Early Works Gate

Release: Jul 2013 United Kingdom, Language: English, Status: Official
Format: Cassette, Tracks: 47, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album - Compilation


Cassette #1
A1 Degenerate ?:??
A2 Bet ?:??
A3 Chime In ?:??
A4 Wall ?:??
A5 Self Criticism ?:??
A6 Ziga ?:??
A7 Chime In ?:??
A8 Bet ?:??
A9 Rubbish ?:??
A10 Fiction ?:??
A11 Wall ?:??
A12 Who Is God ?:??
A13 Degenerate ?:??
A14 Nadir ?:??
A15 Emancipation of Yourself ?:??
A16 When You Die ?:??
A17 Butchery Garden ?:??
A18 Collapsed ?:??
A19 State of Hostility ?:??
A20 Destined ?:??
A21 Butchery Garden Part 2 ?:??
A22 My Anger to Whom? ?:??
A23 No God Here ?:??
B1 Nadir ?:??
B2 Emancipation of Yourself ?:??
B3 Soon to Be Dead ?:??
B4 When You Die ?:??
B5 Dead Shall Rise ?:??
B6 Chime In ?:??
B7 No God Here ?:??
B8 Degenerate ?:??
B9 Scars Remember ?:??
B10 Torso ?:??
B11 Humiliation ?:??
B12 Nadir ?:??
B13 Emancipation of Yourself ?:??
B14 Butchery Garden ?:??
B15 Butchery Garden # 2 ?:??
B16 Collapsed ?:??
B17 My Anger to Whom? ?:??
B18 Chime In ?:??
B19 Degenerate ?:??
B20 Socialized Crucifixion ?:??
B21 Hewhoisassholewasfiredbecauseheisassholeandhewillneverknowheisasshole ?:??
B22 Anti-Terrorism ?:??
B23 Broken Into Pieces ?:??
B24 Butchery Garden #3 ?:??

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/4821337