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Data CD

Sounds Various Artists

Release: 1995 [Worldwide], Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Data CD, Tracks: 351, Length: ?:??, Barcode: 722242511280
Release type: Album - Compilation


Data CD #1
1 Cow ?:??
2 Rattlesnake ?:??
3 Rooster Crow- (single) ?:??
4 St. Bernard Bark ?:??
5 Bird Chirp ?:??
6 Blue Jay ?:??
7 Chicken ?:??
8 Crow ?:??
9 Geese ?:??
10 Owl ?:??
11 Rooster- Morning Call ?:??
12 Bobcat Growl ?:??
13 Domestic Cat ?:??
14 Chimpanzee ?:??
15 Cow Single Moo ?:??
16 Medium Dog Barking ?:??
17 Shepherd Dog Barking ?:??
18 Dolphins ?:??
19 Donkey ?:??
20 Bull Frog ?:??
21 Horse ?:??
22 Jaguar ?:??
23 Lions ?:??
24 Pig ?:??
25 Timber Wolves ?:??
26 …This Is Houston… ?:??
27 Go Ahead Houston ?:??
28 Roger ?:??
29 …I’m on the Porch… ?:??
30 Just Two Hours Ago… ?:??
31 Tonight the Battle Has… ?:??
32 Initial Reports From… ?:??
33 Saddam Was Warned ?:??
34 To Be Remembered… ?:??
35 Some Men See… ?:??
36 A New Space Era… ?:??
37 And the Glow From… ?:??
38 …Peace With Honor… ?:??
39 Three Thousand Miles… ?:??
40 …Don’t Kill Flies… ?:??
41 People Say What About… ?:??
42 I Would Like to Have Won ?:??
43 In Which I Made a Flub… ?:??
44 …I Just Want to Say This ?:??
45 …Think of Being… ?:??
46 Here’s Another Schmuck ?:??
47 That’s Groovy ?:??
48 The Policeman Isn’t… ?:??
49 An Effete Core of… ?:??
50 …Obstructed Justice ?:??
51 Well I’m Not a Crook ?:??
52 I’ll Be Glad to Meet… ?:??
53 …Were Other Things… ?:??
54 …I Was Going to Tell… ?:??
55 I Never Took a Penny… ?:??
56 And People Snicker… ?:??
57 Of Course You Do… ?:??
58 Don’t Flinch… ?:??
59 …Fear Itself… ?:??
60 …My Side of the Case ?:??
61 …to Know the Facts ?:??
62 …Pat…a Mink Coat… ?:??
63 …Country Moving… ?:??
64 …Country Cannot Do ?:??
65 …Election Is Not… ?:??
66 I Would Have Preferred… ?:??
67 …Shall Resign the… ?:??
68 …Running for President ?:??
69 …Our Tax Burden… ?:??
70 …Beginning Today ?:??
71 …Is the Problem ?:??
72 …Perfect Servant… ?:??
73 …Nation Is Rainbow… ?:??
74 …Justice a Reality… ?:??
75 I Paid for This Mike… ?:??
76 …Voodoo Economics ?:??
77 …Undecideds Could Go… ?:??
78 …Lived…Century… ?:??
79 …Not…Answer… ?:??
80 …Triumphs, We’ve Made… ?:??
81 Bell Tower ?:??
82 Horn With Doppler ?:??
83 Diesel Truck Start ?:??
84 Police Siren With Fade ?:??
85 Subway Door Close Bell ?:??
86 Pile Driver ?:??
87 Eerie Wind With Moaning ?:??
88 Heay Gusting Wind ?:??
89 Medium Steady Wind ?:??
90 Whistling Wind ?:??
91 Water Drips ?:??
92 F-15 Fighter Approach ?:??
93 Helicopter ?:??
94 Hub Cap on Asphalt ?:??
95 Air Horn Siren ?:??
96 Phaser Siren ?:??
97 Fire Truck Sirenhorn ?:??
98 M-14 Rifle Load ?:??
99 AR-15 Rifle One Shot ?:??
100 AR-15 Rifle Rapid Shots ?:??
101 12 Gauge Shotgun ?:??
102 Uzi Automatic Weapon ?:??
103 Rifle Shot ?:??
104 Explosion 1 ?:??
105 Explosion 2 ?:??
106 Punch/Thud ?:??
107 Sword Shing #1 ?:??
108 Juicy Impact #2 ?:??
109 Bone Break #1 ?:??
110 Crash Special Mix #7 ?:??
111 Crash Special Mix #14 ?:??
112 Aluminum Bat Hits Ball ?:??
113 Bowling Ball Roll ?:??
114 Bowling Pins Fall ?:??
115 Swimming #2 ?:??
116 Gasps #1; Woman ?:??
117 Grunt #2; Man ?:??
118 Woman Struggles Yell ?:??
119 Screams #6; Woman ?:??
120 Sneeze #1 ?:??
121 Sneeze #2 ?:??
122 Snore #1 ?:??
123 Slurp #4 ?:??
124 Belch #1 ?:??
125 Belch #7 ?:??
126 High Pitched Squeak ?:??
127 Audience Reaction Laugh ?:??
128 Baby Gurgle ?:??
129 Heart Beat Fast ?:??
130 Card Shuffle #1 ?:??
131 Coins Drop ?:??
132 Ice Clinks in Glass ?:??
133 Liquid Over Ice ?:??
134 Match Strike and Ignite ?:??
135 Coins on Hard Surface ?:??
136 Full Sink Draining ?:??
137 Telephone Rings Wireless ?:??
138 Telephone Rings Bell Type ?:??
139 Telephone Rings Old Style ?:??
140 Telephone Rings Foreign ?:??
141 Telephone Rings Antique ?:??
142 Rotary Dialling ?:??
143 Coin Drop Pay Phone ?:??
144 Slide Projector ?:??
145 Antique Wind Up Clock ?:??
146 Mantle Clock ?:??
147 Electronic Beeps ?:??
148 Desk Bell Rings ?:??
149 Brass Door Bells ?:??
150 Electric Drill ?:??
151 Chain Saw ?:??
152 Laser #2 ?:??
153 Buzz #1 ?:??
154 Rising Multi Pitch Wave ?:??
155 Bubbling Rising Synth Tone ?:??
156 Low Frequency Synth Hum ?:??
157 Low Pitched Synth Tone ?:??
158 Prop Airplane Approach ?:??
159 Alarm Clock Wind Up ?:??
160 Avalanche #2 ?:??
161 Boxing Bell ?:??
162 Sleigh Bells ?:??
163 Bubble Gum Pop ?:??
164 Clock Ticks ?:??
165 Car Crash Over Cliff ?:??
166 Wooden Stairs Creak ?:??
167 Dentist Drill ?:??
168 Explosion #3 ?:??
169 Explosion #12 ?:??
170 Body Falling/Scuffle ?:??
171 Egg Crack/Fry ?:??
172 Book Match Strike ?:??
173 Coin Movement ?:??
174 Fire Ignites ?:??
175 Fireworks ?:??
176 Car Engine Dies ?:??
177 Cartoon Pops ?:??
178 Footsteps High Heels ?:??
179 Soda Into Glass ?:??
180 Zipper #1 ?:??
181 Toilet Flush #3 ?:??
182 Wood Door Open Close Latch ?:??
183 Squeaky Screen Door ?:??
184 Metal Cell Door ?:??
185 School Bell ?:??
186 Footsteps on Dirt ?:??
187 Open Bottle ?:??
188 Crowd Reaction ?:??
189 Doorbell ?:??
190 Audience Applauds ?:??
191 Door Bells ?:??
192 Unlocking Door ?:??
193 Gravel Hits ?:??
194 Traffic Cop Whistle ?:??
195 Car Horn ?:??
196 Truck Horn ?:??
197 Police Whopper Siren ?:??
198 Jack Hammer ?:??
199 Ferry Horn Blast ?:??
200 Crow ?:??
201 Meadowlark ?:??
202 Seagull ?:??
203 Chimpanzee ?:??
204 Train Horn ?:??
205 Air Horn ?:??
206 357 Magnum Shot ?:??
207 Automatic Weapon Fire ?:??
208 Small Glass Crash ?:??
209 Coughs ?:??
210 Laugh Man ?:??
211 Laugh Evil ?:??
212 Screams #7 Woman ?:??
213 Screams #3 Man ?:??
214 Screams #5 Man ?:??
215 Nose Blow ?:??
216 Large Audience Reaction ?:??
217 Baby Coo ?:??
218 Baby Laugh ?:??
219 Baby Squeal ?:??
220 Telephone Rings ?:??
221 Ship Bell ?:??
222 Alarm #4 ?:??
223 Owl Hoot ?:??
224 Dog Barks Snarls ?:??
225 Two Dogs Bark ?:??
226 Crows Boos ?:??
227 Shop Doorbell ?:??
228 Cuckoo Clock ?:??
229 Ceramic Pot Breaks ?:??
230 Automatic Weapon #2 ?:??
231 Werewolf Growl ?:??
232 Eat Potato Chips ?:??
233 Glass Break ?:??
234 …Don’t Know Everything ?:??
235 If I Don’t Know… ?:??
236 And I Take Responsibility… ?:??
237 Give Him the Shaft ?:??
238 …There’s Another Way… ?:??
239 Don’t Do These Things ?:??
240 I’ve Made My Mistakes ?:??
241 …There Was One Thing… ?:??
242 …Not…Good Judgment ?:??
243 …Judgment Error ?:??
244 Now Was That Wrong… ?:??
245 …Let Me Start Over ?:??
246 …Safety Factor ?:??
247 …Economic Rubic’s Cone ?:??
248 The Answer Is We’re Not… ?:??
249 Sorry About That ?:??
250 …Doing a Bad Job… ?:??
251 God Only Knows the… ?:??
252 You Get an F ?:??
253 Car Crash Small #3 ?:??
254 Alarm #1 ?:??
255 Alarm #2 ?:??
256 Alarm #3 ?:??
257 Explosion #8 ?:??
258 Car Crash ?:??
259 Winchester Rifle Cock ?:??
260 Black Powder Musket #7 ?:??
261 AK47 One Shot ?:??
262 Bullet Ricochet ?:??
263 Firecracker Explosion #2 ?:??
264 Bottle Rocket #2 ?:??
265 Bottle Rocket #1 ?:??
266 Ax Impact Wood ?:??
267 Impact Glass ?:??
268 Double Glass Ding ?:??
269 Cartoon Boing ?:??
270 Inflate Large Balloon ?:??
271 Elevator Bell ?:??
272 Servo Motor #5 ?:??
273 Reverse Ricochet ?:??
274 Bazooka Firing ?:??
275 Thunder ?:??
276 Space Zap Laser ?:??
277 Electronic Magical Poof ?:??
278 Single Drip ?:??
279 Wet Car ?:??
280 Cannonball Whiz ?:??
281 Object Squashed ?:??
282 Body Falls Wooden Floor #5 ?:??
283 Bull Whip Crack #1 ?:??
284 Large Splash ?:??
285 Scream #2 Man ?:??
286 Phone Receiver Slam ?:??
287 Synth Energy Zap #5 ?:??
288 Synth Gun Shot Ricochet ?:??
289 Long Synth Zap ?:??
290 Avalanche #1 ?:??
291 Slide Whistle ?:??
292 Electronic Magical Zip ?:??
293 Train Whistle ?:??
294 Boat Horn #1 ?:??
295 Boat Horn #2 ?:??
296 Car Horn Doppler ?:??
297 Sword Twang #1 ?:??
298 Hand Held Saw #1 ?:??
299 Low Frequency Oscillating Tone ?:??
300 Flange Whoosh ?:??
301 Door Creak ?:??
302 Cartoon Twangs ?:??
303 Air Horn ?:??
304 Fog Horn ?:??
305 Space Zap ?:??
306 Electronic Magical Zing ?:??
307 Bell Tower ?:??
308 Bullet Impact Metal ?:??
309 Bullet Impact #4 ?:??
310 Electric Toaster ?:??
311 High Voltage Electric Sizzle ?:??
312 Gong ?:??
313 Short Synth Rise Fall ?:??
314 Synth Energy Zap #6 ?:??
315 Electronic Arcing #1 ?:??
316 Chopping ?:??
317 Door Open Close ?:??
318 Space Zap ?:??
319 Swish #10 Electric ?:??
320 Swish #12 ?:??
321 Swish #16 ?:??
322 Ping Pong Volley ?:??
323 Bounce on Diving Board ?:??
324 Antique Camera Shutter ?:??
325 Camera 35mm ?:??
326 Bubbling Rising Synth Tone ?:??
327 Zip By ?:??
328 Electronic Magical Zap ?:??
329 Whistle Yell for Taxi ?:??
330 Car Screech Around Corner ?:??
331 Engine Shuts Off ?:??
332 Soda Can Open Fizz ?:??
333 Ice Drops Into Glass ?:??
334 Metal Door Open Close ?:??
335 Rolling Wooden Door ?:??
336 We Will Not Fail ?:??
337 …Finest Hour ?:??
338 …Fade Away ?:??
339 …Kick Around… ?:??
340 …Won’t Be Around… ?:??
341 …Never Been a Quitter… ?:??
342 Apartment Door Buzzer ?:??
343 Grandfather Clock ?:??
344 …Here Is Go ?:??
345 …One Small Step ?:??
346 The World Could Wait… ?:??
347 Let Us Begin Anew ?:??
348 …Let Us Explore… ?:??
349 Let Us Begin ?:??
350 I Have a Dream ?:??
351 Free at Last… ?:??

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  1. WindowWare, Inc. (1995)