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All This and World War II Various Artists

Release: 1976 United States, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 28, Length: 1:35:53, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A1 Magical Mystery Tour 3:52
A2 Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds 6:15
A3 Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight 3:17
A4 I Am the Walrus 3:49
A5 She's Leaving Home 3:07
A6 Lovely Rita 1:13
A7 When I'm Sixty-Four 2:36
B1 Get Back 4:24
B2 Let It Be 3:43
B3 Yesterday 2:44
B4 With a Little Help From My Friends / Nowhere Man 6:56
B5 Because 3:24
B6 She Came In Through the Bathroom Window 1:54
B7 Michelle 4:00
12" Vinyl #2
C1 We Can Work It Out 2:39
C2 The Fool on the Hill 3:37
C3 Maxwell's Silver Hammer 3:27
C4 Hey Jude 4:58
C5 Polythene Pam 1:30
C6 Sun King 2:03
C7 Getting Better 2:19
D1 The Long and Winding Road 4:47
D2 Help! 3:07
D3 Strawberry Fields Forever 2:30
D4 A Day in the Life 4:04
D5 Come Together 4:08
D6 You Never Give Me Your Money 3:04
D7 The End 2:26

Other Releases in Group (4)


  1. All This and World War II, United Kingdom (05 Nov 1976), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. All This and World War II, Netherlands (1976), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)
  3. All This and World War II, United States (2006), CD + CD (English)
  4. All This and World War II, United States (Jan 2015), 12" Vinyl + 12" Vinyl (English)

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