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Qua Wim Mertens

Release: Jun 2009 Belgium, Language: Dutch, Status: Official
Format: CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD + CD, Tracks: 348, Length: 9:7:50, Barcode: 5099996446027
Release type: Album - Compilation


CD #1
1 Geschuifel 2:46
2 Lenige spieren 2:44
3 Katachtig op hun gemak 2:42
4 Kronkelen de armen 2:44
5 Kruislings 2:43
6 Gerekt geding 2:50
7 Fore-Hatch 3:51
8 Feline-Leisure 3:51
9 Pad-Foot 3:05
10 Little Sinews 3:04
11 Twisted Arms 3:04
12 Cross-Hold 3:51
13 Seafoam 3:47
CD #2
1 So That: 3:30
2 Limes 7:06
3 The Ship 6:05
4 Tiresias 3:12
5 Verses 7:42
6 To Be Done 10:37
7 Later Life 4:07
8 Song and Story 5:31
CD #3
1 Part I 14:15
2 Part II 9:43
3 Part III 3:55
4 Part IV 21:44
5 Part V 3:28
CD #4
1 Part VI 31:55
2 Part VII 25:14
CD #5
1 Zo 11:26
2 Of 3:50
3 Ook 7:10
4 Al 3:52
5 Et 18:49
CD #6
1 Tot 20:48
2 En 21:18
3 Met 13:32
CD #7
1 De 30:25
2 Te 27:43
CD #8
1 No-men 27:24
2 Wo-men 21:07
3 Chasms 24:12
CD #9
1 Leaps 26:27
2 Laidback 27:21
CD #10
1 It Serves You Right 5:07
2 What's Mine Is Yours 9:39
3 Letter Of Intent 13:24
4 Quotable Lines 3:43
CD #11
1 How About It ? 15:14
2 How About What ? 8:24
3 Now You See, Now You Don't 26:49
CD #12
1 De blik omhoog 11:04
2 Ofwel daar, ofwel hier 10:40
3 Van wie je alles verwacht 10:30
4 De komst van een ander 18:10
5 Buiten het oog 6:53
CD #13
1 Zie niet 14:00
2 Hoor niet 15:37
3 Wees niet 6:06
4 Altijd haast 21:03
CD #14
1 Waar ik heers 8:42
2 Schillen 15:44
3 Schorsen 4:47
4 Alles gisteren 7:35
5 Het lied 12:24
6 Retorica 6:46
CD #15
1 Plus grandes les part de mort 25:31
2 Plus grandes les part de vie 20:56
CD #16
1 Trouver le repos 23:08
2 Ce qui arrive 5:29
3 Ce qui se produit 7:09
4 Ce qui a lieu 12:02
CD #17
1 Le vrai 11:26
2 Le héros 7:17
3 Le cas 11:04
4 Le propos 11:50
5 La mesure 18:59
CD #18
1 As A Rule 13:50
2 Blank Versus 12:28
3 Leap In the Dark 10:56
4 Relatively Spoken 6:38
5 In Line With 6:32
6 Desert Love 8:05
CD #19
1 Under The Trees 4:53
2 In Terms Of 3:38
3 White Boats 17:21
4 To Stand For 7:54
5 No Darkness 5:20
6 Their Writings 7:42
7 As A Golden Eye 7:04
CD #20
1 't is tijd 2:55
2 O weerzien ! 5:09
3 Van Hot naar Haar 12:23
4 Dat scheiden 2:22
5 Wederom verdwenen 2:20
6 Zij zingt en wenkt 3:18
7 Overal, altijd 3:06
8 Waar wij niet zijn 6:05
9 Een eigen dagindeling 3:02
10 Amper beschut 1:44
CD #21
1 Zoet licht 5:09
2 Wat zegt het ? 2:37
3 De enige troost 2:20
4 Elke belofte 2:23
5 De afmatting 2:23
6 Achter me niets 2:23
7 Wat ik doe 2:23
8 Het oude deuntje 5:12
9 De dwarreling 6:07
10 Onderlinge onmin 6:07
11 Tenslotte... 7:05
12 Wat ik zeg 7:06
13 Voor me niets 3:08
14 Waarheen ? 3:07
15 De krater 7:04
16 Nooit genoeg 3:18
17 In u 3:11
CD #22
1 Altijd Winnen 2:42
2 Dit zegt alles mij 3:11
3 Van eeeee 3:07
4 Olie op het vuur 1:15
5 Zo Was het 3:11
6 Een hoger doel 5:11
7 Tel je polsslagen ! 2:23
8 Met natte schoenen 3:18
9 Men schommelt 7:05
10 Een stomme streek 3:11
11 Later het vervolg 1:50
12 Als muze 1:50
13 Gretig vuur 1:50
14 Nieuwe dwalingen 1:48
15 Zo gaat het voort 1:50
16 Het kortstondige 1:51
17 En aaaaa 1:50
18 Dronkemansliedjes 1:50
19 De wil van één 1:50
20 Weinig meeleven 1:51
21 Heimelijke bijeenkomsten 1:51
22 Maak dat de kat wijs 1:50
23 Egels 1:51
24 Een sierlijk zakdoekje 1:51
25 Een veilge plek 1:51
26 Je hebt van die uren ! 3:06
CD #23
1 Anéantir 4:17
2 Bienvenir 6:35
3 Cadastrer 5:25
4 Dépasser 4:32
5 Empêcher 5:16
6 Fatiguer 5:27
7 Galoper 6:00
8 Honorer 5:09
9 In situ 4:50
CD #24
1 Jubiler 6:35
2 Kss ! Kss ! 5:24
3 Laudes 4:32
4 Monter 4:17
5 Nier 4:57
6 Orémus 6:00
7 Posséder 6:17
8 Questionner 5:26
CD #25
1 If And Only If 2:42
2 Which Connects Them All 2:42
3 Smooth Manifolds 2:42
4 Twice Falsified 1:56
5 Possible Width 2:42
6 Benevolent Murmuring 2:00
7 Unlimited Returns 1:33
8 As Bait 1:43
9 Red Heat 1:43
10 Diagrammic Traits 2:00
11 Nous Sommes À Venir 3:55
12 Secret Of The Stammerer 3:55
13 Whimsical Curiosity 3:55
14 The One And The Many 3:21
15 Still Unbroken 2:37
CD #26
1 Comme une sonde 6:15
2 Uneven Halfs 6:14
3 Answerless Riddles 4:50
4 Obedience Into Command 6:14
5 Urdoxa 4:09
6 The Throw of the Dice 4:50
7 Level of the Membrane 5:48
8 More Grandiose 4:50
9 One Before Two 2:21
10 Incompossible Worlds 2:13
11 The Breaking of the Shell 2:01
12 With Zones of Clarity 2:23
13 Series of Hungers 2:20
14 From the Whole to the Parts 2:24
CD #27
1 Two Before Three 1:47
2 With Sensibilia 1:46
3 From Within 1:47
4 Logical Shell 1:46
5 And Yet To Come 1:47
6 Een Verlegenheidsnaam 1:27
7 Âme - Chair 2:27
8 Against All Deaths 2:27
9 This Lustful Note 2:27
10 In Its Hardness 1:59
11 Subtle Schematism 2:25
12 Large Too Small 3:35
13 At Arm's Length 3:35
14 A World Of Born 3:32
15 SouFFrance 7:45
16 With All His Might 7:44
17 Through Self-Sameness 7:44
18 With Outstretched Wings 0:56
19 Hitherto 0:38
20 The Mildest Of All 0:20
21 With A Ploughshare 1:43
CD #28
1 Trouvaille 4:30
2 Obsessional Paths 4:30
3 In the Meanderings 3:36
4 Pious Intentions 4:30
5 Four Before Five 2:54
6 Withdrawn Voices 2:54
7 Diumal Rêverie 1:39
8 Incerto Tempore 2:54
9 Just As the Swerve 2:54
10 Of Theft and Gift 2:54
11 Silent Imaginings 2:57
CD #29
1 Of Animal Habit 6:09
2 What It Can Grasp 3:32
3 Xerophyte 4:05
4 School of Thought 4:15
5 Perpetuum Quietum 3:52
6 And Holding a Sheaf 8:44
7 Weight of the Heights 12:29
8 Whole Bundles 3:11
9 Wandelende Pijnen 5:08
10 In the Swarm 4:02
11 Reaped in Silence 4:20
12 Great Health 3:21
13 Een last over de grond trekken 3:21
CD #30
1 As Expansive Fluidium 5:55
2 Taille de la vie 3:23
3 Seafaring 4:03
4 Interweaving 4:03
5 Angular Momentum 3:34
6 Happy Harvest 8:36
7 Useful to Us 12:20
8 The Goose for the Fox 3:06
9 Irrational Rhythms 5:01
10 At First Glance 3:58
11 As in Wooden Wedges 4:16
12 As in a Mould 3:15
13 Over het water glijden 3:14
CD #31
1 Water Into Vapor 5:55
2 Selective Pressure 3:24
3 Within a Larger Ring 4:02
4 Truth on Its Side 4:04
5 Artificial Instruments 3:34
6 Returned to Its Giver 8:36
7 Like Inner Commands 12:18
8 The Stag and the Wolf 3:05
9 Working Backwards 5:00
10 As Sole Begetter 3:56
11 This Undoing 4:15
12 In Packs 3:16
13 Absolute Heteron 3:13
CD #32
1 Primordial Fire 6:00
2 Called Caloric 3:25
3 As Place Holder 4:02
4 Phenomenae of Heat 4:02
5 Motor - Habits 3:38
6 Quite the Reverse 8:38
7 Rapid Impact 12:10
8 Quivering Timpani 3:12
9 In the Midst 5:01
10 Always Already 3:59
11 Ideals of Quietism 4:21
12 As a Lack 3:17
13 Gensters slaan 3:20
CD #33
1 As Inmixing 6:07
2 First Things 3:32
3 At All Costs 4:09
4 Monstrous Couplings 4:16
5 Chains of Phenomena 3:57
6 Ongoing, Within Us 8:50
7 Theory of Everything 12:29
8 But Must Be Made 3:16
9 The Grain of the Mebrane 5:11
10 Pure Whimsicality 4:03
11 Undulging Wheat 4:20
12 Canons of Taste and Habit 3:24
13 Its Media Infantilism 3:24
CD #34
1 Initial Enthusiasm 4:36
2 Nature as Music 3:09
3 Qualitas Occultas 2:49
4 Aether Proofs 3:13
5 By Penetrating It 2:55
6 Originarie Expansiva 3:46
7 Room For Faith 3:39
8 Per Spontaneitatem 3:03
9 Innocent Enough 2:13
CD #35
1 Its Maschinewesen 5:04
2 Its Long Sought Principle 6:01
3 As Instrumentum 2:53
4 Cumbrous Notations 3:17
5 Random Groping 4:13
6 The Whole of the Past 4:01
7 Such a Transition 3:39
8 Par chance, sans effort 8:17
9 Apatride 12:24
10 This Necessary Willkür 3:09
11 Without Example 5:00
12 Unless the Hand Obeys 3:59
13 Stolen Legends 4:57
CD #36
1 Next Nearest 1:40
2 Various Alphabets 1:37
3 For the Ausführbarkeit 1:34
4 At Every Instant 1:34
5 Methode of Intuition 1:35
6 Sine Missione 1:24
7 Benen Bol 1:41
8 Alongside and Successively 1:41
9 Arranged, Simplified 3:08
10 You Northerners 2:48
11 Fewer Refrains 1:36
12 Most Untamed 5:52
13 In Fits and Starts 4:48
14 Luxta et post 4:11
15 As a Fabulated Giant 4:11
16 Bodies Into Planes 3:43
17 Periods of Tasting 3:41
18 Far Enough 3:13
19 Within a Wider Cartography 1:45
20 Most Secure Bastion 1:26
21 Into a Bundle 1:36
CD #37
1 Eerste aanzet 3:09
2 Den enkelte 0:50
3 Four Northern Mists 0:25
4 All Desirability 0:47
5 In Fluvia 0:34
6 Begerige deel 2:20
7 In the Caesura 1:26
8 What You See Is What You Hear 1:26
9 Membrane States 2:21
10 Connections Of Possibility 2:17
11 Silent Echoes 2:17
12 Featherless Biped 2:02
13 The Gorged Tick 3:11
14 Of Hand and Fingers 3:07
15 Clinamen 3:12
16 In Close Embrace 2:13
17 Of niet 2:13
18 Third Kinds 2:13
19 Essence Of Modes 3:09
20 Then, and Only Then 3:53

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