End of Gestalgt -Ruin the World- Faith ov Gestalgt

Release: 13 Aug 2016 , Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 14, Length: 45:12, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
1 テラ~蒼い月~ 1:19
2 Battle of Megiddo 4:45
3 Devil's Sanctuary 3:41
4 異世界の魔城での闘い - The Final War 3:00
5 Frontier of Dragon Sword 4:12
6 Schwarzen Nebel 4:09
7 11月16日、私は自殺します、 5:42
8 Faith of Gestalgt (Demo Tape 2012) 1:59
9 Eliphas Levi (Demo 2012) 2:21
10 Transylvania (Demo Tape 2012) 3:31
11 透過 2:37
12 喰x色の憂鬱 1:29
13 喰種 4:47
14 忘却の館 1:40

Links (1)

Other Databases

  1. https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Faith_ov_Gestalgt/End_of_Gestalgt_-Ruin_the_World-/598367