Daimonic Apotheosis Melek-Tha & Corona Barathri

Release: 01 May 2017 United States, Language: , Status: Official
Format: CD-R, Tracks: 9, Length: 1:14:33, Barcode: [none]
Release type: Album


CD-R #1
1 Malkut haSina [BALSHINWT - MLKWT HSHNAH] 8:47
2 Raiders ov Perdition 9:17
3 Oraculum Tenebrosum 7:29
4 Dark Heresy - The Edge of Darkness 7:15
5 Mystical Doctrine 9:13
6 Halitumque Mortiferum Luxuriae 9:07
7 Blasphemic Dogma 6:09
8 Spiriti Maligni 9:09
9 Draconem Serpentem 8:07

Links (1)


  1. https://www.discogs.com/release/10665547