Vril's Soldiers Rache

Release: 2019 , Language: German, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 12, Length: 37:44, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


Cassette #1
A1 Es war ein Edelweiss [To the Glorious Wehrmacht] 3:27
A2 Vril 3:25
A3 Dachau Nightmare 3:16
A4 Natural Barbarism 3:07
A5 Wotan Is With Us 5:37
A6 Horst Wessel Lied ?:??
B1 Es war ein Edelweiss [To the Glorious Wehrmacht] 3:27
B2 Vril 3:25
B3 Dachau Nightmare 3:16
B4 Natural Barbarism 3:07
B5 Wotan Is with Us 5:37
B6 Horst Wessel Lied ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Vril's Soldiers, Brazil (2019), CD (German)