In An Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin And Violated By Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism And Desanctifying The Pious Wormphlegm

Release: 2017 Finland, Language: French, Status: Official
Format: 12" Vinyl, Tracks: 2, Length: ?:??, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Other


12" Vinyl #1
A Untitled ?:??
B Untitled ?:??

Other Releases in Group (3)


  1. In an Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin and Violated by Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism and Desanctifying the Pious, Finland (Jan 2001), Cassette (English)
  2. In an Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin and Violated by Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism and Desanctifying the Pious, Finland (2010), 12" Vinyl (English)


  1. In an Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin and Violated by Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism and Desanctifying the Pious, [Worldwide] (), Digital Media (English) 25 minute version

Links (1)

