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Mon nom est Personne (Bande Originale du Film) Ennio Morricone

Release: 1973 France, Language: , Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 10, Length: 32:46, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
1 Mon nom est Personne (My Name Is Nobody) 3:13
2 Bonne chance, Jack (Good Luck, Jack) 5:08
3 L’Amas sauvage (The Wild Bunch) 2:42
4 Si tu es quelqu’un, c’est ma faute (If You Are Somebody, It’s My Fault) 4:50
5 Avec les meilleurs voeux (With Best Wishes) 2:05
6 Un curieux barbier (A Strange Barber) 7:00
7 Plus que les Walkyries (More Than the Walkyries) 2:21
8 Une insolite attente (A Queer Wait) 2:05
9 Ballet des miroirs (Ballet of the Mirrors) 1:32
10 La Fable du petit oiseau (Fable of the Little Birds) 1:45

Other Releases in Group (8)


  1. My Name Is Nobody, Belgium (1973), 12" Vinyl (English)
  2. Il mio nome è Nessuno, Italy (1973), 12" Vinyl (Italian)
  3. Mein Name ist Nobody, Germany (01 Aug 1993), CD ([Multiple languages])
  4. Mon nom est Personne, France (1995), CD (French)
  5. Il mio nome è Nessuno, Italy (2000), CD (Italian) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: The Definitive Edition
  6. Il mio nome è Nessuno, Italy (Dec 2004), CD (Italian)
  7. My Name Is Nobody, France (14 Mar 2014), Digital Media (English)
  8. Il mio nome è Nessuno, Italy (25 Mar 2021), CD (Italian)

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