Wötan: The Untold Story Andres Guazzelli

Release: , Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Digital Media, Tracks: 35, Length: 4:14, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Digital Media #1
1 Overture 4:14
2 A Meeting for All Times ?:??
3 Charlemagne Advances ?:??
4 The Old Legends ?:??
5 The Legendary Eisenspeer ?:??
6 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
7 Legend of the Berserkers ?:??
8 The Terms ?:??
9 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
10 The Oracle ?:??
11 For the Ages ?:??
12 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
13 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
14 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
15 Into The Battle ?:??
16 Assault at the Twin Peaks Valley ?:??
17 A Hail of Arrows ?:??
18 The Kiss of Death ?:??
19 Godric's Soliloquy ?:??
20 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
21 The Last Stand ?:??
22 The Mighty Knights ?:??
23 The Face-Off ?:??
24 Furor Teutonicus ?:??
25 Rise of the Berserkers ?:??
26 Berserkergang ?:??
27 Into the Battle (reprise) ?:??
28 The Return ?:??
29 A New Order ?:??
30 Into Exile ?:??
31 The Oracle (reprise) ?:??
32 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
33 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
34 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??
35 Yet Unnamed Track ?:??

Links (1)

Discography Entry

  1. https://www.andresguazzelli.com/release/wotan-the-untold-story/