08.22 5:03
432 BFY90 5:46
433 El Gris En Nuestras Vidas 2 5:40
434 Sunday 04:30 AM 4:12
435 Untitled (5 Shades for a Grey Room) 2:07
436 LSB3 3:24
437 Pieza #01 3:50
438 Live I.R. Real 8 4:05
439 Bending Contumax Extract 4 3:44
440 Live on the Ship in Bushwick, Brooklyn 3.16.19 6:34
441 Hogweed Plays Bos En Beemd at 33rpm 3:59
442 Time Folding V.3. 7:26
443 Sonic Infinity Cruise (3) 5:09
444 24-24: Hour 5 5:00
445 Metaphysical Ambient 4 5:58
446 Micro Puces V1 (Circuit Bending) 3:07
447 01 Maasvlakte, Netherlands 3:57
448 I.P.D.1. 6:00
449 Fields of Ahh 1.0 2:11
450 January 1, 2019 - Viii 5:44
451 AC RU 29 Part 1 4:47
452 Très-Cloîtres, 2h Du Matin 1:28
453 Octo011 5:48
454 At the End of the Dream, Where Nothing Remains (intro 1) 5:58
455 First Improvisation on Boat 5:59
456 Hyper Chaotic Chapter 1 0:47
457 Ha, Ha! Your Mushrooms Have Gone (Beamish Brewery 2) 4:28
458 44 1:25
459 Saenredam's Dream 5:12
460 Istihdar 1:56
461 Specular Reflection (Liquid Solid Redux 2000-2010) 6:41
462 Fever Dream Two 5:23
463 Alpha Fall 5:25
464 En Marte Hay Vida 3:29
465 Spiaire 5:52
466 Forme Limpide D'Un Reste 3:09
467 Untitled - Sound for Installation N.1822 1:42
468 Innermost 4:29
469 Chaikhana Transistor 3:14
470 Choose Your Conspiracy 5:33
471 Inaudible Ambiences / Suburban Johannesburg 3:16
472 Francés Básico 3:11
473 Sapphire Lake 4:50
474 Through a Reminiscent Reagent 5:57
475 Ghosttransmissions (Pt.2) 4:02
476 Still Lives 5:48
477 Expediency/Atavism 3:47
478 Recollection Pulse #3 6:31
479 The Forest and the People 7:47
480 Rotterdam-BOX30/70 6:09
481 Disconnect 4:08
482 Foramen Magnum 5:42
483 Simian Angel 6:18
484 Weekend Warrior 1:56
485 Sin Titulo 2:18
486 Boids Alpha Centauri 6:10
487 Olinda 5:58
488 Particles 2:10
489 Heat on Earth 6:03
490 Contelación D1 5:46
491 Strange Strangers 6:07
492 Cycle #2 (Offset) 4:56
493 Canción de La Emperatriz 4:28
494 New Ideas for Increased Mobility 3:26
495 Disorder-Gepanzert 6:32
496 Limb 5:55
497 Dossier 5:10
498 The Human Republic of Haiti 5:31
499 Owl V. Microphone 5:32
500 Stalin 5:06
501 Obsidian 5:18
502 W. Churchill 1:45
503 The Inglorious Search 4:47
504 Listen to Me #1 5:20
505 Eee/Aaaaaa 4:14
506 Nothing 3:33
507 Acuática 5:54
508 Lake Baikal Ice Flow Splits Underwater 5:44
509 Trivelogue 5:10
510 Umzug 4:09
511 Interference of Objects (East Yorkshire # 2) 3:12
512 Accretion 5:29
513 Boleskine 6:00
514 Quaint Cloudy and Metal 5:43
515 Antes 5:26
516 Mots Effacés 5:20
517 Sleepwalking 5:49
518 Unmountedmadrid 6:00
519 The Rift That Sets 3:47
520 Edo Ode 4:32
521 Fuck Em' 4:38
522 First Day 5:38
523 Trumpetancy (intro) 5:17
524 Blade of Gold 5:00
525 Untitled A (Athom Afternan') 6:04
526 Composite Particles 4:32
527 Folded Psyche 5:46
528 Fragments of a Lily 4:21
529 Inter (Lude) 4:57
530 I Am Glass, I Am Empty 1:51
531 HALOGEN 5:30
532 Ya Shater 2:26
533 Untitled for Dmitry 1:56
534 Moon Field 5:59
535 2nd 6:25
536 Yellowface Song 5:59
537 Agora Circuit 5:58
538 Eight Shifting Oscillators Spatialized 6:00
539 Desierto Fértil 5:54
540 Delusion 5:31
541 Everything at Each Moment 3:15
542 Pataplankton I & II 4:33
543 Richard Chartier - [excerpt] 5:58
544 Together Alone, Together Apart 6:42
545 Subsequences 2:39
546 Durban Incursions 4:12
547 Nyikorgás 5:00
548 The Scale of Things 4:17
549 Sin Titulo 4:26
550 Bat Eared Fox 5:08
551 Hjalteyri Scales 6:14
552 Shoganai 3 / 11 6:04
553 Brain Inpulse 5:08
554 2 6:35
555 Der Hund 5:11
556 VSCR 6:00
557 Mad LOL Medley 5:07
558 Headphonics 0/1 3:11
559 August 5:05
560 Return 4:38
561 With 4 2:44
562 Metonymy 4:58
563 Earthworks 2:00
564 Tobacco Song 5:21
565 Himnos de Las Regiones Españolas Reproducidos Simultáneamente 4:00
566 Reduction/Intersection 4:56
567 Lift 3:03
568 Desolation Sound 6:25
569 Snowball 5:52
570 Spoors 5:45
571 Vestigial Auriculomotor 4:41
572 I Talked With My Shadow 5:58
573 Short Summer (Plastic Tray) 3:58
574 Erle 4:37
575 Francesca's Barber 4:59
576 Reactable Impro BCN 04-08-13 Parts I & III 5:41
577 Surveillance 6:00
578 Ondness 5:00
579 Rumour 3:45
580 Waft 3:41
581 Tom+Bak 6:10
582 Alone Together 6:45
583 Maremoto 3:32
584 ... Montrant L’Enversdélicat Des Pétales 6:08
585 Bleak Magic 5:05
586 Evanescent 5:11
587 Our Procrustean Bed 5:14
588 Holy Error 7:31
589 Oscillation 5:39
590 404, No Response. 0:46
591 Music for Broken Instruments 5:36
592 Involuntary Cognition Faction 6:32
593 Through a Voice 6:22
594 Arbitrary Failures 6:03
595 Winds of Peters Mountain 5:02
596 Annex 5:32
597 SCAMP 6:00
598 Hymne (Pour Un Fils Des Etoiles) 5:05
599 Straight Arrow (Navajo Prayer) 4:39
600 That's It for Tonight 4:47
601 Please Explain! 7:13
602 Bed Pisser 4:00
603 Je n'Existe Pas 4:01
604 Spindle 3:19
605 When I Tripped and Hit My Head on the Sink of the Love Hotel 4:37
606 Fenomenología 4:11
607 Vertidos Y Mutaciones 5:52
608 Att 5:23
609 Dead Machines 5:03
610 The Sky Was Never Blue 5:31
611 Helmiäiskallo, Myskimalva 4:48
612 Caressing The (studio) 5:18
613 An Incomplete Yet Fixed Idea 6:38
614 Vasiliki 2:24
615 Cytherea Circumnavigation 5:21
616 From a Nearby Bay 6:00
617 Invisible Monsters 4:14
618 The Stoning of Pandora 4:28
619 White Noise Dyed Ash Black 4:00
620 Invisible World 4:29
621 It's Just a Burning Memory 3:32
622 Seafar 5:48
623 Chalet Polynésien À Pignon Pour Séjour-Club 6:20
624 The Voyage of the Decima MAS 5:19
625 Rage 1st Movement 5:30
626 Perceptual Geography 5:50
627 Somnambulist Crossing 3:52
628 Haze 5:59
629 Flankenteil 1 5:45
630 Carbonized and Used Again 4:50
631 Le Crock St Laurent 6:11
632 BFMTPHNO-001 (Binaural) 6:00
633 Grün Wie Milch 6:05
634 Hverfing 6:00
635 Kalahari Fire Birth 5:27
636 Rip the Wall 6:24
637 Mmabolela 5:08
638 Self Cancellation 6:00
639 Apfel - Messer - Fliege (Etappe II) [excerpt] 7:47
640 Sonething Fierce 5:49
641 Water Music (excerpt From Hidden Currents Audio Walk) 3:00
642 Run Amok 4:07
643 Continuity Error #11 5:07
644 Bauer Codec 5:57
645 Calligraphy 4:56
646 Fear of Music 4:34
647 Khutba 4:22
648 Nimb 51 4:41
649 Energies 5:58
650 Noise Patterns (Section 3) 7:06
651 White Film 3:39
652 Ubek I 6:32
653 Music for the Hashishins 4:16
654 Overture 4:22
655 Junglow Drift 1:59
656 Diesel Engines, Lathe, Sander, Gas Turbines 3:46
657 La Predominancia Del Síntoma 3:10
658 Error 4 3:22
659 Fugal 5:58
660 The Hoima Witch and the Songye Mask 7:30
661 Cantino 5:27
662 Samples From Seth Cluett 5:00
663 Nada & Nadie 5:36
664 Antarctic AXIS 1hz 10ghz 5:55
665 Until Presence Rises 4:59
666 Gegenwelle 2:53
667 Spamming Tension 5:19
668 Parrt 44444 4:40
669 Europe in Flames 5:29
670 Melancholia XIV 5:52
671 Xozga 4:23
672 R de Ragudo 3:55
673 Komun 3z 5:40
674 Impédance_clarinet_déluge 6:00
675 Scisssssssors 4:24
676 Ortegal 4:32
677 Crows That Have No Eyes 4:50
678 Scalar Field (Orange, Pink, Orange) 5:59
679 Requiem Pour Un Hipster 5:59
680 One Million Voices 6:00
681 VOC:COMP Fantasies #3 / Za-Za 2:52
682 Diapsalmata No5 4:23
683 110hz_bb 4:36
684 Mono1 2:00
685 Entropy #5 4:38
686 Cinq Réflectances Inversées 6:28
687 Sentinels 5:14
688 Transonic Index Value 4:51
689 Electrostatics 5:41
690 Room 5.52 5:52
691 Jan Steklík's From the Birds, Part II 5:58
692 Bells of Beaconsfield 5:50
693 Organicus 5:39
694 Back From Nowhere 4:00
695 Untitled#321 6:33
696 Clock of Fiths [Totentsonntag] 5:35
697 Threshold and Dispersion of Magnetic Pendulum 3:41
698 Setab0ut 5:12
699 International Internal Catastrophes 6:04
700 World of Stone 6:33
701 Pojawa 5:57
702 Torrente 01 4:50
703 Kdi Dctb 307 [a] 4:17
704 Symphony #2 - Elementalities (Second Movement) 4:43
705 Shimma 5:59

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