Crazed to the Core Walls of Genius

Release: 1984 United States, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 22, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


Cassette #1
A1 Abdul, the Bulbul Amir ?:??
A2 Magic Carpet Ride ?:??
A3 Barbara Ann ?:??
A4 Down on the Corner ?:??
A5 Motel 6 ?:??
A6 Abdul, Revisted ?:??
A7 Alaska ?:??
A8 The Dust Blows Forward'n the Dust Blows Back... ?:??
A9 Amapola ?:??
A10 Love Potion Number 9 ?:??
A11 I Like the Way Your Boobs Bounce ?:??
B1 Henry the Eighth ?:??
B2 Timothy Leary ?:??
B3 Green River ?:??
B4 Baseline and Mohawk ?:??
B5 The Butt Song ?:??
B6 Theme From a Summer Place ?:??
B7 My Heart Would Know ?:??
B8 Amerika Futura ?:??
B9 Ape Heaven ?:??
B10 Publishers Soliloquoy ?:??
B11 Burning Smurfs ?:??

Other Releases in Group (1)


  1. Crazed to the Core, [Worldwide] (25 May 2015), Digital Media (English)

Links (1)

