Dictionary of Medieval & Renaissance Instruments Various Artists

Release: 31 Dec 2002 United States, Language: , Status: Official
Format: Digital Media + Digital Media, Tracks: 74, Length: 2:18:47, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Digital Media #1
1 Estampie (Medieval Violin) 1:20
2 In seculum viellatoris (Medieval Fiddles) 0:54
3 Dame, ne regardes pas (Medieval Fiddles) 1:51
4 Puisque bele dame / Flos filius eius (Medieval Fiddle & Voice) 1:06
5 Joie, plaisance (Medieval Fiddle & Ensemble) 1:23
6 Tar tara (Viols) 3:16
7 Fantasia a tre viole (Viols) 3:07
8 Deh sì, deh no (Viols & Voice) 2:04
9 Le forze d'Hercole (Viola da gamba & Ensemble) 2:14
10 Life (Lyra-Violl) 1:47
11 Gagliarda (16th Century Violin & Violas) 1:18
12 Saltarello (16th Century Violin) 1:42
13 Correnta quarta (17th Century Violin) 1:07
14 Canzon I (17th Century Violins) 4:02
15 Improvisation (Medieval Wire-Strung Harp) 1:13
16 Fuwëles in the Frith (Medieval Harp & Lute) 1:35
17 Chançonnete / A la cheminée / Veritatem (Medieval Harp, Dulcimer & Lute with Voices) 2:01
18 Mesdisans m'ont cuide (15th Century Harp & Lute) 1:17
19 Tiento para Harpa (Spanish Harp) 0:43
20 O dolce vita mia (Renaissance Lute & Voice) 1:33
21 Poi che volse (Renaissance Lute) 1:14
22 Fantasia per liuto (Renaissance Lute) 2:43
23 La Zanetta padovana (Renaissance Lutes & Archlute in Ensemble) 1:29
24 Paduana del re (Renaisance Lute, Archlute & Guitar) 1:49
25 Romanesca o Guardame las Vacas (Vihuela) 2:05
26 Galliard (Elizabethan Lute) 1:03
27 The Voice of the Earth (Cittern) 1:50
28 Gagliarda prima (Sopranino Lute, Guitar, Archlute & Viol) 1:19
29 Tels rit au main (Medieval Recorder) 2:19
30 In seculum d'Amiens (Ensemble of Medieval Recorders) 1:01
31 Honte, paour, doubtance (Pair of Medieval Recorders) 1:17
32 Triste plaisir (Renaissance Recorder & Viols) 2:16
33 De tous biens plaine (Renaissance Recorders & Viol) 1:31
34 Schiarazula Marazula (Renaissance Recorders & Ensemble) 1:27
35 Gagliarda el tu tu (Renaissance Recorders & Ensemble) 1:25
36 Gagliarda la traditora (A Renaissance Courtly Dance Orchestra) 1:43
37 Correnta sesta (Quartet of Renaissance Recorders) 1:31
38 Gentil dame (Renaissance Harp & Traverso) 1:55
39 Ungarescha (Renaissance Traverso & Ensemble) 1:18
40 Ile estoit une fillette (Ensemble of Renaissance Traversos) 1:24
41 Nutmiggs and Ginger (English Consort) 2:37
42 Correnta settima (A Renaissance Courtly Dance Orchestra) 2:51
Digital Media #2
1 Improvisation on a Llibre Vermell tune (Medieval Organetto) 2:37
2 Je ne fais tousjours (15th Century Positive Organ) 1:28
3 Deposuit potentes (Voice & 16th Century Positive Organ) 1:16
4 Un verso de Morales glosado (Iberian Cathedral Organ) 0:54
5 Canzon (17th Century Chamber Organ) 2:04
6 Mit ganczem willem (15th Century Clavichord) 1:34
7 My Lady Carreys Dompe (Virginals) 1:47
8 Le forze d'Hercole (Italian Harpsichord) 0:52
9 Praeludium MB 115 (Italian Harpsichord Vito Trasuntino, 1575) 1:13
10 Alman MB 117 (Italian Harpsichord Vito Trasuntino, 1575) 2:16
11 Scarborough Fair (Recorder & Flemish Harpsichord) 3:19
12 Rowland (Flemish Harpsichord) 2:48
13 Como Poden per sas Culpas (Hurdy-Gurdy) 0:43
14 A Virgen Muy Groriosa (Hurdy-Gurdy, 'Ud & Percussion) 1:56
15 Puisque je suis fumeux (Medieval Cornetto Muto & Fiddle) 1:39
16 Den haghel Ende (Cornetto & 3 Sackbuts) 1:51
17 Fortuna desperata (Cornetto & Viols) 3:08
18 L'Orlandina (Cornetto, Cello & Lute) 2:07
19 Aria la soranza (Cornetti & Ensemble) 2:19
20 Hé, compaignons (Sackbuts & Ensemble) 2:50
21 Salve decus suecorum Rex (16th Century Trombones in Ensemble) 3:35
22 Sonata (Trombones & Chamber Organ) 2:59
23 Sonata a 5 (Trombones & Ensemble) 2:27
24 Fanfarria (Natural Trumpets & Drums) 1:22
25 Je vivroie liement (Medieval Bagpipe & Percussions) 3:08
26 Estampie (Medieval Bagpipe & Ensemble) 1:49
27 J'aim sans penser (Medieval Bagpipe & Ensemble) 2:18
28 In meinem Sinn (Renaissance Wind Ensemble) 2:24
29 Alla battaglia (Bombardes, Sakcbuts & Drums) 2:03
30 Saltarello francese (Crumhorns) 0:44
31 Pavana la bataglia (Crumhorns & Ensemble) 1:55
32 La gamba (Renaissance Bassoon & Ensemble) 1:07

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  1. https://music.apple.com/us/album/1011747993